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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Before I forget to ask this I'll post it up now. In my car, I cannot turn on the heater without the windows fogging up. Every time I want to turn on the heater the windows start fogging up. What can I do about this? Few nights its been really cold in Melbourne, and I can't even turn on my cars heater because the windows fog up. I think maybe if I leave it long enough the heat might unfog the windows but it just gets worse which then I have to turn on the aircon and then I'm freezing my butt off in the car. Also, when I swap between heater and aircon, during the first few seconds its a very musty, damp smell... Would this be causing the windows to fog up when turning on the heater? Ever since I got my car I have not been able to use the heater properly because my windows fog up. I even spent like $50 on a new aircon filter from Toyota few weeks ago. edit: I should also say I always drive with the car with the arrow inside of it on. So the light is always on.
  2. Call Toyota directly. You can get the number from the www.toyota.com.au site. On a pamphlet I have for my warranty, it says if you are unhappy with the service or outcome from the dealer after asking something for warranty to call Toyota and discuss it with them. I would love to get the CPU update, but besides "fixing' the transmission issue, did it fix anything else?
  3. All I gotta say. I got silver because it stays aka looks clean . It hides swirls as well and it hides dust and dirt very good. Less maintenance all around. When I had my old 97 camry that was dark green. It was a nightmare, after driving in rain or something the car would turn into crap like I never cleaned it. Silver will NOT bring depth if you clean it but you can produce a shine on it but not much of depth like a darker colour would.. By the way, I seen a Black TRD today. He zoomed past me and my dad. My dads reaction was "wow, what car is that, looks nice" .
  4. Really? Who might that be? I try so hard to get a mirror like gloss on my silver but it just does not happen as much as a dark coloured car would.
  5. Far out, you have a picture for just about everything. Thanks man :D
  6. The left number plate light does not work, how can I change the bulb?
  7. Guys, ever since I took out that centre console. The lights on the gear changer don't turn on. You know the ones where the shifter is, like P R D etc? I have to tap them and then the light turns on. A small inconvenience, does anyone know why its doing this? It happened pretty much after I took out that centre console because of the squeaking. edit: I'm talking about this: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/8025/photosjj.jpg As you can see its working now, but sometimes I gotta lightly tap that lit up area and the light turns on.
  8. +1. So annoyed that they stopped making it :(
  9. How do you have such good english if you don't mind me asking? :). Also, how does the Aurion put up with the heat there? I heard that Toyota's are excellent in the heat as a lot of the people in in those areas drive Toyota's in the worst places ever that gets to extreme heats.
  10. Today I was at the Audi workshop in the city, they use Catrol there. Certainly if Castrol is good enough for $100,000 Audi its good enough for our Aurions . edit: Since the workshop was closed, they had an R8 in there, I sat in the drivers seat and started fiddling with everything haha :P. Very nice car.
  11. Wow, that sucks man!! Can we get pics of the dents? We seen what an Aurion looks after an accident and now lets see how they look after some hail. I was kind of ****** that it started raining really badly here in Melbourne, I spent 5 hours the other day detailing her only to be ruined in seconds from the rain. If I had made it home like 10 minutes earlier she would have been in the garage without a drop of water on her. I'm from the northern sub's so nothing here like hail, it was only heavy rain for like two minutes and stopped. Nothing exciting really happens in this part on Melbourne ;\.
  12. Haha, yeah. There was usually a pretty big crowd around the TRD. In person it was blindingly shiny which attracted heaps of people to have a glance and think, wow, what car is this (since it was still new and not known). These red ones in person look a million bucks. Still remember that day like yesterday when the red caught my eye. edit: DJk, for you to get a TRD from the insurance payout, your car must have been insured for really really high. Mine is $26,000, if you don't mind me asking how much is yours? By the way, how are you getting around? Are you back with the Camry? :)
  13. Here is a wildfire TRD Aurion I took pictures of back in 2007 at the Melbourne Car show. When I seen this car, I had NO clue what it was, I did not even know what an Aurion was or a TRD. Would have never guessed in a billion zillion years that I would be driving one of these(AURION) few years later :D. http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/245/1004031.jpg http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/8909/1004032.jpg http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/5269/1004033.jpg Red looks really nice :)
  14. Hey djk. It's good to see your soldiering on :). If they do pay you out will you be getting the facelift Aurion or a 07-09 Aurion? Man, when I'm driving I think about your accident and think how heart broken I would be if something happened to my car like that right now. Goodluck bro, wishing you all the best :)
  15. Toyota have always used Magnetec on my Aurion, not sure about the other fluids Really? Reason I started this thread because on another forum I use, someone asked what oils they use and people started saying to keep away from magnatec as its really inferior stuff and can turn into sludge. I wouldn't want that for my Aurion, no way.
  16. Thanks heaps for the replies people. I think I will ask my dealer what oil they use which seems to be the best option because it looks like every dealer uses something different.
  17. Yeah man, look on the bright side, just thank god you and your dad got out okay! And hey, insurance might pay up, I'm insured for $26,000. I know what I would be doing with that money, getting another Aurion. ;) I remember you saying few days ago you gave her a clean and put on the new lights, what a turn of events. I've been thinking about this all night, out of all people man. Seriously I feel for you, as another Aurion owner it would absolutely kill me if anything happened to mine. Hope your making it out okay man.
  18. Wow, big difference. Thank you heaps for the info. It really helps me learn more :)
  19. I'm shocked man, my jaw dropped. Far out. That is really sad news man. I hope your okay!! Far out!!!
  20. I've been wondering for a while, on the Aurions when we take the car in for service, we never get to see it ever again. So I was wondering, what oil does Toyota use on the Aurions? Is it Toyota's own special blend or is it a rebadged brand of something else? Also other things like coolant fluids and steering oil and transmission oil. What brand are these? Edit: Also, I was wondering heaps, lets say I want to change the oil myself, which is the best engine oil for the Aurion?
  21. $120? Is that for the Toyota dealer? If its that much I'll definitely get it done. I was thinking more of the lines of $300 because dealers are thieves when it comes to this stuff :( Edit: Even if I did it myself, would I void warranty? Like how would Toyota know that I need to change its oil or changed it myself?
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