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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Welcome! And very very nice car :). Congratulations!
  2. How much is the Toyota synthetic 5w30??
  3. Sweet. Well I can for sure tell a difference in gear changes. It no longer holds gears unnesserally even on cold runs.
  4. Well after big driving today including two cold starts gearing has definitally changed. So much better. Flaring has gone I can say easily 100% so no more :).
  5. Facelift has a different part number 89530-33160, but there is no supersession from pre-facelift (89530-33021 is the latest you can have [and you do]). Oh okay. So your telling me that they never replaced the my computer or they have??
  6. If there is another person who can check on there car as well that would be awesome. Maybe someone that has an 07 model and 09 model please!
  7. haha have i mentioned i hate you right about now lol ;) $1.35 for 98 f@rk you lol :P Haha, I hope it stays like that. It fluctuations a lot :(
  8. Thanks heaps for that man. Feeling and thinking my problem is fixed is one thing, actually physically seeing its been fixed is also another :P The only difference in those two codes is the last number from 0 to 1!
  9. Since I think I got my transmission computer replaced, its my fault for not putting some sort of permanent marker marking on the computer box to see if it was replaced. But on top of it there is a code, mine is 89530-33021 V29(written exactly like that) If you could please be so kind (it only takes couple of minutes) and go see what your code number is and write it down. If its the same I'm guessing it would mean the bastards never touched it. It's just I'm really picky with this stuff and I know if I don't find out its going to annoy me. As DJKOR said: Look underneath your air filter box/battery and you will see it attached to the gearbox. :) thanks in advance!!
  10. Yeah I have seen those posts. Nice pictures :P
  11. Ninja Hamster sniffing out bargains for fellow Toyota drivers :ph34r: I remember locking at some Toyota 17" alloy and they were $225 each without tyre or fitting so my guess for kappa 17" is $280ish considering 18" kappa cost $400. The kappa wheels are all the same with the PCD and offset so most Toyota cars can use it. I was also considering getting this deal but the tyres are just too small for the Aurion. You would be risking your safety and the speedo would be even more inaccurate. Your best choice is to get buy the deal, sell the tyres to a Corolla driver and buy proper size wheels for the Aurion. Ahh, I see, the Kappas are standard across the whole range but its just the tyre sizes are a bit different from each other. Sweet, will look further into it.
  12. or you just had a dodgy setup to begin with and now you are feeling what a normal Aurion feels like This edit: does anyone know where the comp is located?
  13. Well I was nicely pointed to these kappas: http://www.nunawadingtoyota.com.au/generic-specials.php (click on the forth box). For the tyre and wheel package its only $880. Is this a good price as I have no clue when it comes to tyres except how to put air in them and to check tread. It says its for Corrolla, but does that make a difference, is there any difference the Aurion kappas or the Corrolla kappas or did they just advertise these as corrolla for no reason? since they are going to change it, will it be possible to sell my old wheels on ebay or should I keep them just in case? also, I will these effect handling, fuel consumption. safety, legal issues etc (ie, make it worse)
  14. $2000 is the 18" from memory but i'm not sure about the 17". Unique do you really want to see a true bargain B) http://www.nunawadingtoyota.com.au/generic-specials.php scroll down to the 4th box and open it God daym! Are they only for corolla? To change my 16" which are on they're way out will cost me like $500 I might as well get this deal. :o
  15. Like you said, it's all personal when it comes to how much you want to wax. For me personally, I wax mine every week for the simple fact that it definitely makes washing my car easier (for me). I wash my car twice a week and I find if I go for a few washes between waxes, the little black dots or road grime (tar or whatever) that gets up onto my sides of the car etc, require a little more effort to clean off compared to washing my car after waxing it only one or two washes ago. The way I feel is that if it's easier to clean, the surface is more protected (as I said, the way I feel). On top of that, whenever I'm at the office, I'm forced to park under a tree that drops these little round seed things (like 100's & 1000's) and if it has been 2 washes or less since my last wax, these seed things just roll off my car when I start driving. On average, if it is a few washes or more since my last wax, despite my paint still showing signs of good wax protection, these seed things will actually adhere a bit to the surface of the car and after a drive, there will still be a fair few on the paint surface. To me, I feel better when they all roll off easily. But that's a personal thing. I don't care if it is ultimately wasting wax as I feel better with it in the end. It only ends up using an hour and a half of my time and about $5 in wax per week. Damn that sucks! Last time I parked under a tree there was annoying and ugly sap on my hood after only like 15 minutes of parking under the tree. I stay away from them as much as I can.
  16. Alright, car is back from Toyota and the transmission computer was replaced. I'm not that happy with it because I'm ecstatic about it :P! Gear changing feels so much more synchronised, taking off like a granny the car changes between gears so smooth you can no longer feel it. That lag is completely gone when you would accelerate slowly. I tried kick downs, the kick downs have improved. Before a kick down literally felt like someone was giving the transmission a round house kick Very happy with the outcome. And I gotta say, the car picks up speed amazingly fast. I hit 80KM/h by a slow acceleration bloody fast compare to the lagging gear changes as before. The car "feels" faster. The real test will be driving the car after leaving it over night in freezing cold temperatures and then drive off, see how she performs on a cold engine now. Anyone in doubt, get it done now!! It's bloody awesome to finally have smooth gear changes. P.S I asked how much would this have cost me without warranty the guy said easily $1500. edit: Please note that I changed my transmission oil with toyota ATF WS @ 63K. So in conjunction with fresh oil and new computer, it's perfect.
  17. i dont think you'd want your car to be perfectly swirl removed...because its your daily drive... so much so as sitting on your car will create a whole heap of swirls and new born scratches, and so the cycle beginnings and before you know it, your clear coat is feeling/looking awfully thin.............. Crap! Thats not good. Do you polish your car heaps? How is your clear coat going?
  18. Aren't these like $2000 when new? $700 is a bloody awesome price man. I swear to god if I was in Sydney I would buy these. :o
  19. Hi davo, from a quick search I found this. It's kind of relevant :) http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091124155404AAxP3pG
  20. Thanks mate. I will never get it to your perfection but at least it's better then before which is all that matters right now. B)
  21. You never know mate, at least the word gets out. And yeah, we have it really bad man, but a lot of talk has been going on lately about how the Government is bending everyone over. They are really starting to push their luck.
  22. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Support-Mark-Skaifes-140kmh-speed-call-for-Australian-roads/129389557090911?v=wall#!/pages/Support-Mark-Skaifes-140kmh-speed-call-for-Australian-roads/129389557090911 Join up and let our voice be heard that no longer do we want to live in a nanny state. Edit: While you are at it, spread this around as many places you know like forums, social sites etc: http://rapidshare.com/files/394509019/SCAMera.pdf
  23. Well I got my green pad today in the mail, and I tested it out with megs swirl remover 2.0. After improving technique and finding the right speed and amount of product to apply, I can safely say I have eliminated/covered 80% of swirling. I don't think I can get any more then 80%. And I'm not willing to buy more products from now on until I finish what I have because its probably enough to last me a year and then some. So far I'm very happy with it. I will be doing it properly (whole car) sometime this week. I'll be taking the car in tomorrow to Toyota for something and then few days later I'll start cleaning her. Before: After:
  24. $1.35 for BP Ultimate 98?!!!!! are you for real? Were paying that for normal 91 in Tas and 95 is around $1.44 -$ 1.46 and 98 is like $1.55! lol, you poor thing :P. Yeah it was 1.35 when I filled up few days ago. Best of all that this BP is like 3 years old which means brand new underground tanks(less contaminants) and the BP is very very busy so fresh batches of fuel always get delivered. Win win! Only the best for the Aurion
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