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  1. MT

    GPS units

    havent seen it on the n95 but a work collegue's wife works for Nokia and i got to play with the 6110 a little... cant say i would use it as a dedicated GPS unit but it's handy if u need a quick search. I found it was slow to react and took a while to connect to satellites as well as dropping out in the city/crowded area im also under the impression the data transfer rates come off ur phone bill? maybe someone else can confirm.. there are plenty of cheapy GPS units about- strathfield, JB and tandy would be good places to start. do you have a PDA? a second hand ipaq (100$) and a GPS receiver off ebay (70$) along with some *cough* TomTom software is what im using Brandon, Daz, I own one (6110) and I would agree with most of what Daz has said. Dedicated GPS Unit? No way. Need to find somewhere or something everynow and then? Perfect. Slow to react - Yes. Slow to connect to satellites - Depending where you are but yes Dropping out - Never happened to me, but im sure it could happen. Also, i've been told that the usage of the system comes off onto your phone bill, but when I was buying it i spoke to the optus man and i asked him several times if there were any costs involved and he said no. And to date, I havent paid anything. So i would say its free..... anyways... i stand by my original claim - Not that good for dedicated GPS, but awesome phone with a feature that has helped me numerous times. 1 thing though, get a car charger if u wanna use the GPS cos it does use a fair bit of battery power ;)
  2. I've never heard of this either...
  3. I havent heard of any Dave - only heard of the professionals driving selecting 1st instead of 3rd.... only 1 (out of 4 i think) engine didnt kill itself at 10k rpm++++
  4. Petey my car (you've seen the pics) had a bent driveshaft but it was nowhere close to being broken
  5. MT

    GPS units

    I love me Nokia Phone with GPS... fricken rocks robbie otherwise TomTom or Garmin FTW, not Navman
  6. my sportivo runs like ***** with 95 RON fuel so there is no way it could run nicely with 91 RON fuel. i still love how the public is so obsessed with RON.
  7. BanGn thought about it but never went through with it. I honestly dont see the point, way to much of a hassle for the minimal gains i would imagine result.
  8. Fixed for you Micky Tee.. ;) LMAO GOLD!
  9. 1. Do a search, its all been covered before. 2. wrong sections, cheers. 3. Please speak ENGLISH
  10. or u can steal one from an X-Trail ;)
  11. I believe in NSW it is as of recently. however something that minor which could be explained, i dont personally think is such a big issue
  12. i got mine from Pippy Ben... i'd start there dude
  13. If you insist. Contrary to what the law says, you're obviously above it. I dont think comments like this are neccessary at all. Any Law Enforcement figure will tell you that all laws are open to interpretation, they are not set in concrete. And i'm sure you have never EVER broken a law in your life you wonderful law abiding citizen You cant blame Grey-Rolla for having his p plates stolen off the back of his car... do you check the back of your car before you hop in? i certainly dont, unless the back is facing me as i was walking towards it. how would u know if it was stolen or not? if it was stolen a week ago and hadnt been replaced - maybe a ticket is worthwhile. Grey Rolla, I reckon the cop was just desperate to catch you for something mate, you got the rough end of the stick as far as i'm concerned. and the darkalley/camera phone thing is just dodgy. I'd take the ticket to your local cop shop and sit and speak with an officer, and explain the situation. Whats the worst that could happen, you still get the ticket.
  14. CES dont make u swap over your original.
  15. Nope :( dont go black on a red car...
  16. DBA only make a standard set of rotors for the rolla... 759S if i remember correctly. The best thing to do is what Northy/Xoom did and buy a set of undrilled Celica 4000 series rotors - much better than the standard ones. However, i agree with Super Dave - Our rally car is using standard rotors with better pads. no problem whatsoever. If you are warping standard or upgraded rotors, u must drive like crazy. dont drive so dam fast and have to jump on the pegs constantly.
  17. Dont be sorry, i'm just a big believer in modifying ones car to please themselves, not everyone else. i'm happy to suggest something, but i'll need a pic of your car first... im thinking some nice big 5 spoke wheels in either silver or shadow chrome
  18. I really hate questions like these. Not to be rude or anything, but a wheel choice is something YOU have to choose. If u want your car looking like every other car at autosalon, then u just have to buy massive chromies. However, if like the rest of us on this site you arent like that, then go to some tyre places, search the web do whatever just find a set of wheels that YOU like. once you find them, enquire to see if they have the size for your car. simple. In my honest opinion, a set of wheels is one of the most personalised things you can do to a car. why would you want someone else to decide, or tell you what to get? btw spacers are illegal in most states of oz. if you want the wheel to poke out more, you can stagger the wheels (ie have wider wheels at the back) but this will need to be engineered.
  19. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=6887
  20. that civic sedan is HOT!!!! bet it wont come, or if it does it will cost a pretty penny and have no irs/lsd/goodness
  21. Morice 2 things: 1. Please search - THIS THREAD is pinned for a reason. 2. Please post in the right section.
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