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Everything posted by spillige

  1. if we all thought that way we would still be a bunch neanderthals
  2. Ahh that sucks. The cop must've been having a really bad day lol on the other hand the cops that pulled me over about 3 weeks ago, must of been in a very good mood because they pulled me over for speeding ''30+'' not only did they not book me but they only gave me a minor defect for pod and exhaust,(meaning no epa station) still annoying but got off for the speeding....would of lost my licence. good to see some good luck come my way for once
  3. 90's jap turbos are still cool....................
  4. x2 what will Man U do now, that ronaldo is gone.............. he made that team *adds bait* cant wait for the world cup, cant get here fast enough
  5. heres some thing simple i put together, complete with burnout rear steeelies........... hey brad that corolla looks awsome heres some thing i put together............note this is not photoshoped :( 2 bigmacs fries and a 6pac
  6. in honour of 1st kill for the many fine pictures he's given us...............
  7. this thread is going to end badly..............
  8. havent done a bling one yet and it seemed appropriote, here you go.........all it needs is tempe tyres across the side :D :D
  9. nice work gentlemen heres a new one.................. didnt turn out how i wanted it, and i think it shows... but its not bad
  10. spillige

    Ugly Cars

    hrm.. big fail indeed and this is what it looks like at the front... yep this is worse than rice... the christmas tree decorations really give the front end that little bit of extra class heres a future epic fail car in the making
  11. ^^ lol to the above, it would work at the strip and would be great for raking your leaves when you get home heres a new one i did
  12. hey toyo you stole my design........... <_< <_< all you did was put a kit on my picture <_< <_<
  13. here you go 11TWO i kept it nice an neat the changes are subtle but many
  14. your hilux looked neat toyo your cars ready for the perth motorplex and 1
  15. answers with....getting jiggy with it You are such a Wharrgarbl. i was merely trying to knock you off your chair, by will smiths constant and hypnotizing arm flailing *cough dancing*
  16. spillige

    RC Cars

    wouldnt mind one of these, any one know if you can get custom one-off body types made up
  17. heres my 3rd attempt, starting to get the hang of this................ took me quite some time because i dont know how to use most of the functions, but im starting to get used to the layers function <_< <_< i had to hand paint the bar because i couldnt find/know how to color parts correctlly, that explains why it looks like poo i think ill quit while im ahead this is to much damb hard work
  18. heres my second atempt
  19. this is how you fail at photo shop............1st attempt ever.............nasty
  20. answers with....getting jiggy with it Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  21. cant say im a fan of the canards.......
  22. awsome thread good luck with the rest of the build
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