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Everything posted by spillige

  1. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! from me to u hunny hope to see pics of the car up soon, no runs yeah?.......lol
  2. ive never seen one for less than 10k........
  3. i wonder if he does every thing with nunchucks, even pull him self? i thought he was going to hit him self in the nuts or something...
  4. that in insane, though u have to think an 8 built to these specs would destroy this engine
  5. for any one that has'nt seen this enjoy Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  6. u can find these on ebay but do not bid on these, contact the seller and he will arange a privite international sale for you. your looking at about $120 at the currant exchange rate some of obx's products are not the best, these ar multi layered high quality silicone, any way ill let u guys know on the quality when they arive
  7. nice car, could another levin be on the cards?
  8. hi ive come across these obx silicone radiator hoses, im wondering if any one has fitted these to there cars. they are designed for U.S 2002+ matrix. not sure if these would fit 2zz, ive ordered a set ill keep you'es posted
  9. leroy the angry lawyer strikes again
  10. sketra i think u have to ask your self why people are targeting you? sketra i dont feel sorry for u one bit, people like me and others will sit arouind all day and make your life hell just for there own amussment. when i see you saying stuff like my life is sad and worthless it doesnt make me feel sorry for you, it makes me want to put u down more i dont like weak people Ascendant Rice will tell u that, thats my view. now with others u seem to be very rude to them this why u are getting the reaction u are geting but once they start flaming u, u curl over and die i dont understand, come to think of it i dont want to understand, my advise to you grow some bollocks if your going to have your kind of attitude around here
  11. Note: the image does not represent my views towards women.
  12. x2 i must of spent 10thou on streetfighter..... also nike when released made short work of the ageing reebok pumps
  13. i wouldnt use fibreglass on the inside, your best bet would be to use a silicone adhesive. use fibreglass as your 1st coat for the outside and finish with putty
  14. take 2 daily, if symptoms persist see your doctor and jeremy you need new material mate geting bit old
  15. hi jj, i have a bit of experience with fibreglass, i see your problem by the looks of it your bar hasnt been laid out correctly dureing the drying process and there for has been twisted and warped out of shape. if u want me to be honest with you your best bet would be to scrap it and source a new bar and start again because it would take some one with quite a bit of experience in fibreglass parts to correct and fit that bar. your idea of useing your top end is possible also, but again id recomend that some one with experience do this for you this is a very complex job it would require alot of measureing and theres a chance it still wouldnt work if done by yourself. id only advise this as a last ditch effort it would be touch and go. if u want to do this i could instruct u on what u have to do good luck
  16. im all for the racerboy look ive always liked it, but vinyl bonnets are very ricey kenneth, that aside nice car.
  17. i vote this.... the best reply to a thread ever.
  18. is it me or is the only time u feel the need to post is when its time to lecture or pass judgement on me? do u contribute any thing else to this site? correct me if im wrong
  19. lol dont worry sketra jase cant help him self , u see he was born with the disease -I think i know every thing and there for i shall pass judgement upon all- its a terable disease that can only be cured by a good biutch slapping
  20. u spelt racist wrong, its not b o g a n its r a c i s t wtf is wrong with you spillage. being a bogan doesnt mean you're racist.... he knows what im talkin about
  21. u spelt racist wrong, its not b o g a n its r a c i s t
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