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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. I've been in few cars that do this, but they were all much older then the Aurion
  2. Thanks mate, I appreciate the offer. I would love to one day get the G220. I'm pretty sure I will get it but step by step :) Just waiting for my pad and I got my swirl remover 2.0 last night. Lets see how it goes. The car is a ripe mess, you should see it, its shocker. Wax, swirl remover, polish splatter all over it, mud, rain, dirt. Weather has been so crap in Melbourne that literally there hasn't been a day where you can't step out of the house during day without freezing your ***** off and the rain. I think I'll give it a quick soap wash and let make do for now until I get it back from the dealer after they replace the tranmission ecu. Then it's time to clay it with my ebay clay that I finally got, polish, wax etc. Busy time ahead for the car.
  3. Size of your wallet? Come on its only 1.35 a litre from BP98. Thats nothing, when I went overseas the country I was in, 91 was $3.85 a litre and LPG was $1.68. They pay more for LPG then we do for 98. Ever since seeing those prices and coming back here, petrol looks like its free.
  4. On zas they are asking like $95. **** that! How much do you get it from repco? about that...... welcome to the land of mirror glaze products... Damn, damn, damn!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks mate. I just went to supercheap auto few hours ago and picked up swirl remover 2.0, now all I need is to wait for my pad to come. Wish me luck. edit: Supercheap auto should change their name. There is nothing "cheap" about them. The prices are the same if not more expensive then other car stores.
  6. On zas they are asking like $95. **** that! How much do you get it from repco?
  7. You should polish on a relatively fast speed. I normally use 4-5 on my G220. But I only use a lake country ccs white pad with swirl x. Better to start with a less aggressive polish/pad combo and see how that works because you can also go over it again. Thanks mate. I don't have a G220 but I have the rotary. Since the Swirlx is not compatible with a rotary(not sure why) I have to use Swirl Remover 2.0 (#9) which apparently is compatible. It's impossible to remove swirls. I just went crazy on a small section of roof panel on the car to test different products. This time I used them by hand and I could still see swirling. I just used swirlx with meguires hand applicator pad and it did nothing really. It still looks the same to me. I then used my buffer, the same thing happened, I used the rotary and the same. The swirling is still there. I'm going to wait for my new pad to come in and then purchase some swirl remover 2.0. IF this does not help with swirls I'm calling defeat and giving up indefinitely (trying to remove swirling) because I can't put up with it any more. It's become personal so it's royally sh*tting me.
  8. Thank you very much for the awesome informative reply. I'll keep the green pad speed slow, probably about 1000RPM. I will use a designated spot first and see how it works out. I'm not after 100% swirl removal as its impossible on a daily unless I put in the huge effort that davo does and I'm not just up to that. Sometimes I'm even happy with just a simple soap wash and dry and off I go. But these swirls have ****** me off bad, until I can at least reduce swirling I'll be happy. By the way I have no scratching on the car, just light surface swirling caused by general washing, vehicle usage etc. For someone that swirling on my car would be normal and they wouldn't even notice. But since I'm so OCD about my car it annoys me :P. I remember selling my old camry, the guy that bought it couldn't stop commenting how clean it was. Even though in my eyes it wasn't 100% my standards but for him it was show room
  9. Can someone here please hook me up with some M205?
  10. I assume you use Royal Purple Engine oil, was what I was wanting to use. &$%#ing expensive gear, do you think the cost is warranted ? Not at all. Unless you seriously have the money to blow go ahead. But it really is not worth it in a Toyota.
  11. Well, been waiting a whole day for a reply and nothing, lol. So I took the dive and got this: http://www.chemguys.com.au/Lake_Country_CCS_Green_Heavy_Polishing_Pad_6_1_2_p/buflc_103_6.htm
  12. Don't bother. Chances are they will not use the oil you bring and just use their cheap crap oil and steal your oil. Are you serious?
  13. Got a call today, the part is in. Booked the car in for Wednesday morning.
  14. So I've narrowed it down to these three pads: http://www.carcareproducts.com.au/product/lake_country/soft_polishing_pad_65 http://www.carcareproducts.com.au/product/lake_country/polishing_pad_65 http://www.carcareproducts.com.au/product/lake_country/light_cut_pad_65 Which pad should I use with my Megs Swirl Remover 2.0 (rotary) I'll follow the process with the wax attack buffer with the megs 2.0 wax.
  15. What seems like a turn off to you is definitely a + to me.. I like the fat Aurion look for both the front and back. It's such a turn on, especially on dark colour, not sure with bright colours. I guess its that the sportivo models have the body kit to show it off so the back doesn't look so empty.
  16. To be honest, a car without log book I wouldn't have touched. It has no log book for a reason which a lot of the time is removed because its never been serviced properly. But anyway, since the car is out of warranty screw going to the dealer and do it all yourself. With a brake service, find a decent place to do it.
  17. im getting a bit confused as to what your saying here unique... firstly afaik there is no "SWIRL X 2.0" yet...? ive check meguiars online and can only find reference to the original SWIRL X... and no i dont think it is impossible to rid your car paint from defects using swirlX (assuming your scratches are not too bad for the product to deal with) as i have managed to do it with mine.... again i wouldnt recommend you use swirlx with a rotary... if your going down the rotary route, i would suggest you start getting mirror glaze products such as M105 and M205... and if you read up on swirlx, you will find that its not a product that "wears out" like a wax does... instead swirlx uses diminshing abrasives to "flatten out" the swirls in your paint... you will have to reuse swirlx when you introduce more swirls into the paint through washing or daily wear and tear... so in the end im not sure as to your technique or combinattion of using the wrong tools to apply the product... i would suggest you read up more on the product to fully understand how it works.. good luck with the rotary... hope it works out for you and remember, be bloody careful of any raised edge when using the rotary... would hate to see you burn through the clearcoat :( So sorry mate, I meant swirl remover 2.0! Thanks for the further advice. I will look into those two products you mentioned. I don't think I would burn through my clear coat. When I was using the rotary last night it did make the paint surface warm but I controlled it and stopped immediately.
  18. Not my car but I'll post this up for someone totally random. Was driving yesterday and spotted an Aurion pulled over, as a drove closer I realised its a brand new face lift Aurion, and I look to see the dumb lady has nicely hugged the front to a power pole. Poor poor car :(
  19. speaking of aircon... does anyone get foggy windows without the aircon on when its not even that cold? on the front windscreen. i remember this was a problem in the old 91 camry. yes that happens to me to! +1. Add me to that list. Confusing aye :S. Wonder what causes it.
  20. Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty sure my technique cannot be wrong. In each pass I tried a difference technique to see what will work and it has only reduced swirls but has not rid my paint to a perfect flawless finish. Maybe the problem could be using the swirlx with the rotary because I read it is not compatible but it is with swirlx 2.0. I'll give 2.0 a shot. But I gotta say, using a rotary does make life so much easier. I feel confident with it. I've been thinking though, do you think its impossible for use a product to rid the swirls? I think that the car actually needs to be professionally cut. How long does swirlx last? Is it something that I need to keep applying? edit: I taped off a small section on the back, the area above the fuel cap.
  21. The front is too big, and the back bumper looks like you can fit a whale in there. Those two are my biggest turn offs.
  22. I would love to put these on my car but I don't like attracting unwanted attention from the popo since these are illegal
  23. Go to US sites where other owners show off there rides and discuss good and bad things first hand.
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