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GSV50R Steering wheel on a GSV40R


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Hi guys,

First time poster, but always reading through the forums!

Anyway, I've had a bit of a search around but haven't been able to find anything, so I'm sorry if this has already been answered.

I currently own a 2010 Sportivo ZR6 and am wondering if anyone has attempted or have any idea if a GSV50R style steering wheel would fit straight onto the GSV40R model? I understand there may be some features which aren't included on the GSV40R, but more so hoping the connections would basically be a perfect match.  Pretty much just wanting to see if I'm able to use the paddle shift features from a later model Aurion, rather than going down the Lexus IS350 path.. (More expensive, etc).

If anyone has any suggestions or links, please let me know!


Thanks :D

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There was a similar question on the Aurion Owners Group Facebook the other week. The short answer is that yes, the steering wheel will physically fit. It should even plug into your original clock spring and allow the basic functions to work. For the paddle shifters though, you'll have to add a couple of wires to the spare pins on your clock spring (there are specific pins to use) and run the wiring to your shifter's + & - wiring under the centre console. The basic functions such as the 'Mode' button, call buttons, 'DISP' button and volume/track buttons should all work, but the wiring pin-outs may be a bit different, albeit all there. Can be done, just requires a bit of patience.

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Awesome, thanks very much for your quick reply. I've checked out a few other's mods on the steering wheel (including yours!) but was hoping I'd be able to use a GSV50R model as it'll be cheaper and easier to get than the Lexus IS350, and haven't been able to find any Blade Master wheels.

Love all your mods by the way. Been following them closely!

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On 1/3/2017 at 10:08 PM, Tobzorz said:

Awesome, thanks very much for your quick reply. I've checked out a few other's mods on the steering wheel (including yours!) but was hoping I'd be able to use a GSV50R model as it'll be cheaper and easier to get than the Lexus IS350, and haven't been able to find any Blade Master wheels.

Love all your mods by the way. Been following them closely!

Thanks! :)

On 1/3/2017 at 10:13 PM, Tobzorz said:

One more thing, sorry. Can you remember from the previous post you were referring to, if the airbag is a different size to the GSV40R model?

That makes sense. Any of the Lexus wheels are going to have the type Lexus 'L' logo, and they are a real pain to change. There is another option I've had in mind due to other people asking me to come up with an alternative solution, but it will involve sourcing the airbag locally from a ZRE152 Corolla as I'm unable to send them via air freight. If I ever go ahead with it though I'll be sure to let you know, though you may have found a GSV50 steering wheel by then.

The physical size and shape of the GSV50 hornpad/airbag assembly is a lot different to the GSV40, but the igniter itself should be exactly the same (twin plug 2-stage type). You can use the igniter already on the back of the GSV50 hornpad, or change it with your GSV40 one if there are any differences. I did that with the Blade one since they only have a single plug 1-stage airbag, meaning I'd have one plug not connected which would throw up the airbag light. The actual bag itself should be very similar however, and I can't see there being any problems should it ever need to deploy.

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On 04/01/2017 at 8:29 PM, Full-Throttle said:

Thanks! :)

That makes sense. Any of the Lexus wheels are going to have the type Lexus 'L' logo, and they are a real pain to change. There is another option I've had in mind due to other people asking me to come up with an alternative solution, but it will involve sourcing the airbag locally from a ZRE152 Corolla as I'm unable to send them via air freight. If I ever go ahead with it though I'll be sure to let you know, though you may have found a GSV50 steering wheel by then.

The physical size and shape of the GSV50 hornpad/airbag assembly is a lot different to the GSV40, but the igniter itself should be exactly the same (twin plug 2-stage type). You can use the igniter already on the back of the GSV50 hornpad, or change it with your GSV40 one if there are any differences. I did that with the Blade one since they only have a single plug 1-stage airbag, meaning I'd have one plug not connected which would throw up the airbag light. The actual bag itself should be very similar however, and I can't see there being any problems should it ever need to deploy.

Yeah, fair enough.  Well I've actually bought a GSV50R steering wheel already and am waiting for it to arrive. I've also found a site which sells the airbags separately but plan to wait so I can be sure the steering wheel and all the wiring will be able to connect up properly. I'll take some photos once I get started and post them up here in case anyone else is interested in doing the same thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right. Just a minor update to this project.

I've bought and received the steering wheel for the GSV50R. After taking off the steering wheel from my Aurion GSV40R, I've discovered that the plug connecting to the clock spring from the steering wheel is actually a different size to the original (It has 2 rows of 6 pins, where as my GSV40R has 2 rows of 5 pins).  I decided to buy a clock spring to suit a GSV50R and see how I go from there, only to discover that the connection between the clock spring and the car itself is now different! Originally I was then thinking of taking the plug (between the steering wheel and clockspring) off the GSV40R and putting it on the GSV50R wheel, but if I were to do that, then I wouldn't have the option of adding in the extra steering wheel features (Call pick up, hang up, etc, as it has less extra wires available) later down the track. So now I'm going with trying the change the plug (between the car and clockspring) so I am able to use the GSV50R clockspring, that way I can add in the extra buttons later if I decide to.

This is where I need some helpful information!

I've had a look online to try and find the right connection, but just can't find anything. One way is to just run wires individually to each pin, but it seems a bit dodgy.. plus I wouldn't want to cause any shorts between the wires.

If anyone has any helpful ideas then PLEASE let me know! :)

The connection I'm after is boxed in red below ;)


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Hmm, strange. Your factory GSV40 clock spring should have a 12-pin connector, but depending on the model/grade (Presara etc) there will be quite a few missing pins on the actual harness side.

GSV40 connector looks like this:


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8 minutes ago, Full-Throttle said:

Hmm, strange. Your factory GSV40 clock spring should have a 12-pin connector, but depending on the model/grade (Presara etc) there will be quite a few missing pins on the actual harness side.

GSV40 connector looks like this:


Yeah, the photo I put up was of the GSV50R clockspring. The connection to the GSV50R has a 14 pin connector from the car side, but a 12 pin connector from the steering wheel side. I was going to keep the GSV40R clockspring and just take the connection from the GSV40R wheel and put it on the GSV50R wheel, but then I thought it might be nice to be able to use the extra steering wheel features, rather than just have dead buttons on there. So I figured if I used the GSV50R clockspring and just change the 12 pin connection to a 14 pin connection, then I'd be able to run wires to my head unit to use the extra buttons.  Only trouble is, I'm not sure if anywhere will be selling the 14 pin connection anywhere.. Worst case scenario, I'll just use the paddles, and leave a few unusable buttons on the wheel.

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Ok, I'm with you now.

* The plug from the clockspring to the steering wheel (where the two yellow airbag wires are) was lacking pins.

* The plug from the clockspring to the car's harness under the dash has a different plug shape from factory.

That's quite a pain.......I'd personally keep your GSV40 clockspring and not worry about the couple of extra missing pins, as they'll likely only be for directional buttons or back button etc that the GSV50 has, which aren't used on the GSV40 anyway. On my one I have a voice command button that doesn't get used at all, and I turned the radar cruise control button into the 'DISP' button, so it all works out in the end :happy:

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Haha. Yeah, sorry for my messy explanations.. Still getting my head wrapped around it all :P

Anyway, I'm starting to think the same thing.. I can't imagine I'd ever really use the extra features, and I rarely use my phone with hands free to make it worth my while for the pick up/hang up button.  Going with the use of the GSV40R plug will probably be a hell of a lot easier and less stuffing around.

When running the extra wires for the paddles, what kind of lug/termination did you use on the wire to allow it to plug into the spare ports in the connector for the clockspring? The smallest type of termination I can think of would be a bootlace. Not sure if it'll be small enough though.

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No worries! It gets confusing real fast so I'm glad we're both on the same page. Later on down the track you could trace which wires do what and then mix-and-match as required, but the main thing is getting the paddle shift functionality working first. I used original Toyota wiring/pins by smashing open a spare plug that I cut from a wrecked Toyota. Most of the pin/head sizes are the same in late model Toyotas. You can unpin the plug, but it's a pain and it's easier (and more fun) to just smash it open. You just have to be careful not to actually smash the pin itself, but even if you do you generally have about 5 more to choose from on the other side once the plug has been split open.

Once you have 'extracted' your two pins with a bit of existing wire on the end you are ready to insert them to the GSV40 clockspring (dash side). You'll need to use a small screwdriver or blade to gently pop up the locking tab on the existing body plug to allow the new pins to actually slide into the connector, but it's not too difficult. The two pins you want are at the top, directly in the middle (refer to the before and after pics below). In the 'after' pic the two wires added are the pink and purple ones. Don't worry that the wiring colours in each picture differ between the plugs, they are actually two different Toyotas and are only for reference. I can't remember exactly which one was + and - but it's easy to work out when you hook it up to your shifter later. Once you've inserted the pins into the clockspring make sure they're pushed in all the way (they should make an audible "click") push the locking tap back down and give the wires a wriggle so you know they're in there properly.

Next you have to lengthen/run the wiring under your dash and to the centre console, ready to hook up to your existing shifter wiring (the plug isn't part of the shifter itself, but on a plug of it's own further back, but we'll go into that later on).




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6 hours ago, Full-Throttle said:

No worries! It gets confusing real fast so I'm glad we're both on the same page. Later on down the track you could trace which wires do what and then mix-and-match as required, but the main thing is getting the paddle shift functionality working first. I used original Toyota wiring/pins by smashing open a spare plug that I cut from a wrecked Toyota. Most of the pin/head sizes are the same in late model Toyotas. You can unpin the plug, but it's a pain and it's easier (and more fun) to just smash it open. You just have to be careful not to actually smash the pin itself, but even if you do you generally have about 5 more to choose from on the other side once the plug has been split open.

Once you have 'extracted' your two pins with a bit of existing wire on the end you are ready to insert them to the GSV40 clockspring (dash side). You'll need to use a small screwdriver or blade to gently pop up the locking tab on the existing body plug to allow the new pins to actually slide into the connector, but it's not too difficult. The two pins you want are at the top, directly in the middle (refer to the before and after pics below). In the 'after' pic the two wires added are the pink and purple ones. Don't worry that the wiring colours in each picture differ between the plugs, they are actually two different Toyotas and are only for reference. I can't remember exactly which one was + and - but it's easy to work out when you hook it up to your shifter later. Once you've inserted the pins into the clockspring make sure they're pushed in all the way (they should make an audible "click") push the locking tap back down and give the wires a wriggle so you know they're in there properly.

Next you have to lengthen/run the wiring under your dash and to the centre console, ready to hook up to your existing shifter wiring (the plug isn't part of the shifter itself, but on a plug of it's own further back, but we'll go into that later on).




So, I've been taking the pins out of the GSV50R plug to put into the GSV40R plug. After taking them all out, I've noticed that my paddle shifts have 3 wires, a black, pink and orange wire. Any idea what the extra wire may be needed for?  Just unsure where to run it to.

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Which plug have you been trying to repin? The wiring from the steering wheel which contain the paddle shifter wires plug into the clockspring on the airbag side, so don't worry if there's 3 pins, just as long as it plugs in. The only two pins you have to add to the clockspring are underneath the dash. Generally the clockspring is pinned for more than necessary to accommodate for different options etc, but the wiring only changes on the actual body loom.

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More so just the amount wires coming from the paddle shifts themselves. There are 3 wires which go into the clockspring from the steering wheel side. So I know one wire goes to 'Shift Up' and one goes to 'Shift down' but just wasn't sure if the third wire needed to be run somewhere. I might give it a go today and will give an update later on!

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Alright, thanks! Another question though, sorry..

So I've temporarily hooked up the new steering wheel controls to make sure they'll work properly, and they do! Except for the 'Disp' button. I've wired it to the same as the GSV40R plug but no buttons seem to control the 'Disp'. What did you do to get around this when you put in the Master Blade wheel?

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Good to hear!! For the 'DISP' button I had the same problem, since on the Blade you cycle the screen by a knob on the actual cluster itself instead of on the steering wheel like the Aurion, so I hooked it up to the radar cruise control button on the RH side of the steering wheel controls (under the hook/unhook buttons). Fortunately in your case the GSV50 does have a dedicated 'DISP' button, but the pin out must be different to the GSV40. You'll likely have to add another pin to the clockspring under the dash and connect it to the Aurion's  factory purple wire.

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When you guys get this sorted, if you want to create a dedicated "how-to" Tobzorz, I will be happy to make it a tutorial for others to access.

If you decide to create one, please supply plenty of details of the parts you used, pics and some basic diagrams/pinouts.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 22/01/2017 at 3:01 PM, Full-Throttle said:

Good to hear!! For the 'DISP' button I had the same problem, since on the Blade you cycle the screen by a knob on the actual cluster itself instead of on the steering wheel like the Aurion, so I hooked it up to the radar cruise control button on the RH side of the steering wheel controls (under the hook/unhook buttons). Fortunately in your case the GSV50 does have a dedicated 'DISP' button, but the pin out must be different to the GSV40. You'll likely have to add another pin to the clockspring under the dash and connect it to the Aurion's  factory purple wire.

No problem, Trent. I'll try to take some decent photos.

I've been pretty busy lately so haven't been able to attempt the steering wheel swap over, though I had some time to look at it today.  After searching around for a bit under the centre console, I found the plug which controls the 'S' mode, but honestly had no idea as to which colour may have been connected to 'Shift up' and 'Shift down'. Can you remember at all as to which colour wires controlled the shift up and down on your car? If I'm lucky, it might be the same on my car!

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Oh, also.. I feel I may have blown a fuse for the sequential today when fiddling around with it.. Haha. Any idea where the fuse for it might be located? I'm certain I checked every fuse under the passenger kick and in the bonnet and couldn't find any blown fuses. I've checked the manual but couldn't find anything.. Just thought you may have come across it while you were wiring yours.

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  • 4 years later...

Sorry to drag up an old thread.

But I finally did this mod today. 

The wheel is from a GSV50R ZR6 and has been installed into my GSV40R ZR6.

I ended up making a adapter harness to convert the 50's connector over to a 40 (keeping the original clockspring). 

I have added the extra pins for the paddle shifters but I have not connected then as yet.

Quite happy with the results.  All the radio buttons trained into my Android head unit and the display button and backlights work.




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  • 10 months later...

Hi Rmack. I'm actually looking at replacing my Toyota Aurion Presara GSV40R steering wheel with Presara GSV50R wheel. Would you be able to share exactly the conversion of the plug pins and how you created the harness? Also, were you able to get all the buttons working to your Android Head Unit? I'm also using a Android Head Unit in my car. I hope it isn't too late to get a response. 



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