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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Realistically, if you are coming to a complete stop just use your brakes. You're not going to be getting any overall benefit from it all except maybe a fraction more life out of your brake pads and rotors. Then if you want to continue with the whole S mode thing, then change it to 1st once you are at the lights and then upshift from there when you accelerate from the lights. Only situation where I downshift approaching lights is when there is no one around as I approach a red light. If timed with you can eventually downshift into 2nd and coast along to the lights and if they change to green, you can accelerate again quicker. Alright thanks for that. Will have to try this out. I think though I'll stick to D for everyday driving :P
  2. Our old commie would use engine braking to slow down. Was pretty cool and good for the inner city streets that go and up down. On the Aurion you can't really use CC on normal streets because of the uneven roads, even on some freeways! Not sure why Toyota did it like this. We had a ford which also did not slow down and kept speeding up. Our 2010 ZR6 has no issues with the cruise at all,uphill,downhill,on freeways,back roads etc.I would be bringing it to toyotas attention as you might have a vacuum hose dislodged, but then again it is a (DBW)Drive by Wire setup Maybe the new CC is different? My Aurion just keeps creeping up speed when going downhill until I have to take over to tap the brakes then once we are on even road again I put it back on CC.
  3. What about coming to a red light? Should I stay in the same gear and brake, then when I come to a complete stop drop the gears? Or drop the gears as I'm braking?
  4. Thanks mate, I'm also reading through those links. As there do's and don'ts in S mode? I think I remember reading here sometime ago you said in another thread to never down shift while the car is moving or something?
  5. I've been putting this off for a long time because I guess you guys will have a laugh that I still don't know how to use it! I've tried to search but seriously the new search on this forum sucks, you can only search keywords and not things like topic titles etc, anyway... How do I use S-mode? The other day I used it and I had no clue what I was doing. I was doing 60KM/h and put it in S mode and it started from 4'th gear. Then as I was coming to traffic lights I was gearing down like a manual. Is this correct? When do I know when to change gears and when should I shift down? I have no clue at all on how to use it, so I've only used it like twice since I had the car and that was only to test it out.
  6. Awesome kick down at the start. Big difference from the Normal Aurion.
  7. Our old commie would use engine braking to slow down. Was pretty cool and good for the inner city streets that go and up down. On the Aurion you can't really use CC on normal streets because of the uneven roads, even on some freeways! Not sure why Toyota did it like this. We had a ford which also did not slow down and kept speeding up.
  8. Nah.. It'll go down instead since the demand is low... In fact, the price of electrity will go up.. Lots of demand... Not really, not in a very very very long time, even if half the worlds cars were electric and half were ICE, EV's would still pollute less.
  9. After pounding the aircon system full blast and spraying into every air inlet known to man in the Aurion and swapping between fresh and recirc with my Oust spray, have a look at how much water ended up flushing out of the hose, I'm guessing this is much more then average after only running for 3 minutes on full, somehow the spray maybe dislodged something and finally made the water come out? The Aurion has never leaked this much water from the inlet before. I even once left the car running with aircon on full blast for a good 5 minutes and nothing ever came out as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmpIA0x5Vtc
  10. Well said Steve ,the protection plan offered by the dealership is Over priced and with unresonable conditions. Dont really know how ACCC approves something like that but it is legit . On the subject of "GLITZ" , how much is it priced at ? I love the "new car smell" bit . :) Thats the thing i love about buying cars from the dealership.Get a bit disappointed when the smell fades and the car smells like me . +1 to GLITZ. I love the new car smell! How much and which isle would we find this stuff? From memory its around $10 a tub and its found in aisle with all the cleaning/polishing/preserving products,just ask someone mate and they will direct you to it,-cheers CONROD Thats like a bargain and also if its going to keep that new car smell we all love! Will check it out. Cheers. http://www.pascoes.com.au/products.php?which=201&level=5 quick search found this.
  11. Just want to confirm that the pipe is not directly on top of the exhaust but like 2 inches from it. Didn't have time today to put it on the ramp. But since its a plastic hose I pinched it all along and there was nothing blocking the plastic hose sticking out. Sigh. When you turn your heater on and change it to heater straight away does any moldy smell come out of it vents? Usually for the first few seconds it will smell and go away but mine doesn't for a loong time. Anyyyonneeeee?????? I've spent almost $160 just to get rid of this smell. Plzz some other ideas? :( edit: I want to try the glen10 thing again. But I'm not 100% sure how to do it. When spraying into the fan should it be on fresh or recirc? Should I have the aircon on or just run the fan with aircon off? how fast should I turn up the fan? do I spray directly into the fan box or from far?
  12. I clayed my windows once and when the sun hit, it made all my windows look dirty from the inside because it looked like a cloudy haze over all my windows. That really annoyed the crap outa me. It finally got better after a couple of car washes later when it all washed off.
  13. Where did you get the car imported from? If it was from a car dealer go back there and ask OR call Toyota directly.
  14. Are the prices we have to pay for Toyota parts seriously justified? A lot of after market parts can be just as near the same quality if not the same and cost way more then half the cost of the original. What are the parts prices based off? Do they make it expensive just for the hell of it?
  15. It looks like it could do the job, but when it comes to things like this, maybe the tried and tested known brands are the safest bet. For the cost of that though, you can try it out in an inconspicuous area/another car though. True true. Well again I've managed to spend $34 in a matter of five minutes. First purchased the megs wash and wax and now this clay bar and spent a pretty penny for the flush yesterday. Sloww down uniqueeee
  16. How is this? Since its cheap could it do any damage or not work? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Magic-Car-Clay-Bar-180g-Auto-Detailing-Claybar-Cleaner-/180500130258?cmd=ViewItem&pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2a06a569d2 edit: I ask because a quick search on google shows some clay bars are made out of different material.
  17. I thought that too, but is the pipe directly under the exhaust? I can't tell from the picture.
  18. Cheers. Yeah I know huh! I remember looking at youtube where it shows what was in the package. When I went to supercheap I was expecting the same thing. And when I only got the bottle and clay I asked where is the rest of the stuff and the guy looked at me like what the hell is he talking about We always get the worst stuff in Australia or way too late! :(
  19. Wrong direction my a**! What were you expecting? A scale diagram showing exactly where it is? Why don't you look where it is yourself and you will see that if you look around the area I specified, you will see it. I said 'around that position' in my statement. 15-20 cm off would be considered reasonable. Anyways, trying to look for it from the front of your car (where your photo was taken from), would indicate that it's not my direction that was wrong, but your following of the direction. Bit disappointed that I won that bet eh settle settle! I did have a look for it. I even got my jack out to lift the front up and searched everywhere with my torch. You said somewhere around the glove box area which I was looking there but its in fact below the drivers side. Anyway, we have one of these http://www.cougardevelopments.co.uk/images/RM1-medium.jpg and I'll drive it on top of those to get under better. As for the bet, I'm annoyed I did lose but happy that its the correct one :P
  20. Nah, I don't need the lubricant. You can just make some yourself with a bit of car wash and water in a bottle. Is it possible to just get the clay bar on its own?
  21. No problem. I just signed up and purchased it. My closest supercheap is like 3 minutes from my house and I drive past it everyday but since its free shipping, what the hey! I'll save myself having to start the car to buy it
  22. the megs kit for the clay bar IMO is way over priced for a bottle that really doesn't do much then lubricate and a small piece of clay that probably costs megs like 1cent each to manufacture. is there anything out there cheaper for our cars, with just the clay bar on its own?
  23. From helpful advice from the guys here, I cleaned my radiator and was able to take the cover off to uncover it extremely dirty and dusty underneath it and cleaned that as well, for pics look at the thread in the aurion section (taking off grill). I also gave the car a much much needed wash after been driven around in rain lately. She is sparkling better then ever.
  24. Well said Steve ,the protection plan offered by the dealership is Over priced and with unresonable conditions. Dont really know how ACCC approves something like that but it is legit . On the subject of "GLITZ" , how much is it priced at ? I love the "new car smell" bit . :) Thats the thing i love about buying cars from the dealership.Get a bit disappointed when the smell fades and the car smells like me . +1 to GLITZ. I love the new car smell! How much and which isle would we find this stuff?
  25. That would be your exhaust mount. That keeps the exhaust safe and sound from extreme movement. Oh okay, I always wondered what that thing was. Thought it was some sort of machine gun.
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