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Everything posted by dwee.

  1. Good job and taste as per usual. ;) So, who's next? :P Hahahaha! Love the intake! Hmmm Peter.
  2. Bummer about the DC Sports, but awesome news about Weapon-R!! Good work mate! I'm assuming this is for the US sedan? Same as the Weapon-R intake system? And I thought custom headers would be more expensive? Peter. P.S. you've disappeared off this forum! :P
  3. If you guys want go-karts, let me know asap! Need to book in early to secure spot! (Break-up/XMAS period is very busy for go-karts) I will try to get a group discount. But this depends on the amount of people confirmed. There will around 18ish people on the track, so depending on the amount of people confirmed determines whether we do a single or double booking. Will definitely be hard to organise for sure. Let me know you guys think. :) Peter.
  4. Welcome! I have seen them up close and man, wouldn't mind to drive one! :) +1 with creating a member rides thread! Peter.
  5. Welcome aboard! What with your profile do you have trouble updating exactly? PM me or Johnnieboi your number and we'll give you a yell the next time we meet up! :) Peter.
  6. Yeah Pete! Where are these new mods you were talking about..? Peter.
  7. dwee.

    Evo's 1zz

    Need more red, it will pull harder! :P Peter.
  8. Wise words from a wise man! :P Thanks mate! Great meeting you. Should come to meets from now on hey?! Love the colour of your car and yes, it's good to see different cars! :P This ^^^^ Hahahaha!! Love it! :P True that, thanks Pete! Will definitely try it on my existing badge. If all fails, I will just buy another one since it's not that expensive. Will be buying a rear Toyota badge to blacken. Probably get the chance to do everything after exams though! :)
  9. Thanks guys! I'll be going to get some later today! Definitely mothers clay kit and probably gold class wax or nxt 2.0 wax. :) Peter.
  10. Thanks for that Andrew! I've been looking up the Mothers sponsor section and the link to their store. Prices are cheaper than supercheap but says nothing about shipping costs (unless you provide details and check out). Do you happen to know how much shipping is? Thanks in advance! Peter.
  11. I was thinking about getting the Mothers Clay Bar System for $39 from Supercheap (since we are sponsored by them :P), but since I read this, I might get the Meguiars Quik Clay Kit? Everyone seems to prefer Meguiars.. So confused..Don't know which wax to get from Meguiars..there are so many versions of wax? Peter.
  12. Yep. Yeah, was talking to John yesterday and he was talking about this, so it just clicked. Welcome by the way! :P
  13. Looking hot and PHATTTT! Is your car sitting level Ray? You're making me want to drop my car even more.. Nice work Peter!
  14. I heard it's all good now right? Assuming this person is my friend's cousin? Silver facelift? :P If he still wants the eyelids, ask Andy if he still has them. See the FS thread here. It's unpainted. Peter.
  15. If you get those wheels, you can do this as well.. I was thinking about this before. :P Peter.
  16. Yep, thanks for the advice Pete; definitely will practice on something else first. :) Do you think I need to buy another ZR badge with the adhesive? I'm also tempted to get rid of everything except the black rear Toyota badge, but I think it will look too naked.. And if you haven't noticed, I'm looking at simple, small mods to add the final touches.. :P
  17. Stop being a bad influence Duy! Do you want someone to re-do your driveway or not? Yes? Then let me finish! :P :P
  18. I agree 100% with Andy and Trung with what they have said. Also like gourou said, I have seen plenty of times people overtaking in high risk areas or when they shouldn't be in the last few cruises and meets. Last Sunday was no exception. Saw the same guy (gourou was talking about) and another person overtaking right before a corner and was thinking "why the f are you overtaking there?" but at the same time hoping that they will safely make it.. That other person would've been me gourou and props to you mate; that is what people should be doing. If you noticed, I was never closer than 5 car lengths when I was behind you. I hate tailgaters and pressure from 'faster' drivers behind and this is why I do so. If someone was up my a**, I would pull over as well - it's simply not worth risking your life and others. If you want to go 100% and prove you're faster, go to the track like others have said. Simple as that!. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say I'm experienced, but people should know their limits and if they don't, drive accordingly. Peter.
  19. Hahaha I was joking Tash, I'm the same age as you! Hahaha :P yep, last semester! Woooo cannot wait!
  20. dwee.

    Vick's Aurion

    +1, Don't get it either...looks like a rather big street?? Have the insurance company managed to 'tow' it yet? When do scum learn not to be jealous and that we are not rich, but rather that we save hard for things we want for our cars..? This also applies to people that go and key other people's cars just because it looks nice.. :(
  21. The Cusco rear sway should be ok with all spring setups! And good work with the coilies! Hehehe Nice and sunny for a meet and cruise! Also, I have found this while looking through the JDMST forums. This is what you meant with the Levin ZR badge, right Pete? Only problem is not sure how to put it back on.. use which type of adhesive to use or do I have to buy another Levin ZR badge? Also, before the September meet, I put the rear dampener settings up to 18 clicks, so now it is F:20/R:18 clicks from softest! And with the addition of the Cusco rear sway, it was a brilliant drive!! Thanks for looking! :) Peter.
  22. Love it every time I see up close! :D And about the black roof, I'm not sure I would do it either if I was you... too much black? Peter.
  23. dwee.

    Vick's Aurion

    I just read this... :( :(
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