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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Damn, that's so sad to hear mate. What made you come around to sell something so beautiful? If you really did sell it for 16K I would of given you 17K and you could have sold it to me (No joke too). The amount of money and time you spent on this car would have warranted it :) Really eager to see your new ride :D
  2. Not many posts in here lately. Last week I gave her its half yearly oil change. And that's about it. Still haven't cleaned it since I last posted ^^ just above. The weather is too hot and been way too busy to worry about that lately. Should hopefully do it soon though.
  3. Hmmm, don't tell me you used a flat head screw driver to open that part up? You do know it can open up with just your hands if you grab on it and pull it by digging some nails into the top and pulling. Also, damn man. I can tell your car ain't that clean.. Look at that dash, it's dusty as! The cheapest option would be this maybe: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/TOYOTA-AURION-2006-ON-NEW-GREY-DASH-MAT-/290814382597?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43b5e35205
  4. Yeah, I believe it's the HU. It seems Chris also had the same problem. Tried everything and couldn't fix it, but also had a pioneer HU. If you actually google alternator whine and look at the very last link on page one someone mentions how they fixed alternator whine from their pioneer HU. WTF is wrong with these pioneers I have no clue. Something maybe that is cheap or crap with their power sources in the HU? Oh yeah, and guess what? My mate has a civic. We tried EVERYTHIHG to get rid of alternator whine. And you know what? He also has a pioneer !!
  5. Mine has whine. Just like you, I've narrowed it down to HU or amp. And you know what? I believe it's the pioneer head unit. Your problem sounds 100% like mine and the trouble shooting you've taken sounds identical. I bet for some reason there's something up with these pioneer HU's.
  6. ^^ Yeah, I put them on myself :). You can buy here: http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_nkw=3m+carbon+fibre+&_sacat=0&_odkw=3m+carbon+fibre+vinyl&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313 Heaps of choices to pick from. On another note, what ya guys think? Took a quick shot of it with the iPhone last night :)
  7. Thanks mate. Use either photobucket or something like that and paste the link :).
  8. Thanks mate. I'm really happy with the way they came out :)
  9. ^^ Yeah man. I'm not up to the challenge So I finished painting and all that. What I done was three layers of matte black. The first spray is always the wet look. Spray it until it's glossy black, second coat, semi gloss and third a light spray over to finish it off. After that I put two layers of clear coat on top and it looks amazing. I was dancing with joy at how good they came out. :D You can see all the other shenanigans I got up to today and a sneak peak of my next mod over the weekend ;)
  10. Thanks everyone for the replies. So I've been busy today and things are progressing with the car :D Images will explain themselves :P
  11. Thanks mate, I think the only person who has colour coded theirs perfectly was DJKOR as he got hes sprayed at a pro.
  12. D: Colour code them Agree! but as mentioned in the other post, if they arn't perfectly coded they can look a bit off. If you can't match em close then go matt black Thanks for that. There's no way we'll be able to colour code them. I just painted them matte black TBH. I'll put up a picture later. They're just drying out now. Matte black is not bad IMO. It blends will with all the other matte black around the front of the car like fog light coveres and bottom grill etc. Plus I actually bought a TRD mesh grill (shh, was meant to be a secret)
  13. not sure if anyone knows but at supercheap, if you buy a 5 litre bottle of penrite oil they give 1 litre bottle aboslutely free. i grabbed my free one today! can't go wrong with that at all :)

  14. So, I finally got my eyelids today. Just wondering what I should do with them. Either A: paint it matte black B: paint it gloss black C: carbon fibre wrap it
  15. Yeah that's it mate. You won't find anything as good as your car. You've built her to your tastes and would be a bad idea to get rid of something you've worked so hard for. :).
  16. So what's going on mate? Still thinking of selling your car? Sad to see so many Aurion drivers leave us. Especially you mate. It's cars like yours that gives the inspiration to do the mods. My car will probably stay with me till the day she dies. Zero chance of me even thinking of selling her. btw: Team silver FTW
  17. Your car looks amazing man. Quick question, I see you have the mesh grill. Do you have to paint the surrounding yourself? Like as you done, you've had it painted white.
  18. is putting TRD badges, stickers etc on your Toyota the same deal as someone putting chev badges on their holdens?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DJKOR


      I do however feel that because there is a TRD Aurion, putting TRD badges on any normal Aurion just isn't quite right.

    3. Andrew357


      and a TRD intake probably doesn't warrant a TRD badge.

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      unless its the sticker on the intake itself :)

  19. Gave her a very good 4 hour clean inside and out. Gotta love that shine.
  20. Yeah. Not sure why you wouldn't like it. IMO it looks really really good. Colours blend in awesome. Piano black is scary, the swirling is bad isn't it?
  21. Hi mate, sorry about the late reply. Not sure if you've already found your answer but here: Go to the second post on DJKOR's and you'll see how it's removed :)
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