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2005 Kluger CV Sport A/C Codes?


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Just a question about the AC. The other day driving along and the AC stopped working. Could feel the temp change straight away, and the AC button light was flashing. I turned it off and back on again and it hasnt stopped since. Whats the go? Is there a code being flashed? It didnt look like a code just a constant flash. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about anything like that?

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If you mean just the A/C indicator lamp is flashing (as in a manual A/C system, not the fancy digital climate control) then this indicates there is an issue with the A/C system... which you have realised. One possible issue it will flash for is when the A/C control circuit is not operating like it should, but most of the time you would find that is the compressor clutch that is not engaging. Probably caused by a relay or fuse fault. Firstly check your fuses in the engine bay and if they look good, then if you have a multimeter, checking the relay would be a good idea.

I can't really tell you what your fuses/relay is labelled as since I'm not familiar with the Gen 1 Kluger, so you may need to look around yourself. The fuses should be simple and labelled as 'A/C' or 'A/C No. 1/2' and can be either in the engine bay fuse block or the interior fuse block. As for the relay, this will more than likely be in the engine bay and can be labelled as 'MGC' standing for Magnetic Clutch.

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Well, I dont know about fancy but my Kluger does have Climate Control. I dont use the AUTO feature just ac on and dial the temp down to 18. I think Its a compressor issue weather its the clutch or the compressor itself. It kinda has a bit of a rattle to it which toyota told me to "Let it develop". Its still working for now. I got RACQ Ultimate + Extra care so i should be right. Just dont like it when things play up. Just spent all day "Fixing" my Fisher & Paykel Washer. Stupid thing.

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Well with the 'fancy :lol: , that's what I like to think of it as', climate control, usually you can get it into some diagnostic mode in which the display can show a code to help find where the problem is at. Not sure how this is done on the Kluger though. I was led to believe that this would automatically come up upon error together with the basic flashing light warning, but I guess not.

Either way, it wouldn't hurt to check those that I have mentioned above regardless of whether you can see the actual code or not.

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Yes well, it has the Fuel burn and outside temp and inside temp screen build into it so you would think if there was any codes it would have displayed them. I can check those things no worries. I have already scoped out were all that sorta thing is.

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Another thing that can cause temperature issues on the gen1 is a loose temperature knob on the climate control panel (on RHS)

Pull off the temp adjustment knob (pulls straight out) - Behind the plastic knob is a spindle that it mounts on to and a metal nut that holds everything in place.

Sometimes this can come loose and lose contact with the little circuit board behind the clear plastic.

Give it a go - I know there are some other posts around somewhere if you want to search first.

Pretty simple and it fixed mine.

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