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Aurion Cop Car

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If the FPV Typhoons were not enough for QLD police, the newest addition to the Police force is Toyota’s new Aurion Sportivo SX6 and Prodigy V6 large cars which QLD police has now added to its fleet of operational and support vehicles. Queensland Police states that the decision was made after undertaking extensive tests at its Mount Cotton driver training centre.

Queensland Police Recruits Toyota Aurion

Toyota obviously wanting to have a few Aurions out and about as Police cars provided an Aurion for testing prior to the car’s launch, allowing Queensland Police to not only evaluate the car’s braking, cornering and handling performance, but also test its compatibility for internal fittings, lights and sirens.

Inspector Maurice Poiner, Queensland Police’s Officer in Charge of Transport, said the Aurion provided the service with an alternative to the Falcon or Commodore.

“We were very interested in looking at the Aurion when we first heard about it, in testing it was very well received by the members of the driver training unit. It met all our needs. Therefore, we are more than willing to put it in the field.” Inspector Poiner said.

For those of you wondering how a Front Wheel Drive vehicle can make it into the police force, inspector Poiner said the Aurion’s front-wheel drive design with Vehicle Stability Control, Traction Control and anti-lock brakes with Brake Assist made it well suited to the rigours of police work.

“The front-wheel drive Aurion meets the demands of police work and has a number of advantages in high density public areas.”

So for all of us out there who have been keeping under the radar when an unmarked Commodore or Falcon is near by, beware as the new Aurion Sportivo SX6 is being used by Queensland Police in both marked and unmarked roles. Whilst the Prodigy will be used by police management for non-active duties.

Toyota Queensland’s Government Fleet Sales Manager Les Calvert said the Aurion police cars have a strong on-road presence and that Queensland Police’s selection was a great endorsement of the new model.

The addition of Aurion expands Queensland Police’s existing Toyota fleet that includes HiLux, HiAce, Coaster and LandCruiser 70, 100 and Prado.

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this just proves one thing. its a workhourse of a car

I say give the car to people who are gonna drive it everyday under varying conditions (cops, cabbies). it will then prove itself as a realibe, yet ballzy car. People get it out of there head that bomba-dorre is the only good car out there and make the switch!


hell! if the fed police in the ACT use tarrago's with radars in the back, why not use aurions to catch the bastards

and if you are speeding and you get cought, you olny have yourself to blame :P

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i hope in the event of head on's the airbags fail ,that would be nice

hahaha the only good po-po is a dead po-po

are you serious ??

who in their right mind would actually say that ???


yes i am serious... when u get hassled as much as myself and my friends by them whether on or off the road THEN come talk to me... if u don't have anything against them then that's your thing.... u don't see me judging u... so don't judge me if u don't know me...

thank you

what the ****? who in their right mind would actually say po-po?!

well I'M in the right mind n i say po-po... i've been using "po-po" ever since ever... u don't see me saying **** about the way u talk now do u?

now since i never showed any disrespect to anyone on this forum... i would like to be treated the same in return... IF THAT'S NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK

thank you


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if the fed police in the ACT use tarrago's with radars in the back, why not use aurions to catch the bastards

They're Mercedes vans on the side of the road these days.... "Your speed has been checked"

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My stereotype doesn't really help me whether i'm in the wrong or not... they just "assume" that i'm up to no good... i dare them to try their so called "policing" without a badge n a gun... they would not last a minute... show respect and respect will be shown back... how could we respect them if they don't respect us or even acknowledge us

my 2 cents

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interesting how the topic changes....

I was at Croydon Park maccas last thursday night getting something eat at around 10:30pm, and theres all these ppl just hanging in the car park.

So cops come around and tell them to move on, what do they do

1. Start mocking them

2. Crowd around them

3. Call more friends to come around maccas to crowd around them.

Seriously, what is this crap. What is so hard about driving off?

Why not go to a park and hang out there, you can even go to bunnings, go hang out in an area where you wont get in people's way. Is it really that hard?

While i understand the concept of show respect and respect will be shown back, it is a 2 way street.

You do not need to be shown respect first before you can respect another human being. Why cant you be the first person to show respect? To say that I'm not going to respect you until you respect me is bullsh!t, and frankly its an excuse to act like a w@nker.

Its unfortunate that coppers stereotype, but then again who doesnt? If you see a group of young males that usually spells trouble... so you try to move them along, one of them acts up, so the copper with an ego to feed reacts, which causes another reaction by a hot blooded teenage male.... stupid vicious circle really.

d_ice, it really isn't hard to just walk off, while its probably more a male ego thing to have to stand up for yourself, at times some things just gotta give (We've all been there before, and truly much harder to walk off, but you need to be the bigger man and do whats right).

If you respect what cops say, maybe you wouldn't cop so much crap. You'll be surprised at how far a "good evening officer, how are you tonight" will get you. If a cop is looking to stir you, and you greet them that way, it usually puts them in a position where they dont know what to do. I can tell you it is a sh!t load harder to tell someone off when they are actually being polite to you.

Edited by neK
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I only respect cops who drives an Aurion :P :P

but seriously.. its true if u treat a cop nicely they will (most of the time) be nice back. I was pulled over once for being 10ks over, i asked if i could see the readings (it was one of those in-car radars), there were two readings there and i asked whats what. He tried to explain but it didnt seem rite (he must be new), so i sincerely told him "my" interpretation which i was actually going slower than the limit. He tried to explain that was not true but still couldnt convince me that i was actually over. NOW... since i was sincere and not being a d!ck he let me off and said goodnight... but if i was to have an attitude/ego and gave him a hard time bout it, he would have just wrote me the ticket no questions and maybe even be a pain in the a55 and look for defects.

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ofcourse i know that u have to show respect... we mock around with the regular uniformed officers and they mock around with us i mean we both don't take it seriously we just joke around... but the rest they just tell u to move allong even when u'r not doing anything... they kick u out of shopping centers (whetherill park stocklands) allthough it's OUR hangout spot... we're not up to no good... they just tell us we either buy something or ***** off and if we don't get our "a55es" out they'll arrest us for tresspassing... they stereotype us... they search us because as u know every "gangmember" ie: every 15-25yo in that neighborhood is a "gangmember" that's either carrying a weapon or selling drugs or wateva..... that's their excuse......

but the ones that u really have to watch out for are the undercover cops... they just follow u around... allthough u'r not doing anything... literally sitting on a bench... they stop u they search u and they kick u out... they actually warned us and told us not to "hand slap" because it apparently "scares old people".... n i try to act politely like but they just scream on top of u and tell u off as u'r trying to appologize for being an "inconvenience to the community"

and the more ppl push u... the more u're bound to push back... it's just nature

and offcourse i would never be a d!ck or wateva if i was in the wrong.... but i hate it when they just stereotype u and treat u like a lower class citizen even if u're not in the wrong

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You dont own a hangout spot. Its a public place, so its not OUR's / YOUR's its everybodies.

The only place you can truly call your hang out spot is your own home (and thats after you finished paying off the bank :P).

But seriously, i do find groups of young males intimidating (especially when im walking by myself). I just look away and continue walking. But usually doesnt take much to set them off. (eg Having a glance at them and have them yell something back).

Could simply be a case that the person may have had a bad day, and have decided to chill out in a public area, with their mates. Some looks at them (and they interpret in the wrong way) and they try to start a fight.

As for hanging out, its called loitering, and it is illegal to loiter (maybe your group doesnt start sh!t, but others do), and when you're in a group then you get treated the same. Im sure if were you and a chick doing the same thing the cops would leave you alone.

The bigger the group, the more testosterone there is.... the more chance of a fight erupting.

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You dont own a hangout spot. Its a public place, so its not OUR's / YOUR's its everybodies.

The only place you can truly call your hang out spot is your own home (and thats after you finished paying off the bank :P).

But seriously, i do find groups of young males intimidating (especially when im walking by myself). I just look away and continue walking. But usually doesnt take much to set them off. (eg Having a glance at them and have them yell something back).

Could simply be a case that the person may have had a bad day, and have decided to chill out in a public area, with their mates. Some looks at them (and they interpret in the wrong way) and they try to start a fight.

As for hanging out, its called loitering, and it is illegal to loiter (maybe your group doesnt start sh!t, but others do), and when you're in a group then you get treated the same. Im sure if were you and a chick doing the same thing the cops would leave you alone.

The bigger the group, the more testosterone there is.... the more chance of a fight erupting.

now i know that we don't OWN our hangout spot.... but as u said it's a PUBLIC place open to the PUBLIC ie me...... now i believe that it's some sort of discrimination..... old ppl n chicks r welcome but a group of guys aren't.... now that's not fair

now we NEVER start sh!it or fights or wateva... we're just there to have a good time peacefully... and y be intimidated... nothing will happen to u if u don't do anything... if u show no disrespect then the same will be shown back.... that's the way it works

and btw talk about being hypocrites... they threaten us with arrest if we swear in public (okay fair enough)... but then u see them swearing at us.... now wtf!!!

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now we NEVER start sh!it or fights or wateva... we're just there to have a good time peacefully... and y be intimidated... nothing will happen to u if u don't do anything... if u show no disrespect then the same will be shown back.... that's the way it works

True, dont start sh!t and nothing will happen... well thats what you would hope. I've walked pass guys who suddenly yell "you got a problem wtf you looking at"... and i wasnt even looking at them... its almost like they got something to prove... especially being in a group.

And while you and your mates arent the type to start sh!t, there are other guys that do.

Problem is that they are doing the same thing you guys are initially do, just hanging out.

Now im not defending the cops actions, but they believe in prevention being the best cure, so that means stereotyping and moving everyone along who looks like they "may" cause trouble.

It sucks, but thats the way it is. Just learn to accept it and move along. In time you'll just laugh at it. :)

PS: Arent times when you've been really really sh!tty, and you're just hoping someone tries to start you (for whatever lame reason) so you got a reason to hit someone (to vent your frustration?)

Edited by neK
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True, dont start sh!t and nothing will happen... well thats what you would hope. I've walked pass guys who suddenly yell "you got a problem wtf you looking at"... and i wasnt even looking at them... its almost like they got something to prove... especially being in a group.

And while you and your mates arent the type to start sh!t, there are other guys that do.

Problem is that they are doing the same thing you guys are initially do, just hanging out.

Now im not defending the cops actions, but they believe in prevention being the best cure, so that means stereotyping and moving everyone along who looks like they "may" cause trouble.

It sucks, but thats the way it is. Just learn to accept it and move along. In time you'll just laugh at it. :)

PS: Arent times when you've been really really sh!tty, and you're just hoping someone tries to start you (for whatever lame reason) so you got a reason to hit someone (to vent your frustration?)

i'm pretty peacefull... i don't start ****... but if someone does the same to me whether with or without a group (like if they scream out "you got a problem wtf u lookin at") it's my nature to respond n put them in their place whether i'm by myself or in a group...

i don't believe they should ban us all... but if they want they could allways monitor us n interfere if we DO anything... plus if cops r around smartasses won't start their sh!t

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i hope in the event of head on's the airbags fail ,that would be nice

hahaha the only good po-po is a dead po-po

are you serious ??

who in their right mind would actually say that ???


yes i am serious... when u get hassled as much as myself and my friends by them whether on or off the road THEN come talk to me... if u don't have anything against them then that's your thing.... u don't see me judging u... so don't judge me if u don't know me...

thank you

what the ****? who in their right mind would actually say po-po?!

well I'M in the right mind n i say po-po... i've been using "po-po" ever since ever... u don't see me saying **** about the way u talk now do u?

now since i never showed any disrespect to anyone on this forum... i would like to be treated the same in return... IF THAT'S NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK

thank you


Dude ...

I dont care what you think of the cops ...

but its NOT cool to say someone should be dead ...

grow up champ .... no one is against you ... its just a stupid thing to say ... im sure ppl on here have family members who are cops .. do you wish their family members were dead ?? or are only "Good/Useful" dead ...

coz thats what you said ...

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it's my nature to respond n put them in their place whether i'm by myself or in a group...

why do you assume its your responsibility/right to put people in their place?

this is why you get the stereotype.. most people would just say "yeah whatever mate.." and that's that... but you feel the only reasonable reaction is to "put them in their place" :blink:

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it's my nature to respond n put them in their place whether i'm by myself or in a group...

why do you assume its your responsibility/right to put people in their place?

this is why you get the stereotype.. most people would just say "yeah whatever mate.." and that's that... but you feel the only reasonable reaction is to "put them in their place" :blink:

some people turn the other cheek... but i don't... i don't take sh!t from no one... i know that i could always walk away and i sometimes do (usually because my friends are around me and they keep me out of trouble)... but to keep walking while they taunt u just isn't me... it's my personal choice... now i keep telling ppl that there's a difference between a gangsta and a fighter

i'm a fighter... i don't go looking for trouble i mind my own business... but i don't cower away from ppl attacking me

a gangsta (which what the cops think i am) is someone that starts trouble intimidates other people and basically tries to thug his way through society

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