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Posts posted by addy287

  1. Thanks for the reply guys. At the moment I'm actually borrowing an amp from a friend (which is seriously underpowering my sub haha) so I'm looking around for a good one.

    Can anyone suggest a good amp that has the remote gain? the only one i could find was a kenwood one which by the way was waaay out of my budget.

    FYI: running a 1000W sub ONLY off the amp, so somewhere over a 500W Mono would be good

  2. Hey all. just wondering is it possible to add like a dimmer to the 12v power supply going to the amp, which is powering the sub? just to add the convenience of adjusting the volume without having to go to the boot to change the gain.

    thanks heaps in advance

  3. just thought i would keep you informed.. and maybe u can suggest sumething else to try.

    this arvo, i went to my friends house with a terminal tester to see if we could find anything helpfull. wot we found is kinda confusing.

    1. both bulbs are working fine (HB3)

    2. however, only 300mV is getting to the globes from the circuit.

    3. nothing seems to be wron with the switch, as we took that apart and tested the amount of power going through.

    4. Relay is brand spanking new, so i dont think that is a problem.

    5. both fuses are in good working order.

    i dont know where to turn to, i am considering just taking it to an auto electrician but dont want to be left with a big fat bill. thought i would try posting up here again if anyone can help.

    thanks in advance

  4. Hey all, just thought i'd jump in here to give my experinces with sum coilovers.

    Friend has BC coils on an S13, drives it like stink. track days, the gorge (NSW)... he gives them a big thumbs up, nothing bad so far

    Another friend has Bilistein on an E39 530i M, like the S13, drives the rings off it....no bad comments from him

    Brother has Cusco ZERO 3 X on his 33 GTR, doesn't drive it as hard, but no bad reviews lol, as u'd expect.

    I guess its up to you guys at the end of the day with ur budget. Im looking to get K-sports so we'll see how that goes

  5. DJ...you must have sumthing to saw oh wise one. haha

    Sorry mate, didn't reply here for some reason.

    The only thing I can think of is the grounding. Are your high beams like a H1 or something in which you only have one wire connecting to it? If so, you would find this is the positive wire and the grounding for the bulb is done through the spring clip that holds the bulb in place. Over time, it is possible that this spring clip and build up carbon deposits on the surface of it and therefore prevent the bulb from grounding. When this happens, your high beams won't activate. Usually cleaning the spring clip with some sand paper can help.

    First things first, you should test the connector for the bulb to ensure power is getting to it firstly. This can rule out problems prior to that.

    As well, if you have H4 style low beams, take them out and inspect it to see if both filaments inside are still intact. With my old Camry, if the high beam filament on the H4 bulb was blown, the secondary high beams would not activate.

    hey DJ.

    my high beams are HB3 so they hav a plug connector with 2 wires going into it. as for the filaments on my H4 driving lights, they are in good nick, i even took them out and tried my spare pare just to be sure.

    im going to borrow my friends terminal tester, so that i can see where the power stops...at light fitting, fuse box, indicator switch etc.

    if you can think of anything else that will help, please let me know

  6. hey all.

    been a while since i posted, hope all ur toyotas are going strong still.

    just a small problem with mine, about a month ago i went to put my high beams on and....nothing. kinda annoying, since i previously had a prblem with the headlight relay i thought that was the culperate so i went to toyota and spent $44 for a brand new one, hoping that it would do the job.....nothing.

    ill try explain this as best as possible. i hope that everyone know, when u FLASH (pull the indicator) the high beams, ur low beam driving lights will also go on. if i flash mine, the low beam driving lights will flash on, but not the high beams.. (with engine on or off)

    i noticed also, that the little blue indicator light on the dash that goes on when u put ur high beams on, isn't going on either. im inclinded to think that it could be the indicator switch, so i took it apart did my best to clean the contacks etc, but still nothing. the guy at toyota said that thats about 3-400 to fix. which is not worth it, i would just get second hand anyway

    any help on this situation would be greatly appreciated. btw both fuses are fine lol i already checked. (gen 4 camry)


  7. Oh ***** yeah - amp's the way to go.

    I'd suggest running all 4 off the head unit for the time being. Installing an amp isn't something that you just "add on".

    If you were to run an amp... just for the 4 speakers... get a nice 4 channel amp, run a 2 gauge cable from the battery to the boot and install it there. You'd run the power cable down the left side of the car (passenger side) and you'd push the cable through the same loom that goes into the firewall right behind the glovebox.

    I ran my RCAs down the right side of the car - the opposite side of the car. You don't want the power and RCAs running the same route otherwise you'll get electrical interference. both the cables go right along the side of the car and come out under the rear seats straight into the boot.

    I'd use a 1 x 2 gauge Neg cable to earth the amp straight to the chassis. The reason why I'm talking really thick cable here is if you want to add an extra amp down the track for a sub. You'd then put a distribution block (like a Y splitter) on the end of the main 2 gauge power cable and have 2 x 4 gauge power cables straight to the amps, both with 2 gauge earth cables.

    A couple of points I'll make:

    - No, the cabling isn't overkill.

    - Yes, you might want to replace the battery terminals with multiple input terminals. Stinger make awesome products... I use two of those, works great.

    - You might wanna run an extra earth cable off the battery to the chassis. Moreso a peace of mind. I had extra 4 gauge cabling lying around and did it.

    Sony havd 2 and 4 gauge cabling kits that you can buy off the shelf just for this. Would set you back around 150-200 bucks for the kit.

    Any questions - let me know.

    I got the kit from JB for like $70 and it was thick as hell...not kidding the fuse was about 120amps of memory

    another thing that annoyed me was the headunit i used only had 2 rca outputs, which were designed for just a sub....i ran all my speakers of my amp which ment that i was only getting the rear signal not the front, if that makes sense....

  8. Hey guys, been a while since I've posted one of my noob questions lol. I want to improve the handling of my camry but im not sure which one of these 3 mds will do me the most....

    1: Rear sway

    2: New lowered springs

    3: new shocks

    i would obviously love to do all 3 but tight budget. any help would be appreciated or if u know any other mods that can do would be great

    thank you all

  9. 160,000km at the maximum. Every 100,000km would be ideal and safe, but it comes down to how much time/patience... or money you have.

    is there a way to tell if it was done? cause its not recorded... lol

  10. car is due for service...219000

    apparently 200 was suposed to be the major one, but i didn't know lol

    at wot k's is the timing belt meant to be changed? i had a look through the log book and couldn't find it.

    also annyoingly the log book only goes up to 200000 service....very annoying

  11. hey everybody my dad has booked my car in to get a catback exhorst system for my bday he booked it at tuffy mufflers they qouted 350 for the job is that to cheap or good price for a catback? has anybody been through them any bad feed back want to know b4 he puts down the money for it


    the tuffy at Blaxland & Epping Rds, RYDE

    never heard of them....my friend got his exhaust done in north mead and he HIGHLY recommends him.

    and as for the price just go to other shops and get a quote, im assuming larger places like liverpool exhaust would be able to do it a bit cheaper as they have buying power etc...

  12. When it comes to 'jazzing up' your engine bay, the only thing you will spot is the ignition leads... and the oil filter if you are really looking. Apart from that, because these are mainly imported items, are you that willing to spend a premium on them?

    how much of a premium r we talking... $20 i can live with lol

    and with the leads...can u paint them? or will it not stick or sumthing?

  13. car is due for service and i want to jazz up my engine bay....anyone know where i can buy trd oil filter. fuel filter etc and maybe spark plug leads. in australia that is im not a big fan of buying overseas

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