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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. I wouldn't be so quick at jumping the gun to blame Toyota just for that issue. For all you know, it could have been stuffed by a previous mechanic over-tightening it and therefore reducing the quality of the seal on future services. Yeah thats true, but I've never in my life had this happen to me before and I would always service my cars and I would always make sure the lids are tight and thats never happened before. The mechanic that serviced this car must of used a torque wrench to tighten it then! Also, off-topic question, is it normal to have those cables wrapped in duck tape like that in those new pics I posted. Edit again: Not sure where to post this so I'll ask here: I was searching Youtube for Aurions and came across your account, nice stuff there mate. On this video here: 'Taking it easy around Nebo' are you using auto or the semi? Have you made any performance mods to your engine? That Aurion sounds nice, and I can't believe how you treat her! I treat mine like a new born baby while you go thrashing it about.
  2. Look what happened when I took the cap off today. The seal/o-ring stayed on! http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/290/dscn2477j.jpg And look at the seal area after I take it off, you can see oil already coming out after 5KM of driving since yesterday where I've pointed the arrows. http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4124/fgfa.jpg So dodgy Toyota.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I still cannot imagine how the oil bunched up there. If there is no oil in those parts that is a HUGE sigh of relief because I thought that I had a big problem and I was about to **** myself. I did clean up around the oil cap, and today I went to my bro in laws house and I showed him the problem as he also understands this sort of stuff and I showed him the pictures, when I went to inspect around the lid again. There was a VERY small patch of oil around the edges of the lid, which shows that yes OIL is seeping out from the o-ring. So I think I do need to get the o-ring or the whole cap changed. Thank god I noticed it before I take my car on Thursday. Thanks for the replies, they are very comforting. At least its just a cap which can be thrown in the bin and replaced with another one and not something huge. Still baffled how that oil accumulated in that area in the first picture as its on the complete opposite side of where the oil cap is and there was no signs of oil trail from the cap to that area. This might be a mystery for ever.
  4. Oh okay, nah that is just a smudge from when I touched the oil with my finger. I went back to the car, and for the second time I cleaned up around the oil cap. I have one week before I take the car, lets see if anything happens. Also, the lid is on so tight that if I made it any tighter I'd probably break it.
  5. lol, how is that possible? Your telling me it seeped out of the oil cap and jumped to the left and rested where the oil leek is building up? Please note, these are two separate leeks. Your telling me I have to have my gasket removed? Will warranty cover it? I feel so violated. :( :( :(
  6. Not possible, as I did say that I cleaned up around the oil cap two weeks ago when I seen those oil patches. Since then I never put any oil in the car nor no oil has been near the oil cap. Which I said I already did that too
  7. I would love some LED DRL's on my Aurion. Would it be too tacky? I'm looking for the good look factor and definitely the safety factor as it will even become law in Europe soon.
  8. Lazy Friday arvo, no work, no parents, so I decided to keep busy by walking over to the car and have a look at her. I took out my flashlight and started inspecting the engine, I've never done this very thorough before so I decided I'll take my time to check it over, under, inside out for anything not right. And in plain view I came across Oil seeping. I took pictures, and judge for yourself, is this normal, or should I get Toyota to check it out when I take the car in for the VVTI Oil line when I go in on the 7th of Jan. Here are the first pictures http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/1010/dscn2464.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3971/dscn2465i.jpg http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1332/dscn2466.jpg Before you click on the links below, here with a dirty rag, I wiped off the oil and will constantly check that oil leek after each drive to see if it comes back http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/610/dscn2469x.jpg http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/8729/dscn2470.jpg And before you click on these links below, oil seems to be also seeping out of the Oil cap, I'm not sure if this is normal or not BECAUSE the first day I brought the car home from the dealer, I seen those dry oil spots around the oil lid and I cleaned them off completely, and now on my second inspection after about two weeks, those oil patches have came back http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/8678/dscn2472u.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3088/dscn2471x.jpg Below here I put the engine cover back on: http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/8364/dscn2473.jpg Here is the Oil lid, with the plastic "o-ring" (I guess you can call it that) is covered in oil which is where I suspect that the oil leeks out from eventually. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/9112/dscn2474i.jpg Thanks for reading guys, help will be greatly appreciated :)
  9. Thanks for the replies. I was hoping to lower my KM's average for the Aurions year. Trying to get it the same as the used car redbook stats, would be good for re-sale if I ever do decide to sell it in the future.
  10. Just wondering what year and how many KM's people have done here in their Aurion. Mine is a 2007 model, and she just ticked over 60K few days ago.
  11. Funny you mentioned that because your not the first one. A family friend recent purchased a Mazda, those four door ones that look like lady bugs :P. And it wasnt even that hot out, but he put it on. And I swear the aircon was not blowing cold like many other cars I've been in. He kept fiddling around with it but what ever we tried the just was not blowing cold. It was like a mild cool blowing through. Must be a mazda thing? Another thing, don't forget, cars like Holdens, Fords and maybe the Aurions have good aircons because they were build for Aussie climate? Just a thought.
  12. I don't mind having the plastic. As long as it really is an "upgraded/better" version of the current pipe. I would just like to have the metal pipe for the piece of mind. So far I've done 60K and nothing has happened. And I'm sure that there are many Aurion owners in Australia that have done many more and nothing has happened or out of luck nothing will even happen. There were few cases in America but yet to see any in Australia.
  13. Hmm, this kind of goes against what I said. I believe the aircon works great. I've been in cars where the aircon literally ONLY blows "COOL" air on really hot days like today. But the Aurion pumped out freezer cold air.
  14. My car does have tints, I think it came dealer fitted by the previous owner as it was a company car. The aircon in My aurion is amazing. Even though it was hitting 40 outside, the aircon was literally blowing out freezing cold air. But I had to drive with it on nearly to the highest Bar all the way home to keep the cabin of the car at least cool. I wish it was legal to tint the front window. Even if there was some sort of tint that was like 99% but its purpose was to reflect heat I would get it installed. When the sun hits the dash it gets really hit in the car. My steering wheel was pretty hot too. But I never thought of actually putting the front windshields on. I'll try that next time its hot so maybe it can cool the heat before it comes into the car.
  15. Well summer is definitely here, with the mercury hitting nearly 40 in Melbourne today. My annoyance with the Aurion is that the aircon doesn't cool down the car. It blows out freezing cold air, but I found the culprit why. The suns heat and rays comes right into the car from the big ***** front windshield. I put my hand on the dash and its so hot you can fry an egg on top. And this isnt just these really hot weathers, even normal temperatures the cabin of the car won't go really cold. In my old 97 Camry, when I would turn the aircon on the car would be COLD, like the cabin air in the car would be cold. In the Aurion, even with the aircon on its lowest the air is a Mild cool, the only way to cool down is to face the vents to your face which I don't like doing because it dries out your lips etc. When the sun hits the dash, it radiates that heat into the car and the car does not cool down.
  16. Mine does the clunk noise too, sometimes I dont even notice it. I've actually forgotten all about it.
  17. Oh okay well I guess you struck lucky. My car steers to the left and its a known problem. So hopefully the dealer will fix it when I take it in next month, I hope that put in a metal pipe too instead of plastic.
  18. Personally I would find somewhere else to get a balance/alignment. A specialist shop can usually do a more superior balance/alignment than a Toyota service department. This is just personal opinion though. As well, I wouldn't expect that it would completely correct the pull to the left issue. You will notice a slight difference at first, but that quickly wears off. They tried to pull that wheel alignment excuse on me once before. Yeah, I read that thread about the pull left issue. I thought it was an alignment issue. I wish it was so it would have been an easy fix, but its not <_< . Anyway, I still have to get a balance and alignment done. This car has done nearly 60K and I don't think its ever had an alignment and balance because the prior owner was a company car so I doubt they ever bothered to get it done. Also, if the pull left issue does arise even after an alignment, I have an excuse for them to fix it and go, 'hey! It's still happening, I paid such and such for a dodgy alignment, look further into the problem'
  19. Okay guys, I got in contact with Toyota through email a week ago and finally received this: So I called up my Local Toyota dealer and got it booked in for January 7th, for the replacement of the 'oil hose' as Toyota seem to call it and also I asked about why my steering is pulling to the left and he said as usual well do a balance and alignment. Which I also got that booked in for. He said they'll do a balance and align for $75 which IMO I found a bit cheap. I've been charged upto $90 at least at other tyre places.
  20. Thanks for the informative reply. I will do that (hopefully tomorrow). I won't have time to go, but I will give the closest Toyota dealer a call and they shrug me off I'll keep asking others. There are plenty in Melbourne. Also, thanks heaps for telling me that its every 15K, I was wondering why when I got this car every second service had been done in the log book. I did know that. I thought you had to do every service in your manual or else you will lose your warranty.
  21. Heh, I thought it was a wheel alignment issue. Me and my dad have both noticed that pull to the left. My dad drove it and noticed it without even me saying anything. Its not a huge pull(if it was it would have obviously been a big pull to the left which would obviously be an alignment issue) but its a very faint pull to the left which the car starts moving left on a dead straight road. I need to take the car in for the Oil Line change and will ask about the pull to the left. If they deny anything I swear I'll pull out my iphone, go onto this thread and make them read.
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