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Status Replies posted by johnnieboi

  1. fighting hayfever and common cold ffs <_<

  2. one day to go before the long drive down....

  3. Is annoyed, 20k service and injector clean yeilded slower car and crunchy braking. Not impressed as i have go back to town tomorow and i dont have the time nor the patience. >8(

  4. @all sick people... STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

  5. Man, Volk wheels are so damn expensive.

  6. Can anyone direct me to a forum with recommendations of the best way for removing stubborn bug stains off the car?

  7. @ melbourne atm :)

  8. @Duy, just sleep man.. best thing to do when you're bored

  9. imma so BORED.................. -_-

  10. is all banged up...had a little fall at work :(

  11. oh i liek how u can add comments to peoples updates thats cool

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