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Everything posted by Ingres

  1. I don't need to be angry to hit redline numerous times in one drive As for what I did with my car today.... avoided an accident, that's what. Was travelling about 50km/h in a left lane which was a turning lane for a street up ahead. The right lane was standing still. Just my luck, some hopeless b*** thinks it would be wise to move into the left lane as I was approaching. Hit my brakes hard and had the ABS working real hard to get the car to a stop. She decides to stop with her car diagonally across both lanes. My front end stops just before her rear door. That's close Daryl, so close to QR and your car is all prep up for the big day..
  2. yeah the stock standard grill is going to be used, imma have to get a grill from thailand all over again, which is a pain because ive been trying to contact them for eyelids for almost 2 weeks n still nothing... sighh yeah how ironic a bus destroys my car and now i have to take the bus... I am trying to get some stuff from the Thai side thru a Thai friend, not really confident everything will pull thru, but if they did reply i can help you ask for the grill.. can you pm me your details so that we can liaise from there if i get a reply from them. btw there is a grill on sale on the buy/sell thread and ebay, you might want to consider that if you are in a hurry.
  3. That's so much fun.. WOW.... wish i have the chance to experience one of those..
  4. Can't make it to the meet... got to finish up some work-related stuff..
  5. Looks Sweet mate, ya.. interested in knowing how u do the tinting.. Good job...
  6. Congrats with the new purchase.. Cheers mate..
  7. I think choice 2 will suit you since you have a red car..
  8. Ingres

    Evo's 1zz

    Evans, can't wait to see your car when it is all up and ready... Nice :)
  9. Totally agree, ultimately is your car, YOU MUST LIKE THE CHANGES as you are the one looking at it everyday. Exhaust might be another good addition to your list though.. :)
  10. Do u have any pictures of the wheels you are getting?
  11. Ingres

    Evo's 1zz

    Think he is at the meet tonight.. will be waiting for the pictures though.. Evans.. can't wait to sit in your car when i go to the next meet.. :)
  12. Wow Evans, you wash your car at 5.30am in the morning? Amazing.. :)
  13. "Hidden Taco" what pictures are you after? the eyelids? Nothing specific, but I was interested in the way you did your grill and eyelids.. I was just admiring your pics so far but wanted more. You dont have a 'My Ride' post do you? I have pm you, just add me to your facebook and you can see some of the pictures of my car. ingres.yap@gmail.com. Cheers mate.
  14. "Hidden Taco" what pictures are you after? the eyelids?
  15. Michael, the mesh grill looks good in black but i think you should colour code your eyelids, i think it will look nicer in silver though..
  16. Give it a good wash today although the weather doesn't look that good, just can't see her looking so dirty .. :)
  17. lol. she shinning like a star now?? ^^ Hahaha, after stripping her, she will be glowing .. :)
  18. Need to get used to the face mate... i have that feeling everything i wash my car, all the scratches, swirls and such.. aarrrggghhh... Thats the worst part about washing your car. Seeing all the old blemishes and sometimes new ones. Other people might not notice them at a quick look, but thats all you look at when you look at your own car.. Couldn't agree more, super bright eyes just looking at all the minor details..
  19. Had my lowered with kings springs with std shocks for a few months now, everything is fine and nothing out of the ordinary just that the ride quality is not as good as it used to be..
  20. Need to get used to the face mate... i have that feeling everything i wash my car, all the scratches, swirls and such.. aarrrggghhh...
  21. OH NO!!! What happened? -Azza Some chick not paying attention ran up my rear while i was sitting at a red light. :( anyway it will all be fixed and should get it back thursday. Lee, how many days will your baby be in the workshop?? agonising wait..
  22. Welcome!! Welcome!!.. looks like more people will turn up for the Thursday Meet.. :)
  23. Ingres

    Dannys AE92

    Nice meeting you the other night Danny, great to have a Photoshoot on your first outing with us.. cheers mate..
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