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bonnet/bumper protection


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Hey everyone

so the scenario is this: i will be taking a drive into the country (3 hours down south of perth to margret river) in a few months, and im a little concerned about stone chips/general crap that will get smashed into my front bumper/bonnet...

now i was wanting to come up with a simple DIY temporary protection for the front end of the car... my thoughts so far are this:

1. purchase a few rolls of clear contact paper (the stuff you used to cover your school books with) and just lay some on the front bonnet and front bar...

2. fresh out of possible ideas

i want to keep it as cheap as possible (as i dont travel into the country much) but would like it to at least stop major damage from occuring... as my last car got pelted with small stone chips when i drove down south...

couple of questions that i have thought of:

a. will the adhesive on the contact be strong enough to hold itself onto the paintwork/clearcoat?

b. will the adhesive DAMAGE the paintwork/clearcoat

c. should i stop being a cheapa$$ and just buy a toyota genuine bonnet protector (although i still dont know what to do about the front bumper)

i have seen clear contact kits specifically for cars, but they are pretty expensive (althou in their defence- much cheaper than a respray)

any input would be great, if you have your own method, id love to hear it...


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any input would be great, if you have your own method, id love to hear it...


I take it one of those full-front car bras are not an option? It's as good as it gets but kinda ugly unless you have a black car not the complete opposite :P


Edited by Aucix
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Dave go to Supercheap and buy a roll of the automotive protection film. I bought a roll for about 50ish I think. Its really thick. Ended using a chunk on my mates cracked headlight and it works a charm. Still no leaks through the cracks.

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Dave go to Supercheap and buy a roll of the automotive protection film. I bought a roll for about 50ish I think. Its really thick. Ended using a chunk on my mates cracked headlight and it works a charm. Still no leaks through the cracks.

I looked at this stuff before going to the annual in Sydney...didn't go to the meet :( so didn't need to look any further into it.

but i feel your angst Davo...they should make a car-bra from thinner lighter clear plastic with minimal seams that kinda stretches and clings to the front,like glad wrap but stronger. :)

also i think it was Silverbullet (Brendan) mentioned a spray or something that works a treat on road trips,sorry mate can't remember where i read it,my memory sux these days.

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couple of questions that i have thought of:

a. will the adhesive on the contact be strong enough to hold itself onto the paintwork/clearcoat?

b. will the adhesive DAMAGE the paintwork/clearcoat

c. should i stop being a cheapa$$ and just buy a toyota genuine bonnet protector (although i still dont know what to do about the front bumper)

answers to questions =)

a. no, stones will go right through them. Proof? if you hold the adhesive straight up and put a pen through it, it will pinch a hole

b. adhesive will not damage the clear coat - however if stuck on for long periods or under hot conditions, removal will cost you in either heavy elbow greasing or the use strong bug and tar compounds, and many attempts and applications. just imagine that on the front area of the bonnet and the whole front bumper. bye bye weekend/s

c. up2u. a role of $50 sounds good because its for automotive purposes, and the adhesives used are supposed to last from 0 to XXX hours dependant on which one u get. plus a stone @ 100km/h will find it tough to break the layer.

d. should also look at automotive windshield insurance from your insurer. dont underestimate the power of a small stone hitting glass @ that speed. I got one small little chip but as i went on rough roads, the prick make a huge hairline crack 30cm long. what was worst? it was in the centre of the windshield FFS. was a paranoid? YES. replacement was only $30 instead of the $400 odd!

Edited by Wixy
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