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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. OOOooooooooohhhhhhh sum ones got fancy new shoes for their rolla!!!! :D Nice choice bro stick with the racing wheels!!!You should have told me u got new wheels last night i didnt even see them!!!SOrRy!!!!
  2. ANGRY!!!(Well it's true they are a pretty angry sex!!)LOL
  3. The shot taken with the girls remined me of the epsiode of the simpsons when homer goes to the car show and there's that chick next to a sports car " WOW.....Do u come with the car????......Ohhh YOU!! :D Uhh hheee heee hee haa!!!*Bimbo laugh!!!LOL
  4. Hey there guys so sorry for bailing out at the last minute last night its just that it was already pretty late and the missus wasnt feeling the best and she started work at 8am this morning so dun worry i'll be out and cruising on the next one for sure!!!!! :P I dun normally miss out on any cruises!!!LOL <_< "DAMN IT....... I HATE THIS WAITING TO SEE IF I RECEIVE A FINE CRAP"!!!! I think i'll go join the police force so i can come cruising with u guys in the highway patrol car!!!!! :P LOL
  5. HAHAHHAAHAAA yeah bro im reading!!!!! But due to a long story and police thinking that i was involved in a "APPARENT" street race that sum guys had last night with a motor bike (dicks as if ur going to even try race one) on parra RD....they flew up my **** and the cops were behind them they thought i was part of it too !!!! Now i face the wait to see if i will lose my licence and get my car impounded :( :( :( And it maybe sold!!!! So i might not be able to make it on saturday night!!!!!!! *JUST MY F**KING LUCK!!!IF I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN FOR NOT EVEN RACING I SHOULD HAVE JUST GIVING IT A BIG HIT!!!!!!* <_< <_< <_< <_< <_< :( :(
  6. YAY CONGRATS!!!!!On the lip bro......I know tell me about it i hate being a broke ***** and having to save up for ages for stuff but i guess thats the reward for hard work and alittle patience!!!........MORE TOYS FOR OUR CARS!!!!!! :D :D
  7. Ummmmmm i'll take loser as the reply so....... Defeated
  8. thats great if u can get it!!!That will give a few people a big surprise out there but whats the beat u will copp at least one person say "But why did u bother dropping a stivo motor in a wagon!!" LOL :P :P DDDDDEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!
  9. IT (well who knows wat they are)!!!!!
  10. I would 2nd EVL-50a to run this page as i am on the forum 5days a week 10-6pm and have more than enough time to answer any queries about cruises in the SYD area its good cos with our regular monthly meet we are starting to bulid up more contacts with our SYD members and building the reputation of this club as well!!!!! :D So JUSTIN i would be more than happy to help out in this idea of yours!!!
  11. Sounds good to me bro that is what i think we will do from now on but keep posting guys with any other ideas......Hopefully Justin will get this new thread up and running for "unofficial" meets!!!! :D Great ida JUSTIN!!!!
  12. To start up first mod BANG FOR BUCKS= CAI....Cold Air Intake kit with a performance Air filter there are several different brands available now ranging from $200----$500!!!!JUst do some shopping around you'll find a great bargin sumwhere!!! :D
  13. HERE.......HERE!!!! :D I agree with EVL it's all well and good to have the thread for the cruise but it does seem to get abit filled up with other topics and not just cruises in general.....cos like the monthly meet thread i started it then turned into wat time, where is it, will we go again next week....etc.....and now its like 6 pages long or sumthing with almost 3 different subjects!!! So yeah that idea would be very cool!!!!! :D
  14. inferior!!!!(i am taller midget)
  15. "RuNx"

    Hey, Im new

    Welcome very nice look on ur rolla!!! It has a vip look to it!!! Man you Q.L.D. Guys should come for a cruise down to SYD for the chrissy holidays and then we can go on a big cruise!!!!!!
  16. WOW!!!!.....thats allot of baby blue details !!! are the side skirts and interior the same??? Well it definately is sumthing different.....but hey every-one has their own taste huh!!!!!! :D
  17. cut a big hole in the bonnet and drop a big super charger with a trout mouth!!!! :D
  18. HAHAHAHAHHAAA......I'm always interested and a few others probably are too so if it is going to happen u will probably see me there!!
  19. I reakon it looks more like the four door echo!!!!LOL......I dont know why they bothered to bring the YARIS to OZ it is so much like the echo, and it is pretty old in terms of being released in japan.....They should have released sumthing with a fresh new look for example the "CALDINA" or even the funky little wagon "Bb" if they are trying to appeal to the petrol price concious market!!!! :P :D
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