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Everything posted by RXSeven

  1. Spec_Black, but he's hardly on here so it doesn't count lol You think it confuses YOU? What about me?? lol
  2. There's a lot of those man. Google it, I'm sure you'll find it dude.
  3. So when's the BBQ Jase? I'm hungry these days...lol
  4. There's always the T-Sport head unit. Someone in melbourne has one. They look cool. Integrated GPS. I know it's not on a laptop but it still looks cool.
  5. Can someone give me the recipe for Pho? It's making me hungry and I dunno whether anywhere here in Canberra makes it :( lol
  6. Possibly old news, but isn't Ed Ordinski with toyota now? I saw him in a Sportivo (3SGTE of course) rally car).
  7. This looks fun, might join in next time. Never bothered looking in this thread :)
  8. Brad. How are you coming along? I've been finding it hard to photoshop this one, I keep throwing up everytime it opens because of that chick and then I have to close it again otherwise I get pains in my lower cerebral casing and temperal lobes. On a serious note...how are you REALLY coming along? lol I've just been too busy.
  9. Another baby! Awww this is cooool. Congrats mate.
  10. I thought you could link garage pics? Lame. Photoshop or a photo editing programme is handy for resizing images by file size or pixel dimension etc Brandon dude.
  11. French pattiseries...awwwesome. Please tell me you had some croqumbouche azza? Or at least some petite fours? *** I love french pastries lol
  12. YES!!! Marytr 5 times now lol. Who knows I could start a new trend hahaha. Yeah negatron did an excellent job on that Golf. The chick was ugyl lol.
  13. You take it...I HATE being king lol. I'm a forum marytr.
  14. I want webber to join Toyota lol. Then I'd be into Formula 1 a bit more. Webby went to a high school here, delivered a pizza to us once as well. That was back in the days when he was raking money up to complete his dream 'F1' and was racing in the Yellow Pages Formula Ford team. I think he'll be a champion one day. I hope so, he's way dedicated.
  15. HEY! You didn't answer my question!!! :( Rob's a saaaaad panda now.
  16. RXSeven

    My Son

    Everyone's having babies now! lol Conrgats sir.
  17. neK you did the awesome Golf photoshop didn't you?
  18. When I get into the government...I become a silver member lol.
  19. Little things like turning the stereo down when you turn off your car help the longevity of your speakers Charms. Subs and amps need to warm up too before you really turn the volume up too.
  20. upload to photobucket.com first then try and link it. has always worked for me :)
  21. Try a website like photobucket.com. You can upload photos to photobucket and they're then a lot easier to 'link' to this website.
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