Now from here you can go two ways... one is to replace the green coloured "condom" from the light bulb with the blue one and put it back inside the console
But I chose to solder the 12V LEDs instead. note you cannot use the 3V or 5V LEDs because it will blow being the car battery 12V. As stated above, you need to either get a resistor soldered on it or buy one with one already on it. unfortunately I don't know the resistor capacity i'm sure the jaycar or whoever guys will help you out
Back to the task at hand... With these LED bulbs
Note, being LEDs they have polarity so take care in soldering them on the correct way. It won't damage the circuit board if you get tit the wrong way, it won't just light up. For some reason, the way the circuit was built, all the polarities arent orientated the same for each part across the board. So for your convenience, I have marked the polarities on the board for you It’s up to you to find out the correct polarity on the LEDs. Just hook it up on your battery and see which one it is
Now the best way I found to solder these on is on a 250*C and thin solder. You first put a bit of solder on the leads first and then you melt it on the connection on the board. Make sure the bulbs are straight and not crooked when shining into the space. You can try to make the light more uniform by sanding the LED back abit with sanding paper or filer. Also you can solder the LEDs facing towards the back of the circuit board so it bounces off the back of the board then to the LCD screen (this is what I did)
You can put abit of insulation tape across to trap the light into the space. White would be the best colour to reflect the light off.
Finally when you are done, put everyone back the way it was before! This is the end result...
The bright dots were removed but on this pictures its still there as when i revised this guide i didn't take the updated pictures for it. you should know what i mean anyways :)
Now for those who are comfortable with finishing up here, that's fine. For those who want to venture more into more complicated stuff read on...