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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. That is really weird how you guys had a bit of trouble getting them to move there ***** so they do something about it. This is how mine went. I pop by the dealer to get few things looked at. Then I remember about the knocking sound and said: "There is a knocking sound coming from the steering, can you fix it". Guy straight away said yeah its the shaft. Came back in the afternoon with the guy saying the new parts on its way. So far I haven't really had any issues with them being hesitant to fix something. I even got my rocker cover and gasket replaced without any hesitation from them. And those parts are damn expensive, at least thousands of dollars of expense for free.
  2. Sorry that I didn't update info on time...... Finally I purchased 3Y/150K with Airport West. $1050 The story is that after I was quoted by 2 dealers($1195) I called another one which offers me $1260, then I said "offer me $1100, I will come now" he hesitated a second and agreed with the deal, however I regreted.... So I called Airport West again(he told me to call him when I make the decision), and told him that if he can do it $900. Unexpectedly, he said "Oh mate cya" and hung off the phone immediately. At that moment, I was really unhappy to be treated like this. Maybe $900 is ridiculous, but I don't think he should treat me like an idiot. I called Toyota Customer Care and complained the person and also asked to let him call me back. What happened next is that he called me and said it's his mobile phone problem. I don't really care about the apology. Anyway, I got one more chance to negotiate with him. Finally, he agreed with 1050AUD. Hopefully, those people who hesitate on price of extended warranty can see this post:lol: Did you do it all over the phone or did you go down there? I booked my car there on friday to get few warranty issues fixed like squeaks and rattles.
  3. Haha, looks like I got the most expensive deal! BUT, it is MY fault because I did not bother to haggle. I just agreed with the price and off I was. What sucks though with the extended warranty is you need to service by the book. I seriously wish I didn't have to because I could have bought all the oils and crap from the dealer parts department and change everything by the book myself <_<
  4. http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/04/consumer-reports-2010-lexus-gx-dont-buy-safety-risk.html So this is a bit worrying. Do you think it affects other cars in the Toyota line up?
  5. He mentioned it was $210 for the standard 67,500km service, and the power steering fluid change was an additional $95. This seems about right. I think you will find that the $350 you were quoted is for the 60,000km complete service. $350 does sound about right for this service, but you can get it for cheaper as long as you ask around. I think my 60,000km service came to a total of around $205, but I had to provide my own oil, brake fluid, and told them not to do a wheel rotation/balance. I'm looking forward to my next service though. My TRD is still on the Toyota Service Advantage. $120 service FTW. Hmm alright. Man, I'm still juggling between getting the power steering fluid changed OR the brake fluid changed because the brake fluid looks like to be in great condition. Also I'm so so so so devastated about service advantage. I wish you did not remind me. Here goes: Last night, I was on the net and I seen a service advantage banner on this website, so I decided to click it and see what its about. And there is a place you can put your VIN in to see if you are eligiable. I put mine in and it said it expired NINETEEN DAYS AGO!! :angry: If I had KNOWN I would have been saving OVER $200 and I wouldn't have cared about the brake fluid changing etc because EVERYTHING would have been for $120 anyway. SO ****** OFF I even called toyota head office today asking if they can have mercy on me, but no mercy :(
  6. Unless you are doing some serious braking, I'd just stick with the normal service intervals for your brake fluid. If I recall correctly (without taking the effort to check my service logbook), I think the brake fluid intervals are 30,000km. So if that's the case, yours should be changed at your next service. Your brakes are one of the crucial components to your car's safety. I would just let them change it. It's also just to be safe since there is the possibility that your brake fluid could have a small amount of moisture in it since brake fluid is hygroscopic (water absorbing). Asking them not to do this wouldn't really cut much off from your service costs either, so I wouldn't turn it down. As for the PS cost, I don't know what the standard rates are these days though because I do stuff like this myself. I would imagine it wouldn't exactly be something cheap if done by Toyota.. but I don't know. You should just spend $40 or so on a 5 litre bottle of PS fluid (I use Fuchs ATF 4000) which I think was around $35 for 5 litres, and then just get your hands... and maybe your garage floor dirty and drain and flush your PS system yourself. If you do it yourself though, make sure you have quite a few rags handy. The process can be messy if you don't take care. Post edited: misread when the service was done. Thanks again! Tomorrow I will call Toyota, get details on how everything is going to be played out. Get prices etc and see which options suit me best. Hi, First post. Have been lurking around for 6 months or so. I had the power steering flush service performed on my 2007 Prodigy 4 weeks ago. Car was in at my Toyota dealer for the 67,500km service ($210) however they called to say they didn't like the colour of the power steering fluid (too pink they said, should be a darker red). Additional cost for the power steering flush service was $95. BTW, many thanks to this forum and particularly DJKOR. I acquired my Aurion 6 months ago and the info from the forum has made the purchasing and ownership much easier. Since owning the car Toyota have : 1. Fixed the dash rattles (for this the car went in 3 times for a total of 4 days at the dealer) 2. Replaced the VVT-i oil line 3. Replaced the transmission ECU (due to flaring) 4. Replaced the audio head unit (due to intermittent scrambled display) All under warranty. Many of these faults I may not have been able to diagnose before the warranty runs out (at end of July) without the help of this forum. Too pink? What do you mean by too pink Also was it $210 for oil, oil filter and power steering fluid or JUST power steering fluid? I was quoted $350 for a frigging oil change and brake fluid change!
  7. Unless you are doing some serious braking, I'd just stick with the normal service intervals for your brake fluid. If I recall correctly (without taking the effort to check my service logbook), I think the brake fluid intervals are 30,000km. So if that's the case, yours should be changed at your next service. Your brakes are one of the crucial components to your car's safety. I would just let them change it. It's also just to be safe since there is the possibility that your brake fluid could have a small amount of moisture in it since brake fluid is hygroscopic (water absorbing). Asking them not to do this wouldn't really cut much off from your service costs either, so I wouldn't turn it down. As for the PS cost, I don't know what the standard rates are these days though because I do stuff like this myself. I would imagine it wouldn't exactly be something cheap if done by Toyota.. but I don't know. You should just spend $40 or so on a 5 litre bottle of PS fluid (I use Fuchs ATF 4000) which I think was around $35 for 5 litres, and then just get your hands... and maybe your garage floor dirty and drain and flush your PS system yourself. If you do it yourself though, make sure you have quite a few rags handy. The process can be messy if you don't take care. Post edited: misread when the service was done. Thanks again! Tomorrow I will call Toyota, get details on how everything is going to be played out. Get prices etc and see which options suit me best.
  8. Thanks for the reply (Wouldn't know what I would do without you on TOC) :P As for the picture of your power steering fluid, thats exactly what my side by side comparison looked like. My PSF looks like the one on the left. Today I called my dealer to get my car booked in for Friday to get those squeaks and dash rattle noises checked out. I was quoted $350 for the oil change, filter and brake fluid. But seeing as though the brake fluid is in tip top condition, is it better I not replace the brake fluid but instead spend the $350 on the power steering fluid? P.s I'm currently sitting on 62K, and I'm due for my 60K service. I'll call them up and tell them to add the service for oil, filter, and power steering fluid if DJk says so (instead of getting the brake fluid done as the service manual says).
  9. Thanks for so important info. May I Know who gave you the offer? I might try with that dealer. Airport west Toyota :) edit: sorry mate, I just looked over my receipt, and to be exact, I paid $1295
  10. I got the extended warranty(3 years/150K). IMO, its worth every cent. I rather pay a one off and know that what ever blows up, malfunctions etc will be replaced free of charge. By the way, don't get ripped off $301 I paid $1299.
  11. Hi, I just popped open my brake fluid lid to have a look inside. The colour of it is a clean blue, when I touch it with my finger, you cannot see it at all on my finger, its like clear water. Is this normal? edit: here is a picture: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/8179/dscn2780u.jpg ALSO, I looked at my power steering fluid, and its going kinda old. I have a bottle of new castrol power steering fluid, so I swabbed a bit of the power steering fluid from the car and the power steering fluid from the bottle, and the bottle is a very clean pink while the one from the car is on the 'dark side'. Having a look at the Aurion service manual, no where does it ever say to replace the power steering fluid in any part of the service book but to only "inspect it". Since it doesn't give a time frame when it should be changed, after how many KM's should it be changed? Why is it so?
  12. +1 to lumbar adjustment. I'm 21 and I was having a hurting back after driving the Aurion for a bit and thought that can't be normal. So one day cleaning inside the car, I came across the lumbar buttons and low behold, it was set on the lowest position so I had no back support. After adjusting it, its so much more comfortable now.
  13. After checking weather report Melbourne, it seems like its going to be hot and dry for a few days (Very weird for this time of year). So I gave her a wash. After completing my wash, I popped the hood open to check oil levels etc and give everything a once over. But I thought, hey about I use meguiars tyre shine on ALL the plastic bits that can be seen. So I went ahead and applied it on every single bit of plastic bit, including that big front plastic part on the Aurions(the one that sits above the grill) and the engine cover. Haha, you gotta see it guys. What a damn shiny engine I love this meguiars tyre shine gel. It's my new baby :P edit: I should give part credit to -davo for informing me of this magical gel in the first place.
  14. In the words of His Holiness Jeremy Clarkson... "Can't put the fan on, coz that'll wear the battery down. Can't listen to the radio, coz that'll wear the battery down. You don't have electric windows, because that'll wear the battery down. You can't go very fast, coz that'll wear the battery down. You can't stop, coz that'll wear the battery down." Sorry, doesn't really sound like a particularly enjoyable driving experience to me. I think I'd rather catch a bus. Don't take this personal mate, this isn't aimed at you but the "comedian" Clarkson. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You can't go very fast? How fast do we need to go in Australia? You can't drive over 100KM/h without a speed camera taking happy snaps or that lone officer hiding behind that bush so why would we need EV's that go any faster then MOST 130KM/h or 120KM/h? You can't stop? When a EV is stopped it is using NO battery power what so ever. It's like it shuts off. Not only that, using the brakes in a EV charges your battery. So peak hour traffic means money back in your pocket. One of our most hated thing (peak hour traffic) will be virtually harmless to the environment and on our hip pocket. I for one would not mind sitting in heavy traffic without having to smell heavy fumes and at the same time charge my batteries. Everything else that he said I really don't see how it relates to EV's with thousands of batteries with a lot of technology implemented. Ask yourself What if ICE was the new technology? And in 2010 some guy out of his mind thought of an engine that runs off Oil. There would be public backlash and disgust at such an idea. What if EV's had the 100 years of technology and refinement as ICE vehicles. EV's is a great idea and I won't say its not the right time because when will the right time come? We gotta start somewhere. The last thing EV's need is criticism.
  15. Well I reckon for my Sportivo, the dyno figure was quite inflated, plus my Aurion wasn't exactly normal so to speak. 209.9HP seemed a little high for an Aurion with not much done to it when most others were getting around the 197-200HP mark. So lets say a stock Aurion is 197HP at the wheels (this seems like a common figure), then that makes the TRD 33.75% more powerful than a stock Aurion Hey hey hey. Maybe the Dyno for the Sportivo was correct and the figure for the TRD was inflated Sorry, just a bit jealous.
  16. Sorry, but as an EV enthusiast(Yes its my hidden secret ) I will ditch my ICE vehicle for a FULL EV as soon as they are viable and my price range And its not because I'm some sorta hippy or love tree hugging or believe in "global warming" but because EV's fit my lifestyle and my commute. There is no need for an oil guzzler for me when all my trips are urban and the most 25KM from home.
  17. 25.5% more powerful then a normal Aurion? Nice figures.
  18. Awesome guys, thanks for the replies. Will start running around and looking for a decent setup that won't hurt my wallet. Can you guys recommend anything else from the ones that have been mentioned? Just want to look at a few and compare etc.
  19. Under reading is definitely something that should not happen and does need to get fixed. Mine overreads by about 6KM/h. So if my speedo shows 60KM/h I'm really doing about 54Km/h. I'm not complaining though(I love it like this, it keeps me from getting a fine), I rather it overstates.
  20. Hi guys, since I'm low on funds, I won't be able to upgrade to the LCD head unit that everyone seems to put in their Aurions here for a while, so while I'm low on funds and can't blow about $500 on one, I rather chuck in an amp and sub and run it off my stock 6 CD stacker. I know the 6 stacker is lacking a AUX input, but I've got my iPhone and you can just hook up the radio adaptor and run your music off that from iTunes, so problem solved without wiring :). Is it possible to run off a amp and sub, and will it sound any good with stocky speakers and head unit?? Since I'm not spending money on the LCD unit, I want to get a very decent set-up going with amp and sub. I just cannot stand the sound of these stock speakers. They do pump but no where near what a proper set up would. Edit: I just found out my cousins neighbour is a Toyota mechanic at the dealer. I was always wondering why he has all Toyotas and why he never stops 'fixing' them. I had a talk with him and with some mates rates he would help me out :).
  21. Awesome awesome awesome, love it man. Where did you get the grill from? How are the quality on these after markets? I'm really considering putting this on my car but if I dislike it it's going to be a waste of money. thanks mate :) i got the grill from the group buy... whicch sourced them from r style racing in thailand. quality wise i was very suprised... the chrome grill feels really solid and has no visible defects... it acctually feels more solid than the original aurion sportivo grill i had on there previously! id highly recommend it, im loving the look of the cars front now... love pulling up behind someone with a shiney paint panel at the lights now :P thanks for the comments, will have the ducktail fitted after i get back from os, along with some more mods i have lined up! *evil grin* AH okay, cheers mate. Don't tell me you don't drive the car in bad weather? nah mate, shes my daily driver so she gets out there rain or no rain :P which is why i have to keep such a strict cleaning regime :P hows your car going mate?? keeping her clean?? :) get some mods going! Haha, oh okay fair enough. Shes one clean ride for a daily. Exterior is lacking in cleanliness as the weather in Melbourne is horrible during this time of year. Raining is on off constantly and the outside gets dirty too quick so I do not bother AS much. But will give it a clean if she needs it rain or no rain! BUT, I did clean the inside today, I love the inside being clean. It must be immaculate like you keep your paint job :P. Mods, on low funding its a bit hard to do anything to her(Already spent hundreds/thousands on my new phone, GPS and bluant). The main, very main thing I want to do is put in a system(Amp, sub like my old car, damn I miss that system, had built everything from scratch including the parcel shelf) with the LCD head unit. So in the mean time its stalled completely for now. Good luck with yours man :) Edit: Should ask, where is this group buy, and how much was it?
  22. Awesome awesome awesome, love it man. Where did you get the grill from? How are the quality on these after markets? I'm really considering putting this on my car but if I dislike it it's going to be a waste of money. thanks mate :) i got the grill from the group buy... whicch sourced them from r style racing in thailand. quality wise i was very suprised... the chrome grill feels really solid and has no visible defects... it acctually feels more solid than the original aurion sportivo grill i had on there previously! id highly recommend it, im loving the look of the cars front now... love pulling up behind someone with a shiney paint panel at the lights now :P thanks for the comments, will have the ducktail fitted after i get back from os, along with some more mods i have lined up! *evil grin* AH okay, cheers mate. Don't tell me you don't drive the car in bad weather?
  23. My next warranty job would be the following that I've written down and will tell the guys at Toyota: > "Cracking" noise coming from LHS dash near tweeter grill. > "Gear Shifter cover and bottom plastic are touching (No gap between them, I looked at the new Aurions at the dealer last time I went there to drop my car off, there is now a gap which prevents both plastics touching) when braking or accelerating which results in it creaking as two parts move" >Driver seat(Bottom cusion) is I think broken because you can lift it completely off from its housing, where as the passenger side you can't, so that can't be right!) All very minor things that I could probably fix myself but I didn't pay for extended warranty for nothing
  24. Awesome awesome awesome, love it man. Where did you get the grill from? How are the quality on these after markets? I'm really considering putting this on my car but if I dislike it it's going to be a waste of money.
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