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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. Sick of motivational "happy" posters try these....... http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=fire...roduct&pid=1273
  2. hahahahahahahaha man i didnt see that one me and indecent wanna do a group buy for this cross-bow that shoots suction-cup darts!!!! On our next cruise we can shoot at each other while we drive!!LOL :P ^_^ http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=fire...product&pid=140 OH MY G**D!!! There's a missel launching R/C tank that shoots 10 nerf foam missels!!!! YAY !!! I better start writting that chrissy present list!!! http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=fire...product&pid=512 (Make sure you down load the clip of the tank in action!!!LOL)
  3. You know what i reckon we should do it through this forum and print out a hand book that can be given to all members to kepp in their cars and have it divided into "quick reference" sections such as *parking, traffic etc....catagories!!! It would be great to be able to read the rules on point of being fined by a officer!!! It will save us those long winded arguments with police that know only half the ammount that we as car enthusiasts know!!! MODS IF YOUR READING THIS LETS SAY WE SIT DOWN AND PLAN SOMETHING OUT TO DO THIS!!!! Personally i would love a copy of all the rules and regulations spelled out in a little handbook!!! GREAT IDEA "NEK"!!!!!! :D ^_^
  4. :D Check out this site guys and gals they have some really cool gadgets and toys for young and old!!! http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=fire...=cat&id=gadgets :D
  5. No PROBS GUYS!! :D Ohh well Bill and all the members who are coming decide weather you want this one a TOYOTA cruise or a MIXED cruise so that i can organise the other groups if need be!!! :D Thanks ALL!!!!!!
  6. HAHAHAHAAAHaaa.......Good one Pete now im gonna get in trouble by a mod!!!LOL Actually make it quick because i am not goin to be at the place mentioned for very much longer!!! :P
  7. maybe some police out there should read the RTA site as well!!!
  8. Just to post up one last time who flat-out is against inviting other cars of different makes and models to come to meets/cruises this is the last chance or there just maybe some cars wanting to turn up!!LOL :P It is nice to have a few different cars to cruise with but if there is anyone who doesnt like the idea i totally understand!!! Thanks guys...... SunNY!! :D
  9. :D arent spacers illegal? As far as i know they arnt illegal!? But who knows now-a-days one day you can do something another day u cant!!! <_< I think that its about time that the RTA, POLICE and the GOVERNMANT sit down and finally right a legislation on what can and cant be done to a street driven car and also include what can be done as long as it has been "ENGINEERED" by a suitable mechanic/technician/engineer. So many times we have all heard stories of people being "defected" for certain modifications where they have had engineering certificates to validate such changes to their cars and been told by the fine issuing officer that "Dont show me that! Having that piece of paper does not make it legal or road worthy".... So why dont they finally make up a set list of rules outlinning what can and cant be done!!! I think that since cars in Australia have been modified or "DONE-UP" from the early 1960's or even earlier like on the old V8 HotRods, the powers that be should make up their minds on what is legal!!!! Look at how many enthusiasts are modifiying their cars these days.........GET WITH THE TIMES AND MAKE UP SOME LAWS IF YOU WANT TO FINE US!!!!! :D
  10. hmmmmm..... <_< What ever happened to freedom of speach??!!!! Its alright to say wat ever you want when your a mod and its great that you also have the power to censor anything that other members say that may upset, offend or correct you on!!!! What a F&*king JOKE!!!!!
  11. PPPWWWwwwwAAAHhhhhhAAAAAaaaa.......... Hey bill i dont know......But the guy thats rapping sounds alot like that "RED-NECK VTEC" clip that went around alot a few months ago!!!!! That *** we dont get retards rapping about TOYOTA's!!!! :P ^_^ ^_^
  12. If its hitting the inside of the "hub" then it actually sounds as though you have no wheel spacers but if you say that you only have say the stock Stivo wheels then it is unessesary you only need spacers if you have bigger off-set.........
  13. Well boys im meant to be meeting up with VOY AKA "GREY ROLLA " around 8:30pm-9pm so i guess i'll be out that way anyway!! :D
  14. music (that show on ABC)
  15. "RuNx"

    Flying Fox

    THATS IT JASE !!!!! My secret identity is no longer !!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!
  16. "RuNx"

    Flying Fox

    man if i could have pet flying foxes i would or maybe i can train them to fly to castlehill and Sh17 on your car jase!!LOL :P (if any one has had bat crap on their car aint it messy) !!!LOL Nahhh jase im actually Steve Irwin in disguise think about he does promote for TOYOTA!!!LOL "CRIKEY "!!!!! :P :D :D ^_^ ^_^
  17. "RuNx"

    Flying Fox

    man flying foxes are cute as bro they have faces like foxes (as the name suggests) and they get really ****** off the nectre from the fruit and you can pick them up and play with them!!!!!
  18. "RuNx"


    GOOD LUCK with work and your personal life Craig!!! It was nive to meet you!!!Sooo when you making a trip back down to SYDNEY!!??
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