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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. This is pretty cool info :). Is the OE one the same across the whole Aurion range?
  2. I could still get the back of my Sportivo to swing out for tight turns before I put the Ultra Racing rear sway bar in. It's how you drive it. I haven't been there yet.
  3. DJKOR, ever since using Fuel Doctor, I could have sworn the engine is running quieter and not only that, when the engine was cold and I was driving the ticking noise would be there until the car warms up and then the ticking noise wouldn't be so obvious. But now, even on a cold start, I can no longer hear it as much as I used to when on a cold engine and this all happened after my continuous use of Fuel Doctor. Not sure if its any placebo effect or not but the engine sounds much quieter.
  4. Ideally you would want to upgrade your front sway bar as well, but these aren't available. Also, it comes down to your end requirements. Installing the 19mm rear sway bar will put more bias into oversteer, but since the car was more biased to understeer in the first place, the upgraded rear with stock front will level things out a bit better. It's more to the point that it will still tend to understeer when pushed to the limit, but you can make it oversteer if you really want to. If you upgrade the rear and the front, you will then bring it back to the case where it will be more biased towards understeering, but with reduced body roll. Basically, just think of how it handles as stock, and then if you uprgrade the rear, you reduce understeer, upgrade the front, you increase understeer. It all comes down to how you want to balance it. As said though, an upgraded front sway bar isn't available anyways. All Aurions have a rear sway bar from factory. In fact, it's a common suspension component in a lot of cars out there. This is ultimately what I'm after anyway, so RSB all the way. I rather over steer then under steer. Under steer lacks the fun you have because you cant turn in fast and need to ease of the speed and go in nice and easy.
  5. Yeah, I've been using Opera to view the full site, but I don't really like using Opera for this site with the main reason is that Opera does not have auto correction and that sometimes the site on Opera runs a little funny. No one likes the mobile version so far from what I read, can't the mod's or admins just get rid of it completely or at least give us the choice to use it or not?
  6. No mate. Only if it is the cause of any damage that can occur.... which is highly unlikely. As for your question why they don't use a stiffer one in the first place to reduce body roll, whitestivo has pretty much answered that. For the everyday driver (which is the market for most cars), understeer tends to be the safer option for handling. There is more discussion on this in the like you have posted as well. As well, when you think that a thicker sway bar means more metal, this means more cost, and when you're building these things in the thousands, every bit saved makes a difference. Anyways, my opinion is to go for the RSB first if you have to choose. Thanks mate, that makes sense. Like I said in the other thread, I'll take your advice and go with the RWB instead as it seems like the better option and will do what I would like to accomplish in reducing body roll and under steer. I wish you guys would tell me about this stuff, it always come into my mind how can I do this and that on the cheap and it seems like they have invented something for everything already :P
  7. +1 Was gonna compose a long argument... But good for ya. :) RSB ftw Still compose it mate. Others like me would be interested in the read! edit: I just looked under my car and it looks like there is a rear sway bar but a stocky one. If removing this and putting in an after market, do I threaten my vehicle warranty? :o
  8. Fixed :P edit: Just body roll? From what I read it also helps with understeer a fair bit with a decent sway/roll bar.
  9. cheers for the advice, then i think i would go for the sway bar. never notice that lower the car is just for the better sportive look other than improving the handling. lol hey mate, just saw a adjustable coilovers for aurion on ebay. check this out. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/BC-Adjustable-Coilovers-suit-TOYOTA-CAMRY-AURION-06-/200469428729?cmd=ViewItem&pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2eace8b9f9 Not sure if you read this before but have a good read of this for rear sway bars on a front wheel drive: http://autospeed.com.au/cms/title_Rear-Sway-Bars-Improving-FWD-Handling/A_2359/article.html I would say go the cheaper option and do not touch the factory fitted suspension.
  10. Seriously it makes me wonder why Toyota bring out these cars with such chunky body roll and under steer.
  11. Just go ahead and buy it and experience it for yourself. Regardless of what another person's opinion may be, their comparison and words won't give you an idea of what the result will feel like. Plus I doubt any negative comments on the Ultra Racing gear is going to stop you from buying it. It's like asking someone how their meal was. A description just doesn't cut it. Alright mate, it looks like I'll take your advice. I'll save up a bit more and do the rear sway instead of the front as there is a much bigger advantage in doing the back rather then the front, after doing the back. I can then look into the front. with the ultra racing guys, the rear and front are both 19mm, is this okay? I heard to do 19 at back and thicker at front. also, with the back sway on that reduces body roll, will it reduce under steer? thanks man, at least you cleared up my mind and gave me a better option :) edit: it just came to my mind, does the prodigy have a rear sway bar factory fitted or none at all?
  12. I see you have a Prodigy too. Any more info on the handling on the prodigy? Edit: Thanks for that djk, far out man, you have a picture for just about everything. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ULTRA-RACING-2-Point-Front-Strut-Bar-Toyota-Camry07-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2306d91426QQitemZ150438745126QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Has anyone bought from this guy? Would he be trust worthy?
  13. What is this part that I put a yellow arrow on: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/8986/dscn2821s.jpg It kind looks like a flat strut bar. Would I need to remove that to put on the strut bar or put the strut bar on top?
  14. haha, cheers mate. BOM shows weather in Melbourne on the weekend looks alright. I think I'll do it all then. Seriously cannot wait! good stuff :) just remeber to use steady hand speed when moving the buffer around... i think they provide a dvd in the pack... has some good info regarding hand speed and movement patterns while operating the buffer. :) Thanks for the helpful advice man :). I'll also watch the DVD before I start so it's fresh in my mind on the techniques, etc.
  15. I figured that would be the case. Since when does cutting corners and doing the cheap and easy stuff to your car help more than the ones that take effort? As I said, less chassis flex. When you think about how everything on the car ties together, would you rather have the suspension components doing all the moving, or having your car flex and absorb some of that movement? Suspension of course. I think I will first start off with the front bar as its only $137 on ebay and its free postage :). Now time to convince the parents. I know its my money but they still get annoyed I blow so much of it on my car and I cop lectures from it lol.
  16. As I and -DAvo said, the front strut brace will barely do anything to reduce body roll. It's only there to stop chassis flex. It does not connect directly to any moving components which is why it doesn't affect the way the suspension operates. Reducing body roll will improve cornering. If you really want to see for yourself, by the front strut brace first. I put these up some posts back so you get an idea of what is at play: No. I've explained this elsewhere, but can't be bothered looking for it right now. Alright thanks, I was just trying to do the lazy way and get the front because that's such an easy job. The rear one looks much more complex and expensive. So then, what would the front one be good for?
  17. Personally, once you get over the original placebo effect, you will find that the front strut brace really doesn't help on the body roll side of things. If you are just going to get one bar for now, do it right the first time and get the rear sway bar first. Two nuts on each side Check out this eBay seller (thanks Matt) or PM SILVABULLIT if you want to get it locally as he is the Australian distributor of Ultra Racing: http://stores.ebay.com/CTECH-STRUT-BRACE__W0QQ_sidZ971709717?_nkw=camry+07&submit=Search Alright, you confused me with now adding get the rear one and not the front, lol. On my original post I think I got confused with handling and body roll. My main aim is to improve handling around corners, and from reading through this thread, the front strut bar will help turn ins, correct? If that is the case, the rear one for body roll can wait as I would like to improve handling. Is there any side effects to it? Would I be putting any strain on suspension etc for putting an after market piece? Oh yeah, just two nuts, is there anything else that I really need to remove before putting in the Ultra strut bar or simple as removing bolts, placing in and re bolting. Does it come with its own bolts or should I use the original bolts that I took off. Sorry for so many questions but I'm nooby at car mechanics.
  18. Thanks for the quick replies and thanks for the really informative reply DJK, you don't disappoint :). If the front bar improves turn ins, that is what I'm after as well. Something that will help with turn its because won't that help with the car feeling more stable then feeling like your turning a big boat? Also with installation, inst it as simple as removing the 3 bolts on each side, placing the strut bar in then putting the bolts back in. Is it that simple? How much am I looking at($$) for one you guys tested and knows that works really good?
  19. Haha, I've been reading through a bit. And it looks like this is what I need to reduce body roll. But can I ask, how can a bar just bolted on without any other special things reduce body roll? I really really want one of these. I hate body roll, in ANY car. It's a disgusting feeling. I love the firm feel around corners like my bro in laws sportivo camry. Today I was busting to go to the toilet and I was taking corners in really fast to get home and the body roll is disgusting to say the least. Ride comfort is good but roll I want to reduce heaps. Any help boys? This could be my first mod because I like mod's that will improve things in the car, not much into the eye candy :P
  20. I hate it how I do not get to choose for the full site or mobile site for TOCA. Can we please get this sorted out? I really dislike the mobile version of this start.
  21. haha, cheers mate. BOM shows weather in Melbourne on the weekend looks alright. I think I'll do it all then. Seriously cannot wait!
  22. Oh yeah!! I just realised you removed the bling bling grill. That one was nice too as it gave the car a unique look but stocky you have on now when I see it IMO looks tad bit better so keep that on :). I woudnt mind checking out that grill on my silver Aurion. Might go well with blending in. Potentiol customer here :P.
  23. 5 weeks is nothing. All you need to do is kiss it good bye When I went overseas for three months and came back my camry needed a quick jump start. She then ran like I never left her.
  24. Hahaha, I loved the microsoft one. I love pranks where people are set up then get freaked out
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