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Everything posted by dwee.

  1. I sense this discussion about ZZEs vs ZREs will become more frequent with time.. :( I own a ZRE and I'm telling you, in a straight line, we won't beat a s'tivo. Around the corners, it's possible but that depends on your skill, if you can drive, if you have balls, the skill of the other driver, the mods on either car etc to a list a few. You can beat s'tivos on launch if you're lucky and get ahead, what happens when you hit 6k rpm? Like Kenneth said, maybe the s'tivo driver was a noob. Maybe that driver thought he could drive 'cause he had a stick. Maybe it was a Levin rather than a s'tivo. I don't know, just saying there are so many different scenarios..
  2. The weekly meets tend to be westside. Some of the monthly meets are East/South-East. By the way, I'm not from the West, as it may appear that I am. Haha Wicked, let me know. I'll be out with Trung & friends that night and should be able to come afterwards.
  3. I believe I saw the an Victorian Flood Appeal in the paper? Not sure That is fine, RE: bread, salad and leftovers. Let me know how much the things you buy. :) 1. TroysRollaSX 2. Private Number 3. KenshinX 4. eviltwin (maybe) 5. Tash 6. Barb 7. benji4138 8. Tofuboi? 9. le.vinh.zr 10. dwee 11. 1stKill 12. dorifto 13. A Buff Hamster? 14. YinG 15. 16. 17. 18.
  4. Thanks for the suggestion! Googled it and looks decent place to have bbq and take photos! I had a quick look and thinking about either River Red Gum Picnic Reserve or the Kite Run Reserve in the Bundoora Park. I'm leaning towards the Red Gum Picnic Reserve but will confirm tmr after work. Troy, what do you think? Have you been there before?
  5. HAHAHA!! And for sure, the current situation is just devastating! Everyone donate a bit to help, this is what Australians do best! Yeah, sorry, I meant the 30th. I got a tender due on the 31st..lol post above edited.
  6. Thanks Troy! (one of the newer club members :)) Yeah that's fair enough, I was thinking more of a lunch thing. Really thinking of taking Troy's suggestion below of Bundoora Park. I think I'll take a look after work tmr since it's on the way home! Also, it will be similar to last time the boys from Sydney were down, everyone donates, we have bbq, chat, take photos, eat more, chat more, let Mick make out with his car lol. End of the day, money donated will be to Flood appeal on behalf of TOCAU. :) I'll be avoiding the city. If you want, list your the suburb where you live, and people that live in the same area can drive to the location together so it want be boring and meet/know a few faces before meeting everyone else. :)
  7. Awesome! :) Nathan: No pressure mate! If you can come, you can come! If not, don't stress about it! :) Well both myself and Barb are female and we'll have our cars, plus quite a few of the guys bring their girlfriends along. Plus all the boys are pussycats Hahaha as Tash said, there are Tash, Barb and the boys' girlfriends that come along. Tash also made a good point below and you might find that we are an easy-going and friendly group; we don't bite! You can bring a friend or two, that's no problem - just let me know so I can organise food if need be. Location and time is still pending but date is locked for the Sunday 30th of January! Looking forward to meeting you. :) Geez thanks mate, don't start giving me a bad rep! Haha like we discussed on the phone earlier, JDMST meet is a possibility but depending on what we do. I also want to do a charity/fundraiser kind of thing for the QLD floods (initially), but due to recent events of flooding in Victoria as well, not sure how I will go about this. 50-50?
  8. 2009 Corolla ZR; 46xxx kms BP Ultimate. Average 45L 650kms (6.9L/100kms) at fill-up. And no, I don't short/granny shift at all, never! :)
  9. Kenneth, one thing popped into my mind straight away. I guess I'll wait and see if it's correct! :P
  10. Oh nice find Pete! Are you getting one? (general question) :P
  11. Looking awesome! What's next?
  12. Will you actually get there at 9pm Thommo? Or will I be waiting mate? :P
  13. Shop around a bit more, you might be able get a '05 stivo for less than 17k. Well, this was similar to my situation (kind of). I was going to get a '99 WRX STi but decided to go for a new Corolla ZR. The way I see is this; both are Corollas and will be both reliable and fuel efficient, supposing you pick a well-looked after stivo and the saying is "if you look after your car, the car will look after you". Stivo have heaps of parts readily available, opposed to the new Corolla; being new parts are a bit harder to get but will become more readily available with time. Ok, now I'll tell you the reasons why I went with a new Corolla instead of a STi. Firstly, it's a new car. You'd have it from the start and you'll know everything (and everything) that happens or what you have changed (making it easy guessing work if some problem arises). Secondly, it's not as "fun" but you can certainly make the new Corolla more fun! Thirdly, it also had all the nice cool features, which I love! Haha saying that, if I didn't save as much, I would have gone for a '05 stivo without the drop of a hat. Like eviltwin above said, you have to get a good stivo; make sure it's stock otherwise it would have been most likely given a bit of thrash. I hoped that helped somehow. Haha :) Peter.
  14. What Duy said, we're having a one:many date loll I forgot about Alex, Quang and Steve; looks like we might be having one hell of a party! Lol
  15. Pending, Trung (dorifto) and I might come a bit later in the night. :)
  16. Ok, you know the deal! Copy and add your name if you're attending! B) 1. TroysRollaSX 2. Private Number 3. KenshinX 4. eviltwin (maybe) 5. Tash 6. Barb 7. benji4138 8. Tofuboi? 9. le.vinh.zr 10. dwee 11. 1stKill 12. dorifto 13. 14. 15. On a side note, to help our fellow friends facing a difficult time in QLD, any profits (if there is such payment for food etc) or if people feel like donating will be collected on the day and I will send it all on behalf of the TOCAU Community!! :)
  17. Hey Reece, will definitely consider it! Could you please pm me of what you have in mind or fb pm me? Thanks. Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you! :) Wicked! Barb will be driving? :P Still don't know what to do, have to decide soon.. Lol
  18. Thanks Cuong! Need to wax and clean the interior though. Also need to play around with my camera more.. :D
  19. Not much of an update. Finally got my stock HID lows re-adjusted at Toyota! :D They think my car is low..yeah right! Far from it! Still working out the install of the reversing camera, at least I know how another member's setup is now. It involves removing one of the number plate lights and putting the cord for the camera through there. Will give it a shot soon. Here are a couple shots of a recent trip to Phillip Island with mates, enjoy! Thanks for looking! :) Peter.
  20. LOL I'm thinking the 30th? Lock it in? (Johnnie's coming back on the 20th) As for what's planned, well that's still under works. :) At present, these are the options/ideas (in no particular order or preference): 1. Steamboat in the city (Plenty of parking if it's on a Sunday). Eat & chat. 2. Pecking Duck in Hawthorn (Parking could be a problem). Eat & chat. 3. Picnic at either Fitzroy Gardens or Royal Botanic Gardens. Prepared food, eat, chat, shots of park & city in background. 4. BBQ at another park (quite possibly Yarra Blvd or Footscray Park). Eat, chat and take shots. What do you guys think? :P First post updated! Trung, what about the 30th?
  21. I have no idea, will speak with him later. Sounds good, but that means you have to stop drinking a bit early for the 30th Jan?
  22. If that's an installed price, that's a different story!
  23. Better to go for turbo for that price? Maybe? I guess it depends how this s/c setup is..
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