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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Thanks the replies. I was thinking, what if I were to do this instead: Wash, ultimate compound, wax ? OR Wash, swirlx, polish(unsure which megs polish to use, some help), wax. I drove around today and everywhere I parked I could not stop looking at the car. I'm never had so much shine and depth in it before. The buffer definitely made a difference. In day light you cannot see one little imperfection. It looks like liquid diamond has been pured over it. But come night, and when you park under a street light etc and you see the reflection of the street light bouncing off the car you can spot all the tiny scratches that I know WILL be able to be removed if done properly. I just need you guys to help me on my technique and products. -DAvo, did you see the buffer that my dad got. What if I were to buy a foam pad for that and use the swirlx with that machine?
  2. If held right, you won't scratch the glass when dry. I've never had issues. Even when wet, you can still scratch the glass if not held right. I'm fully aware of this. I used to clean windows for 5 years and have used a scraper on all types of windows thousands of times and a lot of the windows we would clean would usually be where thousands of paint spray has landed on the windows. Yeah, dry scraping MIGHT not scratch but you want to be on the safe side. Plus it makes it easier to scrape on a lubricated on window. If I dry scraped a lot of the windows we used to clean I think we would be in debt millions of dollars having to replace scratched glass. Also, going too fast will scratch. Take your time with it and like DJK said hold it right and don't put too much pressure on the window with the scraper. If its a small or big window I don't see why you would dry scrape. A wet surface will make it much easier as the scraper will glide across the window effortlessly.
  3. Today I finally gave the car a proper detail. Started off by washing it and drying thoroughly (nearly 2 hour process). Then I proceeded with the SwirlX with the wax attack buffer, then used the wax that came with the kit. The light swirls that existed have gone, but now the paint job looks hideous because now in the correct light you can see deep scratches. These aren't scratches that snag on your finger tip but they are like criss crossing across the whole paint work, these scratches. What the hell did I do wrong. So disappointed. The shine and depth is there, but the scratches are making me sad :( Heelpp! :( Edit: I know this is a funny and lame illustration but this is what the paint looks like when looked in the correct light: http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8508/44176648.png double edit: my dad got me a variable speed buffer today as well second hand for 50 bux. It looks exactly like this: http://www.great-wax.com/catalog/Makita_buffer.gif its not the same brand but its exactly the same. Its a velcro one and a lambs wool pad is currently on it.
  4. If you are using a razor. Keep the window as wet as possible with windex! Dry scrape will scratch the windows like anything.
  5. Mad pics! The person that owns the gold ZR6, does he live around the broady area? I think I seen that car like 4 times in a month. If they don't, there is one almost identical around here.
  6. Heheh, whereabouts were you? :P Yeah I know I shouldn't talk :P. But two is nothing compare to the Brisbane guys. Aurion central over there... Might need to recruit some Aurion owners in Melbourne to this site. I see plenty of done up Aurions. None of them are here!
  7. We were one down.. you! You said you were coming with shinobi and dyslexik didnt you? tsk tsk tsk... Great Ocean Road cruise is being organised now and on the cards. What tsk tsk tsk, I said I wouldn't be able to make it :(. Hopefully I'll come to the next tiume. It looks like a fun day out and I would love to check out those cars.
  8. not yet, i still need to pick up a few items before i start the detail... need a new claybar kit and some new microfibres. will have some new mods happening soon. keep an eye on this thread ;) Far out. More mods? Good stuff man! B)
  9. Nice pics!! But we need more Aurion's to join these cruises. I only see one there :P
  10. I woke up at 2pm, had some food then spent 5 hours detailing the Aurion today. The new buffer made a world of a difference. The mirror effect is hot /is very very tired now.
  11. Bro Unique, you can change the look on your car to a sportier look, add bodykit, different wheels, sports grill and a spoiler and you are pretty much with a different look, there's no need to change the car.. Thats true man. I think I completely forgot about modding. It's just that, when you make such a big investment you always have second thoughts. Thanks heaps for making me feel good about my purchase. I love this car but I guess I need more funds to start my modding. She's looking a bit too stocky for my liking!! Edit: Oh yeah, the dealer called me in the morning about the sportivo but I didn't pick up. lol, I was till half a sleep and some how put the phone on silent, never got around to calling back. Will do that tomorrow.
  12. This happened to me and it freaked me out! I started the car from a cold start today and the car is high in rev's as always since its a cold engine but about 5 seconds in the ENGINE lurched forward and it made the car move. If felt like when you hit the brakes at like 5km/h and the car comes to an abrupt stop and the whole car jumps forward. A bit of a weird feeling. I wasn't revving or anything, just letting the engine do its thing and warm up a bit before I drive out of the garage..
  13. It's not really to do about driving performance in terms of sporty etc. It's more about the engine selecting what is most "friendly" on itself and the gearbox. Surely it won't be holding gears like a manual... but this is what you get when you have an auto. The car is doing the gear changes for you. When you make the car do the work for you, it will do it how it's programmed to. Fair enough :)! It's just good to know no damage is being inflicted on the gearbox. Because when the car decides to kick down but I don't utilise that kick down (It's like as if I'm tricking the car) and accelerate off normal. Bit unrelated but my fuel consumption is going sky high, my average for a couple of months was in the 10's and 11's but now its in the mid 12's. My short trips and harsher acceleration off the lights is the cause. I've come to realise, the Aurion lags in low revs but it accelerates superb if you decide to open the throttle up bit more. I think it was this forum that I read way before I even bought the car that at low rev's the aurion likes to lag. I'm yet to find a comfortable/decent acceleration for myself and the car.
  14. It's a combination of speed and load that the ECU will gauge to decide whether to kick down or not. Depending on how much slowing down was done prior to entering the turn, the transmission may still be in either 5th, or 6th. Both these gears are overdrive gears, and at such a speed, the transmission will tend to want to use a lower gear for acceleration. Since most of the torque is made up around 4200RPM, it is programmed in such a way to utilise that for acceleration which would result in the downshifting. Ever ridden a mountain bike? If you were in a high gear casually cruising along then had to slow down just that little bit, would you prefer to stay in the same gear, or switch it down a couple? Same deal basically with the auto. Oh okay. It would have been nice if we had a choice. Like some cars you can choose which mode you want like "sports" etc. Sorry about all the q's lately. I might as well ask now and get them out of the way. I'll be keeping her for many many years to come and the more I know about her the more I will feel comfortable driving it.
  15. I'm not sure if its my driving style or not on the way I press the accelerator with my foot but my Aurion seems to love to kick down. In my residential area, its a lot of turning, braking and accelerating (roads are never straight but are twisty) before I can get home(All new estate's are like this, so annoying). Anyway, coming out of the corner and slowly reaching up speed, as I accelerate while exiting the turn the car will decide to kick down but I refuse to let it use the extra power and I ease off the pedal when it kicks down. It's like the car is telling me to speed when I don't want to it to Why is it doing a kick down as I apply the accelerator again while coming out of a turn? Each turn is a SHARP L turn at about 25/30KM/h.
  16. Oh dear God!!! Firstly, how could you put up with that grin. Secondly, these things are slow as f*** when you drive them after driving a 6 cylinder. Realistically though, no one here is to be the one to tell you if you made the right choice or not. I really depends on what you feel better driving in. How about taking a Lancer for a test drive to see if you can imagine driving it day to day like you would the Aurion. If it feels like it could do he job for you, then scope out the forums to see what others say about it and make some further judgements from there. Well put man. I think I'll keep my Aurion. Don't get me wrong, I love this thing, if I had any doubts I would have not bought an Aurion because I researched for a whole month before getting this car. I went through many many cars and forums and the Aurion just stood out on top each time. But I think the Prodigy look is starting to wear on me a bit. I young guy like me likes the sporty looking cars. I would have opted for the ZR6 but back then the Prodigy was cheaper and still is cheaper then a ZR6 even today. I would have gone the SX6 but I wanted all my creature comforts and the Prodigy WAS the ZR6 but only cosmetic difference and the "sports" suspension. The one I'm looking at is here in Melbourne, only 42K on her and selling for around $25,500. I doubt the dealer would do a straight swap and would want extra $$ on top or either say no because its another Aurion on his hands. Time will tell.
  17. Very true. This actually crossed my mind as well. The Prodigy when new sold for about $40,000 the lancer when new sells for $21,000, I guess its cheap for a reason, but maybe not? The lancer is a less then the Aurion, by less I mean, smaller engine, smaller car etc so it would be cheaper because less parts. Apples and oranges in this situation. I found a sexy silver ZR6 on carsales for $25,000 I wonder if I can do a straight swap with the dealer? I contacted them, lets see what they will say when they call me :P
  18. Any pictures of the new mirror that you were after? :P
  19. Lol, thanks:p What about something like this? http://www.redbook.com.au/new-cars/details.aspx?R=559284&__Qpb=true&Cr=0&__Ns=p_Make_String|0||p_ClassificationType_String|0||p_Family_String|0||p_Year_String|1||p_SequenceNum_Int32|0&SearchAction=N&__N=2994%202951%204294953017%204294843236%204294783556%204294965852&silo=1301&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=8&__sid=1289D7FFEA71 I'm just wondering if I made the right choice or not! When I buy a car I'm looking for that bit of grunt in speed, quality, petrol, safety, etc.
  20. Hi There, Yes the Aurion is ergonomically (seating) terrible. I have one. My wife has a Kluger which is infinitely better (Great car). Our experience to FLNJ is similar, but we are 50 odd . The Aurion, despite constant seat adjustment constantly puts my back out - My wife and boys literally hate the seating in this car (Front and back). What happens now the Aurion (code named the "Crapion" by my boys) stays at home when we go on on family trips and we take the Kluger instead. The "Crapion"....er .....I mean the Aurion is relegated to being a suburban hack. So just because of the seating the car is completely hated? Nothing like the mechanics etc of the car is looked at to be worthwhile? Why else did you buy the car?
  21. I bought my Prodigy for $24,000 and then I started thinking. I could have bought a brand new spanking car for that price. Like a Corolla or Lancer. I've set my eyes on this: http://buyamitsubishi.com.au/single?id=13088&state=victoria and the new Corollas. (Both are in the early 20's) It looks nice and is cheaper then what I bought my car. I know that if I were to sell my Prodigy now I could easily resell it for $24,000 with all the extra's I've put on it and the extended warranty I bought etc. I've looked at the pro's and cons of both cars and the pros and cons of selling and not selling. Few pro's for the Mitsubishi: More features, more sporty, smaller, less fuel, brand new (0KM) Cons, I've never owned a Mitsubishi so I'm unsure about everything where as with Toyota I've owned one for 4 years now(my old camry), I heard resell on Toyotas is better . These are the sort of things that I'm trying to figure out. At the moment the only thing that is clinching me towards keeping the Aurion is that its a Toyota and you can't go past the quality in mechanics in Toyota and probably the resale value. what do you guys think? sell it for $24,000 and buy a brand new car for bit cheaper or keep it??
  22. If I'm not happy I won't be telling the world. The last thing I want is the public to know all the flaws in our cars and then turn around and talk crap about them.
  23. Thanks for all the helpful advice guys ;) :)
  24. There was a creek in my gear shifter as well. Some silicon spray in there fixed her all up.
  25. Hey, since the Aurion doesn't have aux or USB input I thought I'll buy a couple of CD-RW CD's and use them in the car because I like to frequently change my music. Will CD-RW's work?
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