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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Well I give up. Today I busted out the pads, buffer, to rotary to rid of swirls that you can see in the correct light and angle. And nothing got rid of them... FFS. SWIRLX SUCKS. I applied 6 layers of it with a half hour wait in between. In each process I tried a different way of applying it and nothing worked. It only reduced it by a little. Should I try ultimate compound or something with my rotary?
  2. Excellent to hear davo. I'm pretty sure this will be my next mod. Keep the reviews coming if you like. I'd be interested to read :)
  3. Read my few posts above, my tyre pressures were 30 before I pumped them up to 38. At 30 PSI it was a very sloppy ride. It kept getting sucked into pot holes, cracks etc in the road, at 38 its very snappy and corners so much better and it glides over "road imperfections". I see you done 35, 35 is a good compromise IMHO because 38 does feel a bit stiff. So if you are after ride comfort and a bit of 'sporty' feel go 35, if you want bit of comfy but more sporty go 38. (16" tyres that is)
  4. Well I ended up getting my car yesterday, its been a very busy two days. The prognoses, a brand new ECU for the transmission being shipped over from Sydney. They are going to give me a call when the new part is in. Yay, best news ever. Very happy with the outcome. I was 90% expecting to hear, nah mate, there is nothing wrong. So glad I got the extended warranty.
  5. Even in the dry I constantly loose traction during a kick-down... the Aurion seems to have an uncanny ability to even wheelspin in third while it is moving, which I have never seen from another automatic before... Does anybody else notice that if a kickdown occurs, but you quickly back off the accelerator and the revs stay high - the transmission seems to be intentionally slipping, as the car doesn't seem to really change speed? Today for the first time ever I lost traction. It was this morning on my way to the dealer. I was at a busy road a bout and cars where not giving a chance to let me through so when I found the opportunity I hit the accelerator, but not even that hard and I got wheel spin. It looked like to others that I done it intentionally. Also thing is, road was dry, the road was also dead straight. No up hill or anything. I think I have unleashed the Aurions POWERRrrr. After the ECU restart and amping up my driving style to a bogan v6 driver I can definitely feel that the car is much much more loose, it doesn't feel like its holding itself back.
  6. Had both of these things done, still have a flare... I decided that it's not getting any worse, so it must be OK. Hmm, my car is at the dealer right now. Dropped it off this morning. Just annoyed that I won't be able to pick up the car today as I won't have any time at all so it might have to stay over night :(. With the ECU update, I really really wonder what other things that is in the update besides "fixing" the flare. Does anyone know?
  7. I've been looking heaps over the internet, where can I get a rotary pad that has a velcro backing for using my swirlx?
  8. Yeah that lag kills doesn't it. Mine holds third gear a bit once at operating temperature. On cold start take offs it holds third gear for quite some time. Will be dropping the car off to the dealer tomorrow. Lets see what they say. Hopefully they can find a fault in it.
  9. That is what I was thinking, the dealer aint going to put in fully synthetic oil and only charge you a bit more and be out of pocket by over $100. Might want to check with your dealer davo.
  10. Time to replace your shaft. It's nothing dangerous. Just bloody hope you still have warranty :)
  11. Wow, and I thought mine was bad. My worst is usually peaking at 14L/100.
  12. Serious? Are you sure you are in an Aurion? Ours will often result at the end of a tank with a tank average of 8.0-10.0 depending on who drives it. Mainly my wife drives it to work which involves; Home - School (2 min drive) School - Her work (10 min drive) Her work - School (10 min drive) School - Home (2 minute drive) All of these transitions involve stopping and starting the engine each time. I hate this fact This constant cycle will result in a tank average of approx 12.5 - 13.0 I will usually take it 1-2 days a week to work which is 70min freeway each way which will bring the tank average back down to approx 9.0-10.0 If I take the car to work with me for the week, the tank average will usually be down around 7.0 - 8.0 Steve That sounds the same as my car. I do a lot of short drives about 80% and 20% semi long drives. A lot of my short drives involve starting, stopping the car and in some cases I get to my destination before the car even even warm up. This is horrible on my average consumption. And even when I do take the freeway it sucks for fuel consumption as well because I'm always using the freeways when traffic is packed and speeds are constantly fluctuating. Which is why I put in some BP Ultimate, good to be putting in good oil and keep it in tip top condition and it was last me over half a million Km's for sure :) *knock on wood*
  13. Ahh okay, so I guess the semi syn 5W40 for the aurion should be okay. Yes, more than adequate. Cheers, sounds like I found a new oil for the car. Will be using this from now on on every service and supply it to the dealer yearly for the 15K service while I do the 7.5k service myself.
  14. Watch a huge influx of cars coming over the boarder into Queensland and Victoria. The panel beaters here must be very happy with these news.
  15. Ahh okay, so I guess the semi syn 5W40 for the aurion should be okay.
  16. I understand that the 5W means it can with stand colder temperature then the 10W, but what does the other number, 40 mean? What is the difference between the 30 and 40?
  17. Yeah I looked at the recommended list for the Aurion and they recommend the HPR 5. But also it says I can use the 10W40 "Everyday oil" So which one should I use.
  18. I've been reading through these threads for some oil for the car since the car is due in 3000KM so I want to start getting the oils and stuff and have it ready when the day comes to change it. But a lot of the oils mentioned are hard to find. I even have trouble finding them online and no where can I find it online to purchase. So if people can help me with my selection of which oil to use that is READILY AVAILABLE at my local Supercheap and/or autobahn that would be great. I'm looking to spend around $40 on the oil. I'm really not fussed about these super high quality oils, what can you recommend for the Aurion? I'm thinking of getting the dealer one but unfortunately since the Aurion takes 6.1 litres it will cost a fair bit at the dealer. I've been looking at these: http://www.penriteoil.com.au/products/motor-oil/hpr/hpr_5 or this http://www.penriteoil.com.au/products/motor-oil/everyday-motor-oil/everyday_driving_full_synthetic_10w-40 Would this be okay for the Aurion?
  19. Amazing how the correct pressure works :) ...now all you need to do is keep an eye on it and check/maintain your current tyre pressure and all will be sweet,you should even notice some minor change in the way your tyres wear. i try and check my tyre pressure and other little easy to do things every weekend usually during her weekly wash,only takes a few minutes to check all fluid levels and tyre pressures and i also keep a close eye on how my tyres are wearing and rotate as needed. Big difference. It shows the great potential this car has when modded. It's really got me in the mood to do some!
  20. u54mot, is that you on whirlpool asking the same question? :P
  21. Congratulations on the new buy. Another new TOCAU Aurion owner in Melbourne
  22. I'd love to see a turbo aurion!! and even more so a TRD supercharged turbo aurion!! one of the two must happen eventually. To be honest I wouldn't want all that power in FWD.
  23. Hey thanks for the reply, I got the low fuel like at 400KM so its more like 13.75 which is pretty high... As for the tyres, the Max Psi is 55 or 58 can't quite remember. I normally pump them up at 42psi but decided to see how it is at 45psi Cheers I know this is cliché but try this: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=improve+petrol+consumption&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a
  24. Only in Sydney mate. ULP91 still available in Victoria as normal. Why are they taking it out in Sydney? I will never use this E10 crap ever.
  25. Oh man, that totally sucks! IF they have to repaint it make sure its a good panel beater. On plastic bits, its harder to make it look like original quality finish because it might not be as shiny.
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