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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. Low is a lifestyle ;) Would this location be in springvale? Got some stuff put in inside the trunk. Anyone guess what it is ? ;)
  2. jan-feb bro! So basically you're an average 20 year old... but the difference is that you have a brain? lol LOL guess so You guys saw it here first In the coming weeks gonna be having an all white fitted shoot. Should be interesting!
  3. Going to visit the fam soon in my home country! shopping spreeeeeeeeeee 200 pesos = 5 bottles of beer. 1AUD = 50 pesos. You do the math. Drunk times will be had like last time; clearly i am sober
  4. thanks mang! haha ;) Cheers bro! half fitted? next on the list. brake upgrade. But wont be for awhile due to my need to save for my holiday soon! wooooooo. might try get custom leather seat covers when im overseas. would be cheap as
  5. LOL yeah its a pain in the ***** man. You got to actually pull back the whole arch and just ram your hand in there. Turn the wheel to the left or right if you want more room. Dont need to jack it up Anyway got the car back today just some not so great pics till i get my wheels back
  6. LOL this guy -.- car is far from feature worthy mangg haha
  7. definitely! Got a photoshoot lined up with fitted white cars soon as well! fuuarrrrkkkkkkkk , thats badd luck !! where are you getting this unlimited funds from ? LOL haha im not your average 20 year old - Im good with my money, investing and saving :)
  8. hey boss ! whats been happening? and thanks mang! hahaha that side of the tyre was brand new 6 months ago. LOL so yes i suffer from camber wear. rears are pretty much still brand new. getting my tyres fitted again tomorrow. Also receive the car back tomorrow - excitementtttt
  9. our good friend luke is moving to perth, so he decided to get some of his close car mates together for a BBQ outcome?
  10. Oh and thank god I took my wheels off to inspect it cause I was bored. Saved me some rim damage when/if it blew out. Everything happens for a reason. The fitment gods are watching over me.
  11. Probably had an unlucky encounter with a pot hole. Had 2 months left in these tyres too. All good. New tyres booked in by Thursday. Thank god I got mates who work at several tyre shops. Otherwise Tyres would have been veryyyyy expensive.
  12. Nankang ns2, Tyre stretch what? New tyres acquired

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jeffy


      as soon as you get to sydney be ready to order more tyres :P

      more bumps xD

    3. johnnieboi


      For maximum cruising only with these tyres i hope. Esp if your running camber, whats the point, it'll just wear down real fast.

    4. dutchie101


      I found them the worst tire ive ever run. Noisy, harsh and roar like hell. Good luck with them, i didnt even do 500km on mine before ditching them in the backyard. PS, i have a pair to sell if your interested, 19's tho.

  13. haha. took only less than a week. And no i didnt buy it straight from the site :) new tyres are in order for the fronts. this is why
  14. Yep they are both HID. A lot of people here wouldnt recommend it. However I would. Probably the best bang for buck and most useful mod ive done. Just purchase it here in australia
  15. Na don't need to. You have to go through the wheel arch to get it. I just hope you have small hands to do it. It's a t10 bulb
  16. as far as i know, no one has accomplished the 2az to 2gr engine swap in the camry. Not even in the states. And i agree with you KEF, the camry looks 10x better than the aurion
  17. First time i got my coils in, i got em professionally installed but got them to teach me on how to do it. Im the monkey see monkey do type of person. If i see how its done once i can do it over and over again independently. So everytime i had to switch out my suspension i now do it myself. Its really easy. takes < an hour
  18. 1) dont buy parts off ebay especially for a turbo kit like that 2) Ive talked to the people who pioneered the turbo camry in the states. Both the 2az and 2gr 3) I know enough about turboing our engines, however I am not yet confident in regards to what i know so i dont want to spit out the wrong information. What i will say confidently is that even on stock internals are engines are built solid. 4) One of my mates from the states who was there when they pioneered the turbo in the 2az knows a fair bit. He knows the ins and the outs in regards to turbo. In actual fact his got a custom built turbo kit for sale. I can get him to list everything you will need to turbo the 2az successfully. 5) tune > everything what i will say is i been looking at turboing the 2az for a while now. Though it appears doing a 2gr engine swap may be more cheaper and more reliable in the end (especially if you look at ebay now you can find some 2gr engines ready for some experimenting). If you can get the supercharger for the 2gr and do the engine swap..well great! Because i been toying with that idea and talking to a fair few people about it lately too. Been trying to track down someone who has turboed the 2az in australia. From memory he lives in NSW too. Black camry p.s; dont listen to your friend pps; if you do ever turbo the 2az, i will come up to NSW and see it for myself.
  19. great job on the brakes! sickkk
  20. haha thanks buddy. Running d2 coils! And na not legal height. Its just under
  21. hey buddy! Should give me a wave next time! haha. Thanks for your kind words man Huey managed to answer your questions for me anyway; hahaha but na, just take things slow and on massive angles. if i have any doubt on getting over it, i wont even try. That being said thats only ever occured twice and i daily my ride everyday. Once at the airport loading docks/bays entry for trucks and at my uni car park where i doubted i could but got stuck. As for unwanted attention, always on the look out for my friends in blue. I like the paranoia as it keeps me very attentive on the road and my surroundings. Its a mixture of knowing whats around you and luck i reckon. But at the end of the day, you gotta pay to play
  22. Yeah? cant wait man! If i go sydney bro ill make sure i hit you up
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