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Alternator Pulley Replaced - Car Now Wont Start (Assistance Required Please)

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Hi All,

Let me quickly explain the current situation in point form and hopefully a few people can shed some light on the situation regarding my 2007 ZR6 Aurion.

  1. Noticed loud sqeaking noise coming from belt area and the alternator pulley was found to be the cause.
  2. Got replacment pulley, disconnected the altenator from the car and installed the new pulley onto it.
  3. The car was left for a few days with the battery disconnected and then was put back together. Now the car will not turn on.

This is what I am finding strange after putting everything back together:

  • There is no power to the electric seats, the radio, the windows etc. But there is power to the lights, internal and external, and the door locks work.
  • The start/stop button isnt turning green at all for startup. Yet the car still recognises the key as the key buttons are working and the touch door handles are still unlocking the car when touched.
  • The start/stop does show an orange colour when pressed and you can assess the speedo display etc. The Outside Temp show E for some reason.

I checked everything, all the cables are in correctly, all the fuses have been checked besides the long blues one as im not sure how to get them out of the fuse box.

Does anyone know what it sounds like at all: Immoboliser, bad alternator etc.

Any assistance would be really helpful, please ask any questions needed.


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Hello again all and thanks to anyone who has viewed.

Just a quick update,

After working on the car after work today I have found that the car can infact be manually started by holding in the start/stop button for around 20 seconds.

However after the car starts there is still no power to the windows, radio, aircon, accessories etc. The gear shifter also wont unlock as it stays in the locked position. You have to hold down the shift lock button to change gears.

So this can mostly likely rule out the immoboliser and alternator am I right?

Anyone with some information would be really helpful.


Edited by KoolMoeDee
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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback, I've got a few questions though.

  1. How do I remove those fusible links to check them cause it seems they don't just pull out?
  2. How does the transfer of power actually work in the Aurion? E.g Battery-Alterator-Accessories?
  3. What is there under the hood that would cause the accessory power to not work from what I have done?
  4. Even if the alternator has some issues shouldn't the windows, radio etc be powered solely by the battery?

This is driving me up the wall.

Thanks for any input or advice.

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Amazing what you discover when you check everything. Not skipping the fusible links as per your first post could have saved you a lot of hassle.

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  • 4 years later...
12 hours ago, tengis said:

Hey @KoolMoeDee, What kind of of tools have you used in order to replace the pulley?


Just a heads-up, this thread is 4-1/2 years old, and the original poster hasn't been back since 4 days after it was posted.

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