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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Yeah, your explanation is better then mine. That symptom describes exactly how/when changes. As I said, the dealer said its because its drive by wire. Sounds plausible but is it really? Still no one here answered that question, lol.
  2. I would have been out of warranty but I got extended warranty for another 150,000K or 3 years (which ever comes first) AND I did ask my dealer, if you scroll up you will see what they said. But to fast track it here is the post: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...st&p=379659
  3. Haha, shell be right mate. I really don't want to spend the money. I know it will be a good thing to do but even in the manual it states it can go way over 100,000KM without oil change. So if anything happens I still got another 3 years warranty :P
  4. yay im not alone! :) time for you to get a DA polisher and take it to the next level!! :) :) oh and congrats on getting off your p's, drive safe :) I know I know but they are so expensive for a decent one. I used to have one but it was such a cheapo it died on me while using it for the third ever time , I couldn't stop laughing. The one you have is like in the thousands, correct?
  5. Wow man, that looks like good stuff right there, were can I score some and how much :P
  6. Hmm, well I guess I need to wait for the 100,000K service when I'll be doing a major service of replacing every fluid and oil in the car. At the moment I'm on 60K and just doing the minor service at Toyota like sparks, oil etc.
  7. Congrats on the full breif...no more ugly P's mucking up the look of your ride. :D Thanks man B) Also your exactly right. I was aching to get those ugly green things off. P's or full licence, doesn't make a difference but having those things on the Aurion is an eyesore. Not only that, I *think* that the Aurion is classified as a high powered vehicle(vic) so I would always ***** myself when near cops, but no more fear and no more P's! So yeah, to celebrate I gave it a nice detail Wash. Clay bar (If was COVERED in black dots after being at the Toyota dealer few weeks ago for four days). Scratch and Swirl Remover. Meguiars Wetlook polish. Wax. And inside the usual stuff like dash and trim spray, meguiars leather cleaner, vacuum. All in all took me a good 5 hours, everything by hand. What sucks though is dust is already settled on the outside of the car I'm going to be so OCD soon I'm going to start keeping my car is a Vacuum where those people who spray paint cars in
  8. Gave her a detail, inside and out. AND today I got my full licence! No more P's woohoo :D :D :D
  9. Hmm, interesting stuff there. Good info.
  10. Thanks mate :)... We already have a burnt CD stuck in there from the previous owner :(. We only found that out when we decided to test out the CD player. How can we take out the CD? If you know I would appreciate so much if you could share your wisdom :P
  11. Yep, I can DEFINITELY say I can notice gear change on second and third, its not an instant or smooth transition. When normally accelerating, the car rev's up a bit then finally decides to change gears, NOT that bad but gear change is not smooth as the car needs to rev up a bit before it decides to change gears. Oh by the way, I did ask my dealer and his response in exact words... "It's because its drive by wire, that is normal" Not sure how much to believe him when he says its normal... <_< Anyone think he is bluffing?
  12. Yeah, I looked at that sticker in the engine it says its a SEP 02 build! Is there anything we should be looking out for in these cars or take extra precautions?
  13. Looking immaculate Djk. Keep it up man, your putting out a good word for us Aurion owners :)
  14. Ah damn, make sure to post up results stat! Why didn't warranty cover the seat?
  15. My friend got a diamond white 2002 sportivo for $11,000 with only 90,000Km on the clock. It is such a nice car! If I did not get the Aurion I would have got this. Inside the car is so quiet, you cannot even tell if the engine is running. And its such a smooth and responsive engine, handling is great too. And the diamond white is sexy! We are taking it to get it detailed tomorrow by our family friends that own a car detailing business. I should have taken a picture, today both our cars were side by side Aurion VS Sportivo next to each other, would have been a nice photo op :P The car is actually very very clean too, the previous owner was a clean freak too and kept it in like new condition inside and out. So yeah, just thought I'd share my thoughts, any 02 camry owners here?
  16. It does feel like placebo effect but I cannot argue when I said that there is no more petrol smell from the exhaust on cold starts when the engine is loud and warming up. I think I will have to drive back there and fill up a couple more times and see. But the car really does feel much smoother. On V-power the engine sounds loud, on Ultimate it sounded quiet & felt smooth. I guess I will have to wait and see.
  17. Last night, I was running low on fuel after having a night out with mates. So as I was driving I came across a brand new BP servo. I had been filling up with Shell V-power ever since I got my Aurion(have never fed it anything else), but after filling up with BP Ultimate (I'm not sure if its a placebo effect or not) I the car feels so much better. Acceleration feels very smooth and like its been increased, the engine noise when cruising sounds much much better, the engine feels relaxed like its not even running. From a cold start on V-power I would get heaps of petrol smell from the exhaust, today I had no smell at all with BP Ultimate. I'm not 100% sure but the car's performance and sound overall feels so much better on BP Ultimate.
  18. Djk, it's definitely the cause of the big flat fronts these aurions have. Heaps of surface for things to hit.
  19. Djk, my bonnet and front bumper needs a very good sand down and respray, it's like the previous owner drove it on roads filled with stones. Mine is bad I guess you can say. But i'm not worried much because our close family friend is part owner at panel beaters, he is an expert at panel beating and rebuilding cars that looks like it's been through world war 2. One day when I have time and money(mates rates) I'll get my front bumper and bonnet done as well. These aurions cop heaps of chips at the front, don't they?! :-/
  20. Goodluck, don't forget to report back! I'm still not used to mine, today I was getting out of a car park turning the steering slowly and I'm waiting for clunk clunk clunk but its dead silent now.
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