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Aurion Presara Shock Absorber


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I just had my Aurion Presara for 1 months plus and during this period I realised that my car shock absorber felt really hard and stiff whenever I drove along the road, and compare driving other car like Camry, these cars really go smooth and you wont feel a hard bang back on you. I went to AWN recommended car mechanic a few times round and round with different mechanic and at the end AWN still refuse to change them. Mechanic told me its no good and AWN said that Mechanic told them its fine ! So I am not sure who the hell is telling the truth. Anyway I know AWN will try their very best not repair nor change anything for you.

In the end the dealer had my car inspected with their own mechanic and he told me that there are 2 types of absorber. Soft type and Hard type. The one that i had is a hard type and there is nothing wrong with the car, unless you want to change to a soft type and that will smoothen your drive. In the end, we agree to pay 50% each of the 4 shock absorber and that cost me about $490 in total. (Because their extended 3 months warranty only cover broken stuff and this shock absorber is not consider broken, it is just becuse it is a Hard Shock absorber).

And he said he will be getting Pedestial brand (not sure about spelling is right).

Are my experience and their explanaion of Hard type and soft type is true?

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Sorry Rudi, you got shafted. First I've heard of 2 different shocks and if this was the case, I would imagine the luxury model presara would be fitted with the soft one. I could understand the trd and sportivo (sports based models) having a slightly stiffer suspension than the standard aurion but not the presara. Can anyone shed any more light on this? Do the sports models run a slightly stiffer suspension? Could be a worthwhile upgrade once my standard prodigy shocks are buggered. (Or I just feel like blowing a whole wad of cash, haha).

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I called up Toyota agent in perth and they said Aurion Presara come with Hard Shock absopter. So that is why i am not so mad but why? It should travel comfortably not not bounced hard back on me. Maybe I should call another agent at different location and see if they say the same thing.

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you would think that if any, like prodigy07 said, the sportivo (both models) and the TRD would have the 'hard' shocks to go with the stiffer suspension?

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I am not sure. Does your Sportivo SX 6 shock is the hard one or soft type? Mine is worst then Camry.

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i honestly have no certain knowledge, but if they are different, then my would definitely have the hard variant as the ride can be quite jarring when on uneven road and even just carparks, little bumps are sometimes hell.

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Maybe that is the case. I will call another agent to confirm whether aurion all come with hard shock.....

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