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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Here is all of my products. My new buffer sitting in the background. I turned it on, it's a very good machine! I didn't know something like this existed, if I knew I would have got it ages ago! When I was looking for buffers, it was either really expensive ones or really cheapo ones and none in between. This one is perfect for that in between. Thanks heaps davo
  2. That is awesome man. I like the way you think. Simple classy FTW. Sweet sweet ride, shes coming along really good
  3. Welcome! And I'm from Melbourne too! But in Victoria, AU. How dare you guys steal our cities name Why does your front plate have Asian writing?
  4. Hmm, if its ex hire, I would get the suspension, engine etc checked out(Some people probably went 4WD'ing with these sedans, lol). Not only do these rental cars have multiple owners where the car had literally hundreds of different owners in its life time. You have no clue how people treated them. I know a guy who would regularly rent cars for business purposes and treat them like **** to the point where I felt sorry for the engine from constant thrashing etc. But then again, that is my opinion. The car you are looking at could have been treated like **** but with TLC could go on for years and years without any problems or the car you are looking at could have been treated well by all owners. Drive it, listen to it, check all fluids, bolts, underneath, under the boot carpet, seat belts, how the brakes feel etc and get a vehicle check online(paid or free). (If you are from Vic you can do it from the Vicroads site). Just saying all this mate because my cousin recently got a car and it was all clean as all but few months later problems started arising so learnt a big lesson in car buying. Research, research research! Buying a car is a serious thing as so many things can be altered patched up without the buyer ever knowing for months.
  5. Thanks for the reply, that answered many of my questions in my head. I used swirlX with the megs hand applicator pads I got from supercheap and I can tell it DID make a difference in making the swirls "lighter" and not stick out like **** when in the correct lighting. So using the machine should be even better because by hand I go lazy and do a really dodgy job(sorry ). But even doing a dodgy job by hand swirlx made a difference in swirls (SwirlX is WAY better then Turtle scratch and swirl remover that I initially used). What wax do you use with the wax attack? Also, how are the pads that come with the wax attack kit? Do you know where I could get spares etc for it? Sorry for all the questions but because of you there is now a good 99% chance I'll be picking one up tomorrow (from reading around the net it seems like only autobahn sells them, I'll call my local to check availability before I head off). Also I'm passing on the G220 because it's passing my budget, plus I want to start off light as I've never used a buffer before. When I have a more stable/better paid job I'll look into it. Don't forget mate, I still need to do mods($$) on the aurion. She's still stock as stock can be
  6. Since I could never afford a megs buffer (the type you have davo :P), where can I find at least a buffer that is LIKE the meg's buffer for around $150? If it has to posted to my address my budget will be lower because the max I really want to go is $150. I heard about this mothers buffer but I tried googling mother's buffer to really crappy results. So if people can help me out and please include links to where I can find a buffer that I can use to apply my swirlx and megs 2.0 liquid wax? If someone can point me out to a buffer that is good and recommend I will buy it 100% as I've set aside money for this buffer so its just a matter of finding one. Many many thanks. edit: well looking through the net. It looks like the Mother wax attack kit is the best for a novice like me. It comes with two pads which I will be using the first pad to apply the meg's SWIRLX then wipe off clean with the micro fibre cloth then use the second pad for megs 2.0 wax. It's all coming together so far. Using SwirlX by hand is the worst thing anyone can ever do. It's a tedious boring job and makes your shoulders fall off :( edit again: does anyone have a wax attack kit? How is it to use on the products I mentioned?
  7. Not much today, was low on fuel so put in my 25ML of fuel doctor and BP Ultimate :).
  8. This is also why you continue to run the A/C after the contents of the can have been emptied. It will allow any residue on the blades of the fan to dry off. Oh okay, cool :)
  9. Hmmm, don't think you could find a 2 year old Prodigy in the low 20's, in the mid 20's yeah but not low 20's. You can grab a Holden or Ford , or another ATX :P
  10. A guide? Mate, someone here I remember posted a picture of his dash pulled apart at the dealer, it looked like a human body stomach cut up like you see in those ER programs on TV Money does not worry me as I have another three years of warranty(extended :D)
  11. Far out! Is that where the ticking sound comes from when I accelerate in my Aurion? I seriously thought something was loose, wrong with it.
  12. What is your budget though? You haven't really told us.
  13. Cool! When you sprayed it into the fan, doesn't the fan get wet? When I sprayed my Oust spray the fan got all wet and I stopped after getting worried it might blow it up, lol.
  14. Top stuff DJK, I love reading those type of posts of yours :). I just cleaned my car on Saturday after neglecting her for a long time since its been raining every day in Melbourne. Saturday was really nice and cool and sunny. Perfect condition's for cleaning and waxing a car as there is no heat or harsh direct sunlight. Gave her a nice clean outside and used SwirlX for the first time ever and it does work. If looked on the right angle you can still see the swirls all over the car but it has reduced them heaps by masking them up. The only way to properly get them buffed out would be to machine them and a better product for the job, as by hand it just does not cut it. So yeah, she looks awesome, tyre shine, waxing, inside outside etc. Done a engine clean too with some degreaser. She's looking hot again(Doubt this will last as its raining on off constantly here).
  15. Does anyone own a a light green sportivo here? I think they have rims that are really open and you can see right through the rim to the brakes? They were turning into the western ring road but the traffic into the entry ramp was blocked and got stuck in the middle of the intersection. edit: should mention this is the second time I seen this car in two days. Fast driver!
  16. Sure its not something in your glove box? Or as the glove box is the only moveable thing around that area try running with the glove box open, just to isolate it from a possible cause!!!! I already have. Scroll up to the part where I showed my dodgy fix. Thanks for the help though :)
  17. Well not sure if this helps but I got my 07 prodigy late last year with 59K on the clock for exactly $24,000. In that time I think I got the cheapest one ever in Australia that was from a dealer. I looked at private sales where they were around the same KM's and they were asking the same price. So if it was private I would have to pay the $24,000 for example and pay transfer fees etc which then private sale turned out to be much more expensive. But could I ask why you want to swap from ATX to Prodigy? IMO it's not worth it. If you want things like parking sensors or foggies etc why not get aftermarket and save the hassle.
  18. I was at a Toyota mechanic yesterday(Parts, wreckers not the dealer) with my dad and he seen my car and he said the Aurions are nice cars, I asked is there any known problems with these cars if you ever get them to your workshop for problems, he said not really but he said to make sure to never put anything else other then 10W30 oil inside the car, something because of the engine being full aluminium or something, can't exactly remember. So to be on the safe side and as Toyota recommends in the manual, just stick to 10W30 and nothing else.
  19. Hi mate, so how is it going? Any smell return since using it?
  20. -DAvo, that is a hectic wash man. I love seeing that there are other people just as enthusiastic about car cleaning like me. When I would detail the car often I thought I was crazy and the only person to go to such lengths, but its good to know its more of a passion to be the clean ride on the block then some sort of weird addiction :P(Well there is some addiction in it ) and that I'm not the only one. Your cleaning list looks really good, but since I do not have a DA and everything is by hand, I need to keep it basic or else if I tried to do it like you my arms would fall off.
  21. Well Greenvale is in Victoria. If these plates were off another car, he should seriously have never put them on the Aurion. What a laugh. Greenvale is the suburb next to mine :P Is the OP bluffing? Is that photoshop?
  22. Always by hand. I know a machine can be better, but I prefer the feel of everything under your hand. Well, I didn't take any yesterday, but just for you I made sure I took some before I left. Nothing fancy since my camera is pretty simple: Oh man. You don't know how much jealousy has kicked in now . She is amazing. When I scrolled down to look at the pictures, I scroll back to have another look, and another, and another :P I wish I could see it in person! :spiteful:
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