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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Thanks man. Yeah it definitely is. Such an awesome long haul car. Comfortable freeway driving on cruise control.
  2. Thanks man, yeah the before and after pics of the interiors of the 97 camry to the 07 aurion is a big difference. I need to take some distant pictures of the Aurion.
  3. At the moment, I don't have many of the new car, will get some when I get around to doing it. 97 Camry: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2320.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2318.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2317.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2316.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2326.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2328.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2325.jpg 07 Aurion: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2358.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2373.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2392.jpg 97 CAMRY INTERIOR VS 07 "CAMRY/AURION" INTERIOR: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2321.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2322.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2374.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2376.jpg
  4. Gave the engine bay a clean, wow the amount of black crap that came out! I did it in our backyard with the hose and all the water went onto our white driveway and it was just full of mud and black crap yucky water. It looks much better, then with a rag I wiped off all the water and cleaned up the stuck on dirts as much as I could and where ever my hands can reach. Loved the placebo effect, the car just feels so much better with a clean engine, haha.
  5. Yea.. It's like a swirling noise rite..? Im bringing it back to Toyota so they can fix it together with the rattles. I get a very light noise on mine as well. You have to be paying attention though to notice it. Personally, I wouldn't be complaining about it to Toyota... but good luck with that anyways. I just see it as part of normal operation. Low fan speed coupled with a digital controller, and you can get some sound produced. Not to mention, the fan is a moving part itself. Otherwise, I'd be returning my desk fan, my ceiling exhaust fan, and my computer because the fans make noise. Thanks heaps for that, yeah I guess it is normal operation. I really wouldn't be telling Toyota. Its a moving part inside the car, of course its going to make noise but I wasn't sure so I asked but it seems like its normal operation since other members get the noise. For a better explanation, it sounds like a quiet laptop fan.
  6. Have you read the manual to see how to set up ToyotaLink? Unsure about the burning rubber smell though.
  7. Was thinking the same thing, those side bumpers are a must for every car. They help from dings a lot.
  8. For the Aurion owners. Can you hear the motor/fan noise coming from the glovebox where the aircon fan is when you turn it on low? It's not loud just very faint. I'm asking because I'm not sure if that noise was there as I noticed just now when driving before with the heater on.
  9. Hot car man, someones rich :( Anyway, don't go jumping the gun with tinting. In SA its 35% all round, not anything you want. http://www.transport.sa.gov.au/pdfs/person...tor_Vehicle.pdf The old laws were 75% front and 35% back, now it can be 35% front and 35% back just like the rest of Aussie states. I believe that it should be 35% front and 20% backs, I wish!!!
  10. Did your wheel alignment go out of whack? And changing the shaft, did it stop the knocking noise. Also, does anyone know if after replacing this part, in the future the part will fail again and same symptoms will come up? Wheel alignment has never been adjusted. There was a very slight shake at the wheel at 110kph which I haven't noticed since it was fixed. Knocking has gone. Fwiw, the young bloke in spares said the shafts were victim of a manufacturing fault, so the logical assumption is they fixed them when they made new ones. However, as I'm often heard to say at work.."never assume". I don't really know the answer. Time will tell I s'pose. Awesome, thanks for that. Can't wait to get mine changed. :D edit: I should ask, did you notice any difference in steering? Did steering become more heavy/lighter stay the same? Reading through here someone said that after theres was changed there steering became heavier?
  11. I think I just have. I always clean my engine bay, so I'm already ahead of you :P. By the way, my car is always garaged as well when I'm in Brisbane. Anyways, like -DAvo said: That said, I'm ready to accept defeat in your argument. Besides, I'm not here to impress people with how clean my car looks . As for what I did with my car today, I gave her a natural wash (after washing it properly on Monday). It keeps raining in the evening here. So noble. :P Our family friends are opening up a car detailing business. Today I also helped them out a bit with there pressure machines and steam cleaners. When they fully open up shop I'll get them to clean my engine bay, mates rates(free), haha.
  12. LOL i know that feeling all too well... when I pulled apart my old Magna to fix some rust, I had like a jar of screws and bolts left over. Looking over the car though, I have no idea where they came from as I can't find any missing! Surprisingly the car feels no different even missing so many haha Maybe some day it will just fall apart into pieces without warning haha haha, hopefully not. :P
  13. LOL. I wonder how they get in there, out all places they have to die in there.
  14. Did your wheel alignment go out of whack? And changing the shaft, did it stop the knocking noise. Also, does anyone know if after replacing this part, in the future the part will fail again and same symptoms will come up?
  15. Congratulations on the buy. The Prodigy is lovely car to drive.
  16. Okay well like I said I'll be getting my new airocn filter, and here is a side by side comparison. Its obvious which one is the old one. :P Then I popped by supercheap and grabbed myself number plate frames(front and rear) to give it a nice clean look to the plates.
  17. Have a read of this: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...ic=25289&hl Edit: Also, look at DJKOR's post (fourth post) where he clearly says stay clear from the following: Vortex Fuel Saver Hiclone +20HP etc Performance Chips Toyota Aurion OBD Performance Flash Chip Electric Supercharger Where you went ahead and wasted money on the first thing DJKOR listed not to buy. :(
  18. Thanks man, it might be a 5 minute thing for you but that looks diffucult. I'm not good at pulling things apart and putting them back together. I'm that type that will have more bolts and screws left over But I think I will have to live it for now until I find the guts to do it, will keep this thread in mind for future reference, thanks for that link djk. Yes guys, let the cheesy jokes commence, haha.
  19. Today, when trying to get the fly out of my car(lol). I first searched on this forum on how to take out the dash cluster but stumbled upon someone saying when they turn on there corollas aircon it smells, and I had the exact same thing, it was horrid, if I turned on the aircon during the day and turned on the heater and night, so much condensation and smell would come out it would be overwhelming and my windows would fog up like anything, it would be like a mist of water would get sprayed all over my windows and I could not see anything. I thought this is how it is and was disappointed until I looked in the manual on how to remove the filter, so I popped out the glovebox and took out my filter, and low behold, the filter was like it went through a tornado and straight back into its box. It was full of dust, leaves, rocks, bugs, and so much sand that its like they dipped it into the sand at the beach and put it back in the box. So I gave it a really good clean, and today driving, oh my god. What a difference. Its absolutely flawless, no smell, no condensation. I could swap between aircon and heater without any windows fogging or any smell. So today after work, I'm going to pop by the dealer and grab a new aircon filter.
  20. Yes I am. And try twice a week. And my engine bay would be cleaner than yours... I've seen photos of your engine bay :P Nah, my car isn't as clean as some others on this board, but I reckon it's pretty clean. Enough that I will challenge you. Just don't forget the really fine details: Don't forget the detail? Don't worry, I do not forget detail. There was even little pieces of stuff stuck on the side door speakers which I used a tooth pick one by one in each hole to clean out. Door trims, hindges, inside out yada yada get an inspection to the utmost. I don't think you could out do me in cleanliness. :P . BUT yes, you have seen my dirty engine bay. ONLY reason I do not clean it is because I did that once with my old car with bad consequences so I'm scared to pressure hose down and degreaser the engine bay from now on. I only go over the top with my shamy and clean off the dust etc. Oh and I only clean it once a week or one every two weeks because my car is garaged all the time. And to my luck when I drive its never raining so it stays cleaner much longer. Only reason I do clean it is because in the sun I can see dust forming around the body and then I know it needs a clean.
  21. You know how when you put the ignition on to the ON position and the check engine light comes on for couple of seconds? Well this morning when I started my car I looked down and seen something obscuring it, so I grabbed my flash light from my glove box and looked inside and its a stupid bull fly smack bang in front of the check engine light. How can I get that clear plastic off to gain access in there to get the fly out? I know there are those two screws on top, after taking them out is it easy to remove that black surrounding case? I'm just hoping that the clear plastic is not somehow glued onto the housing or anything and can pop out or screw out.
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