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Aurion Cop Car

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some people turn the other cheek... but i don't... i don't take sh!t from no one... i know that i could always walk away and i sometimes do (usually because my friends are around me and they keep me out of trouble)... but to keep walking while they taunt u just isn't me... it's my personal choice... now i keep telling ppl that there's a difference between a gangsta and a fighter

i'm a fighter... i don't go looking for trouble i mind my own business... but i don't cower away from ppl attacking me

a gangsta (which what the cops think i am) is someone that starts trouble intimidates other people and basically tries to thug his way through society

Sorry i would have to disagree.

A true fighter walks away, they only fight when there is no other way out. If you can turn around and keep moving, then that is a way out. Your friends are the true fighters cos they stop you in getting into sh!t.

A gangsta is one that is involved in organised crime, they do not necessarily have to fight themselves, they have wannabe gangstas aka d!ckheads who do their bidding for them.

A d!ckhead is someone who starts trouble and intimidates others because they are a coward themselves and do not have the strength to face the truth that there are people out there who are better than them, hence they use intimidation to show their "prowlness"

One who responds to a d!ckhead is on the same level of them because they chose to lower themselves to that level. The problem with the retaliation is that it doesnt stop until someone ends up severely injured (or in the worse case scenario dead). The need to be the "winner" and "pride" is what keeps this vicious circle going. No one wins, because everyone who walks away still loses something.

Edited by neK
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In regards to the Police swearing at you, you can always take official measures and submit a complaint about them.

There's always another way.

technically that should work.... but do u REALLY think they give a cr4p about u.... i have actually tried to complain about issues of rasicm n stuff i was COMPLETELY ignored and treated like an ignorant 5yr old that's y i don't trust coppers

One who responds to a d!ckhead is on the same level of them because they chose to lower themselves to that level. The problem with the retaliation is that it doesnt stop until someone ends up severely injured (or in the worse case scenario dead). The need to be the "winner" and "pride" is what keeps this vicious circle going. No one wins, because everyone who walks away still loses something.

u sometimes have to respond... u'll end up with a bad reputation... u have to stand up to yourself... u'll end up with constantly having people taunt u and stuff... u must never show anyone any signs of weakness... all u have to do is have a reputation of "don't mess with me or i'll bite back" and no one will act like a d!ckhead again... u have to show them where u stand where i come from... i dunno where u're from u might do it differently... but this is how we do it in my neighborhood

oh and i'm the kind that responds not only to d!ckheads... but to everyone no matter who it is... po-po's, gangsta's, punks, gangsta wannabees, fighters, d!ckheads etc etc etc


Edited by d_ice
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In regards to the Police swearing at you, you can always take official measures and submit a complaint about them.

There's always another way.

technically that should work.... but do u REALLY think they give a cr4p about u.... i have actually tried to complain about issues of rasicm n stuff i was COMPLETELY ignored and treated like an ignorant 5yr old that's y i don't trust coppers

but that dosent mean ALL of them are better of dead ...

and you lucky i dont have any relatives in the police force .... coz then youd really hear about it ...

saying anyone else is better dead is just a wrong thing to say and rather immature ..... esp on a public domain ...

like something a 5 yr old would say ..... hmmm maybe that why they treat you like that ?????

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d_ice is a ganster yo. dont mess wif him or he'll po po your ***** <_<

omg again with that bro... u see what i mean.... now how could u not respond to something like that... i see u'r just like them... stereotyping every one as a gangsta... i'm not a gangsta but it's very very VERY easy to just make one fone call if i need to... so does that make me a gangsta if i don't take sh!t from ignorant ppl like u that like to start trouble??? n i've been usin the word "po-po" for ages... next thing u'r gonna tell me is that u'r acting gangsta if u call a friend anything other than "mate"... well sorry but i got a different venacular (dunno how to spell it) than yourself... so since i'v respected the way u talk... y don't u do the same... a word of advice son... sorry... "mate"

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d_ice is a ganster yo. dont mess wif him or he'll po po your ***** <_<

omg again with that bro... u see what i mean.... now how could u not respond to something like that... i see u'r just like them... stereotyping every one as a gangsta... i'm not a gangsta but it's very very VERY easy to just make one fone call if i need to... so does that make me a gangsta if i don't take sh!t from ignorant ppl like u that like to start trouble??? n i've been usin the word "po-po" for ages... next thing u'r gonna tell me is that u'r acting gangsta if u call a friend anything other than "mate"... well sorry but i got a different venacular (dunno how to spell it) than yourself... so since i'v respected the way u talk... y don't u do the same... a word of advice son... sorry... "mate"

you are way too sensitive dude. maybe you should go pwn some v6's with your camry to vent some frustration :P

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In regards to the Police swearing at you, you can always take official measures and submit a complaint about them.

There's always another way.

technically that should work.... but do u REALLY think they give a cr4p about u.... i have actually tried to complain about issues of rasicm n stuff i was COMPLETELY ignored and treated like an ignorant 5yr old that's y i don't trust coppers

but that dosent mean ALL of them are better of dead ...

and you lucky i dont have any relatives in the police force .... coz then youd really hear about it ...

saying anyone else is better dead is just a wrong thing to say and rather immature ..... esp on a public domain ...

like something a 5 yr old would say ..... hmmm maybe that why they treat you like that ?????

now i know i may have over-reacted to saying they'r ALL better off dead... coz i remember ONCE... ONE TIME ONLY... a cop was helpfull... but when i said that it was a moment of heat coz my cuzzin got arrested that day infront of me (i don't wanna go into details)... but for sure all the OTHER cops that i have dealt with in my PRIVATE OPINION are worthless to me i wish them nothing but the worst...

and when i was over the police station i was acting all mature n stuff n trying to be the bigger man... but how can i stay calm when they do that to u???

d_ice is a ganster yo. dont mess wif him or he'll po po your ***** <_<

omg again with that bro... u see what i mean.... now how could u not respond to something like that... i see u'r just like them... stereotyping every one as a gangsta... i'm not a gangsta but it's very very VERY easy to just make one fone call if i need to... so does that make me a gangsta if i don't take sh!t from ignorant ppl like u that like to start trouble??? n i've been usin the word "po-po" for ages... next thing u'r gonna tell me is that u'r acting gangsta if u call a friend anything other than "mate"... well sorry but i got a different venacular (dunno how to spell it) than yourself... so since i'v respected the way u talk... y don't u do the same... a word of advice son... sorry... "mate"

you are way too sensitive dude. maybe you should go pwn some v6's with your camry to vent some frustration :P

well as i said... i don't take sh!t from nobody no matter who it is or what it's about... it's nothing personal but i just don't like to be messed with...

thank you very much

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Man this thread reminds me of Icy Hot Stuntaz yo :ph34r:

Anyway back on topic I saw a marked 380 cop car in the Rocks the other day so it's no real surprise that they would also consider the Aurion, although I bet Ford and Holden wouldn't be too happy about it...

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u sometimes have to respond... u'll end up with a bad reputation... u have to stand up to yourself... u'll end up with constantly having people taunt u and stuff... u must never show anyone any signs of weakness... all u have to do is have a reputation of "don't mess with me or i'll bite back" and no one will act like a d!ckhead again... u have to show them where u stand where i come from...

No you dont. If you can walk away, then do so.

How will you end up with a bad rep? Because you walked away from some idiot?

You end up with a bad rep by engaging in that idiot.

People only taunt you if you react. If you dont react they wont bother cos theres no point to them.

You show signs of weakness by reacting and engaging with the idiot. You feel the need to answer back because you feel that if you dont it is weak.

In essence the fear of having someone "think you are weak" is a sign of weakness in itself. If you were truly "strong" and not "weak" you really wouldnt give a crap about what people say. You wouldnt react, you'd just shrug it off.

The reputation of "don't mess with me or i'll bit back" is usually translated in the eyes of others as "dont bother with that w@nker, you're not going to get anywhere with that them cos their head is shoved too far up their own a$s"

dunno where u're from u might do it differently... but this is how we do it in my neighborhood

I'll tell you where im from... im from a place that is somewhere between 3-7 years from where you are, which is why i do things differently.

d_ice is a ganster yo. dont mess wif him or he'll po po your ***** <_<

omg again with that bro... u see what i mean.... now how could u not respond to something like that... i see u'r just like them... stereotyping every one as a gangsta... i'm not a gangsta but it's very very VERY easy to just make one fone call if i need to... so does that make me a gangsta if i don't take sh!t from ignorant ppl like u that like to start trouble??? n i've been usin the word "po-po" for ages... next thing u'r gonna tell me is that u'r acting gangsta if u call a friend anything other than "mate"... well sorry but i got a different venacular (dunno how to spell it) than yourself... so since i'v respected the way u talk... y don't u do the same... a word of advice son... sorry... "mate"

You laugh at it.

1. You're on a internet forum

2. You're behind a computer

Take it in good humour. You'll live longer.

As stated above people only do things cause they want to see you react.

You reacted exactly the way they thought you would.

Do you honestly think you sound "big" and "scary" because you say you can call a "gangsta", no you sound stupid.

It doesnt make you gangsta / fighter / hero / or whatever you want to refer to yourself as if you don't take sh!t from someone, it just proves your the exact image of the stereotype you say you are not. Cmon, its an INTERNET FORUM.

What are you going to do? Cyber bash em? Look up their IP address and hack their PC?

People only give sh!t to ppl who react (in the real world and over the internet), if you dont react they don't give you sh!t because they dont want to waste their time on someone who obviously doesn't care about what the say.

Anyways, listen if you will, but so far your actions have only caused others to believe you are the typical stereotype you claim yourself not to be.

Edited by neK
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now i neva said i can call up "gangstas" but if i have to... i can always have someone supporting me...

i'm only on this forum coz i enjoy toyota's... so does that make me a pu55y???

and i wasn't threatening anyone on the net... i was just showing a point... but if it was out on the street it'd be a different story

and as far as reacting... this is how I do it... it's the way I live it's the way I go around...

and where i come from whether it's age or location or wateva... those "idiots" usually have big mouths... people usually believe them... and i end up being taunted as a pu55y by everyone... now that has happened to me before until i put the guy in his place... now nobody says anything

but keep in mind... those ppl rarely taunt u and do stuff like that in the first place... so aslong as u mind u'r own business they'll mind theirs

now i used to walk away back in high-school... that was the biggest mistake ever... i was taunted and taunted and taunted... but now that i finished high-school... i adjusted myself and changed

now since the way I am now has actually worked for me in the past years... it's been good to me... i've only been in one major fight and the guy ended up shutting up

so whateva u may say, whateva u may think... it makes no difference since this "tactic" works for me

PS... no i don't think i sound "big" and "scary" as i don't intent to... as u said... it's an INTERNET FORUM

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Man, love it how people cry about stereotypes in Australia. I'd love for them to move to the UK or US, or to a lesser extent France (but much more than Aus). It's always going to happen, get over it, build a bridge...i have and i live in the shire lol.

Back to the original topic...My olds are going to buy an aurion at the end of the year to replace the Subie, however i told them to hold off for the new 08 rex :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

the Aurion is a nice ride, the old man is getting one of these soon, would make a decent cop car. I have seen unmarked Mitsu 380s around as well...

also while on the topic of dissing cops i feel i need to vent my increased annoyance with their stupidity/incompetence and general attitude. I randomly copped a defect for my "non standard wheels (17s on legal rubber, plenty of tread) and exhaust" (its a muffler, not overly loud). I was targeted out of a large group of traffic, i was not breaking the law at all, I was polite and friendly to the officer and they still stung me. The guy didnt even know what the RTA regulations are the turd, all he cared about was meeting his quota for the day.

i will also add... d_ice, i understand where you are coming from man, there are times when you need to stand up for yourself, but everytime some clown asks you if "you got a problem" is not one of those times... i am still very much a young bloke myself but you may see that nek is very much right, it takes a real man to rise above all the d1ckheads out there rather than retaliate and sink to their level - sometimes however confrontations are unavoidable unfortunately.

As for police targeting stereotypes, its a crook thing, but look at it from their perspective...the majority of crime they have to deal with is instigated by gangs/racial groups, it is unfortunate that so many coppers run on those majorative based assumptions rather than doing their job free of bias.

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