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Strange Noise from behind dashboard


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Hi everyone!!

This strange 'tapping' sound started just recently. It comes and goes. It's not the Air con though, because the noise comes whether it or the fan is off or on.

Any help would be most appreciated.

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I noticed that your air-con is set to maximum cold. Temporarily change it to the mid setting i.e. warmer

I cannot remember the thread but it had something to do with the temperature control valve getting stuck and needing to have some warmer flow.

Maybe not the solution to your sound but at least something to try.

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Problem solved!!

Alas it was my wife who took the car and tried both suggested solutions simultaneously so I can't tell you which one caused the noise to cease.

If, however, it returns I shall endeavour to see which of the above was the correct solutions.

Again, thank you very much indeed.



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