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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Today I braked really hard in my Aurion. Driving 60KM/h. Two lane road, the fast lane is blocked because traffic is entering the freeway and there is a backlog of cars, and the left is moving freely, so people stuck in the right is turning into the left lane. Some idiot decides to pull out in front of moving traffic and the car in front brakes hard, smokes up and I notice at the last second (should be paying better attention) and I slam on the brakes. Make matters worse, my sister was in the passenger seat, she screamed like it was the end of the world I did not flinch one bit(awesome brakes on the Aurion, I trust them) but it was scary, all of a sudden it feels like the worlds gone into slow motion as you see the front of your car move forward closer to the rear of the car in front while the cars gradually coming to a stop as you lock on the brakes. Also today I gave her a nice clean inside and out. Since it was at the Toyota mechanics for 3 days it got really dusty and dirty. I need to clay bar again though. On the side panels there's all black dots. Very small that you can only see when your head is few iches from the body. But there are heaps of these black dots. It must of happened while in the enviroment of the Toyota workshop. Damn it!!
  2. A red TRD was stuck in traffic with me today, he was behind me the whole time. He had a black custom plate, it started with X. Not sure what the other letters were...
  3. Yes, its the ABS doing checks. Its normal. If you search on here there is heaps posts explaining it.
  4. ha doesn't know how to turn of ESP I seen that too, if you read further on, someone does say that it CAN be turned off.
  5. All I gotta say, if you got the Aurion to race you got the wrong car! I think the Aurion is sexy. Just look at HT's car ^^, the car just screams elegance and styling, Aurions don't parade around like Fords and Holdens with there flashy body kits and loud exhausts. No offence but I've always been turned off Holdens and Ford's no matter what because they scream bogan and hoon. I love the Aurion for what it is, a reliable Toyota, an everyday car, looks very decent, safety, the specs. Add few things to Aurions like rims and stuff and it's one sexy Toyota :P
  6. What!? Three weeks? That's a load of bull****. I got mine within the 15-20 working day time frame as was stated on my service papers. Make sure that is even been ordered. Because it will still take ages for it to come. Do parts come by boat or plane? Because if by cargo boat it will explain why it takes so damn long.
  7. Woohoo, got my car back today. Everything is done. I absolutely love the new head. The one before had oil marks stained (aka ghosted) into the head. This new one is shiny and clean. Will keep it like that :).
  8. Well just called the dealer, the o-ring came and the car should be ready by 3pm. God I love warranty. I've at least had a good $3000 worth of fixes on my car and I've paid $0 :P
  9. Just had mine replaced. NO MORE KNOCKING :D :D And the car drives dead straight :D I written up a whole story on my day here: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...st&p=377126
  10. WHAT didn't I do to my car today!!?!? Here is my story: Yesterday I had dropped my car off the get my Rocker cover & gasket & intermediate shaft replaced. I woke up at 7AM and dropped the car off at 8.10am. The service was so busy at that time there was like 10 cars in front of me at the drive thru service area. Dropped it off and they finished in the afternoon. I couldn't get out of work so the car had to stay overnight :(. Today I went to the dealer at 11am. I enquired about extended factory warranty, which then the guy at service took me over to another guy, so I sat in the office and we talked about getting some extended warranty, told me what there is etc and I read over the T&C. Was fair, so I forked out an extra $1200 on some warranty. (It's much better, I get unlimited fixes under the extended factory warranty, engine, drive train, electronics, parts) So now its 12.30am, I went home about 15KM from the dealer. When I got home I popped the front and took off the plastic cover covering the engine, and low behold oil is leaking out of this part here circled in red:(note: this is an old pic, not current) http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/3517/dscn2478.jpg ****** OFF I immediately called the dealer, and I said after the rocker cover has been replaced oil is leaking from one of the plug things on top, the guy said to bring it back now. SO after my car being at home for 5 minutes I had to drive all the way back to the dealer, and I told him and he is like nah it's probably just settling in, once I popped it up I showed him the oil and then he goes alright I'll take it to the back, they have a look and he comes back to me saying the o-rings around it are dodgy and need to be replaced and he said the part is coming from the Toyota factory in Melbourne which will be here by tomorrow morning. ****** off I said just keep it again overnight and fix it because I don't want to drive back home again and back again clocking up trips and eating away at fuel. So dad came picked me up and the car is now at the dealer. My third day not having a car :( Oh also, since the shaft has been replaced, all I can say WOW. NO more knocking noise!!! And the car now drives DEAD straight. Before I had to keep adjusting steering but after replacing the shaft I'm sure its not a placebo effect but the car is going much more straight and yay no more knocking!! At least the dealer got that right :)
  11. Well tomorrow I'm taking it in a t 7.40am then off to work then after work(MAYBE picking up the car) going to be a big day tomorrow, oh boy. <_< Anyway, I'm going to get my shaft and gasket replaced with brand spanking new ones, I'm also going to enquire about gear flare and I also heard that some dealers are replacing the CD players because older ones like my 07 ones are too bright at night. So lets see how lucky I am if they will swap it over. Its going to take a lot of convincing. Because I really dislike how bright it is and apparently the newer ones aren't as bright.
  12. 123R-Prozak, careful cops dont pull you over and tell you off for those things hanging from the mirror :)
  13. I'm looking for a weather/rain shield for both the drivers side and passenger side. After market is okay because the dealer wants like $80 and thats too much for such an old car. I'm looking for the big ones, not the small slimline type...
  14. We used to have an old holden station wagon that was fitted with an aftermarket CC. When the car was set at a speed and we started to go downhill and the speedo was going higher, the car's engine would be used to slow down the car to reduce speed. Like engine breaking. You never needed to look at your speedo because downhill or uphill the car would slow down and speed up again. But now with new cars, cruise control seems to do jack **** other then keep a constant speed, and the tiniest slope on the road the speedo starts shooting up. To the OP, the dealer can't do anything, because thats actually normal operation of the vehicle, if it did anything else besides what you mentioned something would be odd.
  15. It doesn't HAVE to be at 10K does it? For example you can still do it by the service book(earlier then what it says on the extended warranty). Its not like you can do it ONLY after 10K? For example, its every 7500K by the actual service book but that is only under very harsh conditions so every second service is fine so 7500K + 7500K = 15000K service? Kind of close to 20.000? Pretty sure they will still stamp the log book etc as its still getting services by warranty and by Toyota. I could be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off. Someone please correct me because I'm looking at getting some extended warranty as well from Toyota.
  16. Thats weird, can you somehow record the noise? Remember, it does make noise since it is a moving part eg fan. Mine sounds like a quiet laptop fan when your driving without music and decide to concentrate on it.
  17. SOOOOO ****** off Just called the dealer to ask where the hell are my parts? It's been over two **** weeks and he said the new parts (rocker cover gasket and shaft) came in this week. When I dropped my car off over two weeks ago, I specifically asked, when the new parts come in, should I keep giving you guys a call incase you forget? (I knew it would happen!) and the guys like nah nah nah mate we won't forget, as soon as it comes in we will give your mobile number a call. And hey, they never did. If I never called today god knows when they would have called, if ever. Anyway, its booked this Monday, its a full day job so have to drop the car off in the early morning.
  18. I've had my side mirrors fog up on the occasional cold morning. I have never seen the need for having fold in mirrors. Guess you never parked your car in a car park or small inner city suburb road?
  19. More then fine. My cousin drives a 2004 Holden sedan, when he took my Aurion for a test drive and hit the brakes for the first time his reaction was priceless. The wow factor kicked in there :P Awesome brakes on the Aurions.
  20. Helps prevent them from fogging up. lol.. Yeah would be great if you lived in a place that snows like overseas countries but never in my life have I had side mirrors fog up on me :S I just can't believe they added heated side mirrors but did not put in those things where the mirrors fold in electronically. Some euro cars can be done by even pressing a button on the unlock lock doors remote. I seen someone do it at a shopping centre, one press of the remote put up all windows and folded in the side mirrors. Was pretty cool :P... My mates 07 accord opens the two front windows when you keep your finger on the unlock button for 3 seconds.
  21. Heated side mirrors? :S Whatttt??? Damn that thing is nice though! When I was at the dealer dropping car off to service I sat in one and had a look around, build quality does look much better in the newer ones. Can I ask though how can you afford it? Buy a new car, get hit by depreciation then add thousands of dollars on top again? Whats your secret? :P
  22. Wow, that is very sneaky DJKOR. So glad its not that bad in Victoria.
  23. Wow, that is still HEAPS of petrol in the tank. I usually fill up after 50Km after the light has come on. Since day one of getting my Aurion I have always been feeding her $50 V-power. With the exception of the first ever fill when I got it. Filled up V-power to the brim to clean out any crap in the car, since it was a fleet and at the dealer for a long time I doubt they ever gave it quality fuel.
  24. Fact of life is... regardless of whether something works well or not, someone is always going to try and "improve" it. Otherwise you'd never be moving forward. Yeah, and let the millions of Toyota drivers be the guinea pigs and let them test the new killer peddles... haha, just kidding.
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