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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. I'd be in a group buy for the DA! Can I borrow yours davo? Boy would I love to use that to apply my swirlx.
  2. Thanks for the valuable information. My shifts have gotten worse I can tell. They are horrible at changing gears. It flares like crazy and gear change is horrible and laggy and sloppy. They better do something on Monday, because if they find nothing wrong that would be the biggest bullsh*t.
  3. Not worth it. If you are looking to do that. Buy a TRD instead as it might even come cheaper then modding or buy a car for your taste thats faster like XR6 turbo. Those things goooo.
  4. Enjoy the ride . You will also notice your fuel consumption a bit less as well. Thanks man. Yeah for sure my fuel consumption will improve. Can you imagine the car was dragging its self poor thing. The tyre pressure at 30 was too low for a big car like the Aurion. Seriously, the cornering feels so sharp. I'm in love. Before I had to take corners slow and the car would drag its self around corners. Now it stays put like its got sports suspension. It's amazing what a difference 8psi made. It's also my first time doing 38. I would always do 35F/34B but 38F/37B is amazingly perfect for this car/tyres.
  5. Are you sure? On mine they say 44PSI. You are reaching the tyres maximum pressure. You are putting too much stress on the tyre. Lower it soon.
  6. 550KM sounds about right. And for the tyre pressure at 45PSI. That is too high man! If you look on the side of the tyre it even says MAX 44PSI. Drop it down! Unless you are running small 'light truck' tyres, 45PSI is too much. Have a read of http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28034 Aurion Tyre Pressure I just pumped my tyres to 38 front and 37 back and this is perfect. At 45 psi you will reduce braking distance and also (I just got a deja vu) in rain it can be dangerous. edit: Beaten. <_<
  7. Okay, I'm writing this from my iPhone. I just pumped 38 front and 37 back. When I put the hose in each tyre they were all 30!!!! Now inflated all I can say is **** shamWOW. The car is different. Handling is bloody sharp. Instead of the car getting sucked/bogged into the road over bumps and cracks the car glides over them. The car does not feel like a boat anymore. Everything feels so sharp now. HUGE difference in turning and way the car glides over cracks etc. Even my take off from lights feel snappier. So proud of the car. Thanks a billion guys.
  8. Alright. When I go out tonight I'll stop by the servo to pump 38 at front and 37 at back. I've never gone that high before, let's see how it will be.
  9. I'm using 39psi front and 37psi back. You can try 38psi front and 36psi back first and see how it feels. Hmmm, don't you think this is too much? A lot of the time its just me in the car and sometimes it can be a full car and sometimes it can be one to two passengers.
  10. To true. I overtook an undercover 22km/h to fast and he pulled me over giving me a pretty good guess of 20km/h to fast. He didn't book me though which is great since I intend to join the police and that wouldve delayed my application by a year... Yeah, so I don't think this new law in America is nothing new. I'm surprised it wasn't already law. But its unclear. For example: In Australia a cop car usually paces behind you to get an average speed which works, for example I once tried this dead of night in a 70KM/h zone and a car zoomed past me. I sped up to a very high speed to catch up. When I finally did I was cruising behind him at 85KM/h in the 70KM/h zone, clearly the guy was doing an average of 82KM/h in the 70KM/h zone.
  11. This isnt really new news, in Australia they can guess your speed too. The cop just needs to be following you to get the average speed.
  12. haha, are you kidding me? 9 months? I think late is an understatement
  13. Sorry to hihack but its I post this is rather then start a new thread on the same topic. What PSI should I have my stock toyota 16"? At the moment I'm running 35 front and 34 back.
  14. Boredom. Nah... I have a really large monitor Obviously joking. I just had a lot of time to spare. I could have used something like the Screengrab! extension for Firefox, but meh. Haha, that was quick though
  15. Cool, thanks for the tips. I'll try this clay bar I got from ebay and if I don't like it I'll turf it away. It was cheap anyway so no harm done.
  16. Well I booked in the car for monday morning. but this time a different dealer. I don't really like the one I usually send it to. I asked if they ever reflashed an aurion and he said they only have done one! So I guess this is a wide spread problem. one is still one too many considering all the other reports of flaring online.
  17. To be honest it could have been the mechanic thrashing your car. Those mechanics seriously thrash the crap out of the owners vehicles. edit: This seems to be a big issue with this transsmision. I seriously think who ever manufactured this ****** up badly. GOTO GOOGLE AND TYPE: U660E flare and you will see heaps of results of people over in the US feeling the same problem. Recall recall recall!!!!!!!!! :help: Edit: Wait a sec, they replaced your grill because of a bit of paint missing? Mine has a slight paint chip as well. What did you say for them to get it replaced? I thought things like this won't get replaced.
  18. +1. Though there are two smells that never really go away. Brake pad and tire. But these two you learn to recognise. This is true, but it won't remain like that for too long. Seriously, I think the past owner of this car did not thrash my car at all. Even at 60K when I drive it hard sometimes, I park the car in my garage and I put my nose to the front and I can still smell fresh plastic/engine smell. It makes me happy each time, its the best smell ever. Yeah I know thats weird, my ex used to hate that I spent so much time on my old camry. I would stare at the car more then her, LOL jkz :P
  19. Just use blu tac and stick your phone on the dash between the speedo and steering wheel. If you rev your car up to the red section a few times your ECU will recognise this and may set the profile to near max. This means the gears change at a high rpm. Thanks mate, I thought about this myself and thought I was crazy thinking blu taccing it As stated about the auto ecu's , they are adaptive. if mum and dad drive like grand pa's and then son takes it for a burn i bet mum and dad notice a difference in the auto characteristics . Unique . does your auto flare only when cold and is it around 50-60 kph going from 3rd to 4th ???. if so and its under warranty there is a revised auto ecu available (re-flashed software). These autos are very hi tech. when an ecu is replaced there is a large number of compensation codes that are entered into the new ecu , these codes are written on the auto case from factory. if the auto is flaring the toyota it2 can be connected and a snap shot can be taken to see the issue. i tried all sorts to alleviate my flaring issues from added extra 200ml WS auto oil to even asking for a new auto and this ecu fixed it up 95% when i replaced my ecu and was a guinea pig for the tech guys i was told that the ecu may take weeks to respond and a couple of thousand klms , so 10 min's is not enough Nah, this was my first real flare and the car was at FULL operating temp because I just had done an ECU reset and after the ECU reset it says to let the car idle for at least 10 minutes which I did and the car reached full operating temperature in the 10 minutes I left it idling. The flare (I'm not sure if it even was a flare), I started driving and when I started reaching about 55Km/h the car did not change gear. Imagine that your cruising at 60KM/h and you put the car in neutral, you accelerate but go nowhere and the car just rev's "free fall" then all of a sudden my gear engaged and the car changed gears. Very weird. Also, what I experience when the car changes gears is very sluggish. It feels like there is a lazy midget in the transmission that is too lazy to change gears and when he does he does a sloppy change. When the car changes gears like this it actually makes you feel tired because its irritating and you put concentration into feeling and listening to the the gear changes.
  20. If only it were that easy for me to do. Though, that said, I found just trying to take my mind off my surroundings seems to help. It's quite crazy. If you sit on the speed limit (as shown on your speedo), just count the many many cars that speed by you. Yeah mate, I'm not really into "speeding" so sticking to the speedo speed limit is easy. But for sure when I do I have a lot of car's overtaking me. There are those odd occasions that I will also stay above the speedo limit if I want to get somewhere "faster" by driving the real speed limit.
  21. +1. Should I feel guilty though when filling up at BP. Because those guys have seriously effed up the waters.
  22. Well imagine a car the weight of a Corolla with the Camry 4 banger. It will definitely have some go to it. Just a shame it is matched to a 4-speed auto only for the Australian model. At least it is TRD supported: Nice I would love to have this car to just use it as a car to bash around in. It doesn't look so touchy touchy as the Aurion. RUKUS, industrial strength
  23. Just use blu tac and stick your phone on the dash between the speedo and steering wheel. If you rev your car up to the red section a few times your ECU will recognise this and may set the profile to near max. This means the gears change at a high rpm. Thanks mate, I thought about this myself and thought I was crazy thinking blu taccing it
  24. Is it a 4 Cylinder? edit: http://www.toyota.com.au/rukus/features/performance?wt.ac=RKSfeaturesperformance Dang it is too! I would have loved to have seen an Aurion engine in there! I still don't understand why Toyota put small engines in big cars!
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