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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Why would you want it to read the same? If you want a fine go right ahead make it exactly perfect. I've nicely tricked myself that when I sit on 60, that I AM doing 60. It's a good way for me to never get a fine.
  2. Exactly, even if its 38K or 39K thats still way too expensive for this model and the KM's its done. What are they thinking? Must be on an acid trip.
  3. Last night I done a ECU reset. I left the negative out for two hours and went through the whole procedure on the link I showed. After driving, the first thing that happened in second gear is that the car flared like crazy on second gear. It was weird, its like it lost all power like I accidentally put it into neutral while cruising but pressing the accelerator and back into drive, but it only done it once and never again. To be honest, I cannot notice any difference what so ever in gear changes. It feels exactly the same even after I reset the ECU. Some people here said that the car drove differently but seriously everything was the same except that really horrible flare. I went for like a 10 minute drive to waste fuel and to get the ECU used to my driving style. I was driving pretty hard and hitting 3500 almost every chance I got. Is there an easy way to record my taco without having to hold my phone? It's too hard to hold the phone and try to drive at the same time.
  4. pffftt.... if you drive it hard enough, often enough, then the smell doesnt appear anymore... or so i've been told... hahaha, if I were to do this in my old camry, all I would get is the smell of oil burning like crazy because that car had about 3 leaks and most of it was dripping on the exhaust.
  5. Just disconnect the battery for 10 mins. A word of warning. The stock profile is the most powerful one so watch the foot. Are you sure that's it? I remember there were few other procedures to do when turning the car back on or something? Seriously I wish I could search this because I remember this was discussed for the Aurion but the new search comes up with pathetic results, with completely non relevant stuff from what I searched. would this also work on the aurion? http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2020
  6. Well Santa came today and delivered my wash and wax. Can't wait to try it out :D
  7. I don't think I have ever red lined in a car. But yeah, thats what I hate, after rough driving and you park the car you can smell everything cooking and it just makes you cringe and makes you want to reverse all the actions you took. How do a do a ECU reset on the Aurion? I wanna try this out.
  8. When I accelerate from red lights or speed up I usually try my best to keep no higher then 2500rpm. Though I noticed the Aurion doesn't like to go fast on low rev's and you get the decent power out of it from anything above 3000rpm. (Not much low end torque) I've been reading that an ECU can get lazy (this is unconfirmed from other forums like Honda etc). I think it could be me from trying to take it easy on car that my transmission changes become lazy. I know for a fact that if I accelerate hard, that my transmission changes are blisteringly fast, its just bam bam bam, you cannot even tell the car is changing gear. If I were to up it to about 3000rpm to 3500rpm is that okay? I'm eager to know what other people here hit in there Aurions and what theyre driving style is. To be honest, petrol is not a factor for me(well kind of but not THAT much) so I don't mind if I were to accelerate more then what I do now. It's just that I feel terrible for the car, it feels like if I baby it that I'm treating it well and its happy with me, and that if I gun it a bit that the car starts to become unhappy with me for treating it rough Also, since I take a bit longer to get to the speed limit, my dad actually told me to "stop taking off from lights so slow" and to "lead foot" it a bit and reach the speed limit quicker instead of taking your sweet damn time. So it made me wonder, if I were to take it easy to the lights am I wasting more petrol OR if I take it harder then usual and reach the speed limit quicker and start cruising sooner is this saving fuel? Still so much to learn about this car. I've only had it for 6 months. I remember my old camry, it took me 3 years to learn how to treat her and how she likes to be treated, what petrol it likes, what oil it likes etc. So I'm still way way away from mastering my car.
  9. So you think you can drive? Russian millionaire drives like a maniac 500hp Range Rover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyDYlsS1QJc&feature=related
  10. I think its done with a machine. The only reason why the dealer would recommend this stuff is because they buy these fancy new machines, so they gotta make the machines money's worth somehow!
  11. + 1TRILLION! VERY nice car man.
  12. Try Fuel Doctor. You can pick it up from any SuperCheapAuto. Also go to youtube and watch the Fuel Doctor video(just search for fuel doctor) and you will never use any other fuel injector fluid. As for warranty, if the car is still under warranty and you would like to keep warranty, just go every 12 months to do dealer as per log book and JUST get the oil and filter changed. For everything else go somewhere else. Only go to the dealer to keep the warranty guys happy every 12 months so you don't forfeit it.
  13. I've noticed that in first second and sometimes third that the gear changing is quite lazy. Instead of a smooth and quick gear change it likes to rev a bit higher then change. Almost feels "lazy" that it likes to postpone gear change, it waits, waits waits then bam! It decides to change gears.
  14. $28k is a little rich for a 06 build Aurion isn't it? It is, but the guy obviously wants to get his money back on mods. Not gonna work!
  15. lol, what the?! It's completely identical. Except that car on ebay is from NSW and the OP is from Tassie.
  16. Not sure about the Aurion but had the same problem, though only slight, in my Vienta. Solved the problem,by completing the double door insulating pieces that Toyota left out around the doors. What do you mean left out? On purpose or accident?
  17. Yes I done this and it worked kind of I guess. I rather not smell anything from the A/C system. Good or bad. I've been in many cars where the A/C system gives off no smell what so ever. I'm not sure what is wrong with new cars but they all seem to develop a smell.
  18. So it looks like tyres can be the culprit but also poor sound deadening. Seriously, the cousins 02 sportivo feels like its made out of steal hard rock and the aurion build quality feels like peddle rock. Not trying to diss the Aurion but over time it feels like Toyota went a bit relaxed on build quality. Everything in the 2002 sportivo just feels so damn solid. No creaks, squeeks anything.
  19. mate, you warranty finished ages ago. Just go to another mechanic(not a dealer) and get the same service but way cheaper. what the hell is it with dealers and up selling? injector cleaning at 30K? pfft. We had so many cars in our life time that had done hundreds of thousands of km's in its life time and we never done this injector cleaning stuff. what the point in wasting the money? one day you are going to sell the car to someone else and they can foot the bill.
  20. Does anyone experience road noise/tyre noise in there Aurions? I just drove my bro in laws sportivo camry and that thing is deadly quiet and his tyres are like only few weeks left from having to replace but the car is still quiet as! Is this the lack of sound deadening in our aurions or is it my tyres? My aurion is still on factory tyres but have at least another year in them. Still some meaty tread on them. When I hit speeds of about 100 to 105 it gets fairly loud to the point where people gotta raise there voice to talk. though compare to the camry the aurion is for sure much louder.
  21. if the smell went away, you fixed it. I have never seen so much water come from an aircon before so it looks like it was blocked. Yeah it was heaps of water. I'm not sure if the smell is gone yet as I have not found a good chance to test it out yet. Will wait and see I guess.
  22. Just like anything I would warm up the car. Can you imagine as soon as your alarm clock rings and you jump out with 2 seconds. Your not going to feel good from that. At the most do it for 30 seconds. An extra 30 seconds won't matter that much if you are already running late.
  23. Our old commie would use engine braking to slow down. Was pretty cool and good for the inner city streets that go and up down. On the Aurion you can't really use CC on normal streets because of the uneven roads, even on some freeways! Not sure why Toyota did it like this. We had a ford which also did not slow down and kept speeding up. Our 2010 ZR6 has no issues with the cruise at all,uphill,downhill,on freeways,back roads etc.I would be bringing it to toyotas attention as you might have a vacuum hose dislodged, but then again it is a (DBW)Drive by Wire setup Maybe the new CC is different? My Aurion just keeps creeping up speed when going downhill until I have to take over to tap the brakes then once we are on even road again I put it back on CC. Hi Unique, mate they could be different its just that the issues Southpac is having its like the cruise control needs an adjustment made to fully shut off the trailing throttle when the car is descending downhill.Admittingly cruise or no cruise a vehicle is going to gain momentum when descending down a steep incline untill you tap the brake to make the auto go back a cog and provide the engine braking in which it is designed to do. Maybe someone else here could shine a light on the subject as I would be interested if there is a common fault RE: the cruise, Cheers Yeah mine does cut throttle. It's not like it just keeps accelerating downhill. It's gravity that takes over and the car goes over speed. Like I said though, our old commie would engine brake to slow down, maybe this is not good for the engine and manufactures decided to no longer do this? This is a good thread: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24227&st=0&p=353982entry353982 Taken from: http://www.cruisecontrols.com.au/prod-cc.html Interesting. I don't think Toyota implemented that as the Aurions only cut throttle and that is about it.
  24. Exactly right. I was thinking this too. I rather wear out the brakes then gearbox.
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