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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Hey everyone, i don’t think I’ve posted in here for years now and I still have my aurion from 2009 🙂 I haven’t replaced my LED parkers and reverse lights for some years and I realised one of my reverse led’s don’t work so I want to replace both front and rear reverse and parkers. I cannot remember at all what type I would need for both, can anyone help out an old time member haha thank you.
  2. looooooooooool. far out it's been ages since I've been online... over 1 year. I still have her and she's happier than ever. Still cleaning and servicing her regularly . I spend so much time on something that I grow too attached to just give it up... But I sure as hell wouldn't mind the new holden VF's Mark II's. Knock on wood the car has been 100% since the first day I bought her. Still goes strong like the day I got it. As long as you look after your Toyota, it'll look after you :)
  3. Hey hey! Good to see some of you still remember these forums. I haven't posted in a loooong time too since all the newbies started flooding in and we started to lose some of our good members and when I saw this thread thought I'd say hi as well! I still have my car and love it as always. No plans to sell her at all. Just recently put on the 18" kappas so still modding here and there :)!
  4. thanks guys. Since then, I've put on the chrome grill. At first I wasn't too happy with it but it's grown on me :)
  5. Sweet. Interested in to see how it looks. Only one ever made and you have it. It's an honour to speak to you. Haha. :)
  6. So if I got this straight, this rare coloured aurion trd is yours and you might sell it soon? Any pics?
  7. Good stuff man. About the gap on the grill. I used a cable tie and pulled it up and tied it to the plastic cover. Now she sits straight and no more gap :). I won't have that grill for long though. I bought the chrome grill. Hopefully the seller should send it soon:). I'm amazed at what a difference foggies make. Nice touch :).
  8. So what ya'll think? :) took off each door trim just to unscrew those basterds. But I got the hang of it and was easy as afterwords.
  9. If I spot any TRD rims on anywhere (ebay etc) I'll let you know. If not I'll take them for myself, lol jokes :).
  10. the headlights are different but the tailights are the samein what ways are the headlights different. i understand if the facelift and non facelift ones could possibly have a difference. Difference in headlights I would imagine would only be the Presara because they have HID's but besides that I really don't think they'd be any difference in headlights or taillights. And for the OP, check out ebay. They always have rear lights on ebay.
  11. That's pretty cool. Didn't know the new Aurions had such sweet features. Kinda jealous now!!
  12. Hey mate i think i saw your eBay post. Xd let me check with the repair shop see if they can repair and respray under $300'Yeah, I took it down now. Someone is picking it up either today or Friday... They too got rear ended and don't want to go through insurance!
  13. I've got my old bumper but it's silver if interested let me know.
  14. Haha, thanks man. I'm really loving the look. Dunno what others might think but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder The rear just looks phat as. Now I need some frigging 18's or 19's!! On another note, I've booked my car to get detailed by a pro on Thursday. Can't wait :D
  15. Haha, TBH, I want the side skirts first before anything else. I've realised the sportivo rear is a bit fatter and flares out a bit more so the side skirts would make it blend in better haha.
  16. piccys and video up at http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/topic/31202-silver-aurions-ride-update-080813-page-4/?p=530515 :D
  17. Yeah, def the alternator. Thankfully labour was free. Only cost me his favourite alcoholic beverage
  18. So I found a ZR6 rear bumper on ebay with literally only 20 minutes to spare of auction ending so I scored big time. No one else bid so I was wrapped. I literally put it on the same day I got it from the guy. What ya think? TBH, I love it because on other sportivos the chrome strip on my boot as seen in the picture isn't colour colour like other sportivos so I think that chrome touch looks really nice :D Out with the old In with the new In the mean time, while I had the bumper off, these flaps would kill me when I would have the bass pumping. They would make a horrible 'farting' like noise from the noise of the bass so I staple gunned them in this permanent position and what frigging difference. ALSO, the heat shields we're dynamatted. These would sound disgusting with the bass. You can see from the video what I difference dynamatting these make in terms of that ugly vibrating sound. Now when I put up the volume literally there is almost no more annoying rattle's. It's all much much more acceptable now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaNh4J3UyAo&feature=youtu.be ANNNNDD, on top of all this awesoneness, I finally changed my alternator. Bought it from Toyota parts for $630 and got my mate to put it in for me. The old alternator brushes we're definitely gone. Spinning it freehand it squeaks and squeals like a noisy door hinge. Now all she needs is a good bath :D
  19. Well the new bumper is on. While it was off I done few more other things too. Pics/vids will be up soon :). Happy as and it looks awesome. Thanks for the help mate :D
  20. Thanks for that. I hope it ain't too difficult to remove and put the new one on!
  21. So I just won this on ebay: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Toyota-Aurion-Sportivo-rear-bar-/130997938831?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=dDNvtEk3LIrtcTZPFA9lr7Mq02M%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc And hopefully it looks good in person as it does in pictures and doesn't require any body work and any scratches can be buffed out etc. Will hopefully be picking it up tomorrow morning as the guy said he is too busy today to come down. Does anyone here have pics/walk through on how to remove the rear bumper. Searching just yields how to remove front bumper.
  22. Interesting. Never heard anyone complain about parcel shelf rattle which was THAT bad. Mine would rattle but only because of the sub and would be creaking noises but not something constant like that. Only way I fixed it was to carpet it. If you look at 'My Ride' thread in my sig. and go through it you'll see how I've done that. If you own a newer aurion which I'm sure already has carpeted parcel shelves well I guess that won't matter to you. Besides that if you have a quick fix for it you might as well keep it for now until you can figure out a better solution somehow.
  23. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=31mm+festoon&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ZEs_Uo6ELumtiQff1YBQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAA&biw=320&bih=460&dpr=2 Hope this helps.
  24. Just letting you know, I called RACV and they don't do Aurions apparently. Bummer...
  25. Thanks for the replies. Here is that god awful sound that I'm so sick of hearing. I even took it to Toyota and they said they did not hear anything. Bullsh*t. How can you not hear this?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umEeETLtvxE All parts are new original. I've just idler pulley, belt tensioner and belt. So far searching through this site, many people who have had the same sound said when they had their alternator changed the noise went. I just still want to be 100% sure it is before I go spending any more money. Not even mechanics I take it to can pin point the sound but I'm leaning towards alternator after reading on here about others successfully getting rid of that noise with a new alternator.
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