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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. GSV40R, that is a very good write up. Thanks for that info mate. It's very good to know that sort of stuff :)
  2. Personally, regardless of how good the injector cleaner is, unless you injectors are seriously dirty, a majority of the effects you feel will be placebo. And if you don't let the placebo effect get a hold of you and you don't feel any difference, this doesn't necessarily mean that it is not doing its job. A good sign that you have fallen victim to the placebo effect in this case is if you feel a difference immediately after leaving the petrol station. The reason for this is that these products don't work instantly because they are mixed with the fuel. It has to run through a bit of the fuel before it completes its cycle. Alright, well these won't that cheap when you buy two @ $15 each. But now got a couple of bottles. Just need to wait till I finish the petrol in the tank and fill up fresh and BP. And about placebo effect. It can happen! But the minds not lying to you when you don't know there was an actual change. Example, yesterday when I got my car back from the dealer, when I would press the brake, I'm saying to myself, the brakes feel much firmer and does not have that sloppy feeling like it did before taking it to the dealer. I'm here blaming it on placebo effect that I just got it serviced, but at the same time it felt phyically much firmer and felt much better. So when I went home to look over my work order again, it said Brake fluid, and then I remembered that the dealer said that they bled the brakes and replaced brake fluid (60K) service. And I was like oooh, that is why they felt firmer! And that is when I completely forgot that serviced the brakes.
  3. Not for us victorians. Rego fees are the same for everyone because they are all in one. No need for further insurance. The only way to get cheaper rego here is if you have a conncession like health care card or pension etc.
  4. I'll be going to a mates place tonight, but before I do I'm going to pop by supercheap(open till 9pm on fridays) and grab two bottles of Fuel Doc and try this stuff out according to instructions. First use: After refilling petrol, immediately poor the whole bottle in. After the first use, use the second bottle to measure 25mls and pour that in after each petrol refill, which should last you 11 petrol refills. If this fuel doc does not make a difference I will use the Toyota stuff, as it looks like Adamsy has had good experience from using it.
  5. I might got it now. At no additional cost, all new Toyota Passenger, 4WD/SUVs and Commercial vehicles are entitled to a nominated number of low cost standard scheduled services for up to the first three years or 60,000km, whichever occurs first. Correct, except that first time I called they said No because it expired. But when I called few days later and said I'm going to do my service at another dealer, they agreed to honour my Service Advantage for $120. Very happy, you can read about my day here: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22416&view=findpost&p=389700
  6. Yeah, I paid that too for mine couple months ago. Damn expensive. Well what did I do to my car today? I took her in to get the 60,000 service done. At the same time I got my few issues fixed under warranty like:" Noise coming from left side dash, the fix on my work order says: Found clips loose and worn, removed dash pads, trims and replaced clips, completeled field fix and road tested. They put the anti rattle tape in my centre console that would squeek. The base of my drivers seat, some how got unclipped from its base and it was sagging in and it come right off if I pulled it off. They pulled it apart and fixed it. My driving position is now completely different! I didn't realise how low I was sitting. I'm very happy with this fix. And my Tbar light connections were lose and they fixed them up too. So I got fresh oils and fluids, filters etc and these problems that I was meaning to fix for a while finally got fixed. Very happy :)
  7. Viewer discretion is advised: http://www.pickles.com.au/damaged/listing/?ed_item_type_id=100000001&ed_make_id=100000325&ed_model_id=103001917&ed_fromyear=&ed_toyear=&ed_fromkms=&ed_tokms=&ed_city=All&ed_description=&ed_damage=DAM&ed_sort=description&ed_search_type=AUCTION&x=24&y=17
  8. Yeah I read that, most people said it was the fuel tanks/engines fault and not the chemical itself. It actually proved that the chemical does work if it had an effect on the car, even though it was bad for that particular car.
  9. To keep it's effects running, you should just keep on using it. This is why I said it's all a personal thing. Up until my accident, I was still using it. Even had half a bottle in the glove box still. It's an ongoing thing. The idea is to prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. You can pick it up for around $10-12 a bottle and each bottle will last 11 fills (after the initial shock treatment),so it works out to be an extra $1 per tank. I personally haven't seen the effects of this product because I never really look in my tank or take the head off etc, but I guess it comes down to what you put your trust/money into. But for $24 per 40,000km for the injector cleaner, I guess it's the idea thing for most people. Many thanks man. The cars going in for service tomorrow and since its friday tomorrow supercheap is open till 9pm. Will pop by maybe after work and grab two bottles and shock treat, refill with some Ultimate etc. Thanks heaps :))
  10. Sorry Adamsy to go off the original topic of the thread. Not that I doubt the Toyota stuff doesn't work (I'm sure it would work), just helping out with an alternative. With the Fuel Doctor, buy a couple of bottles initially. For the first time you use it, you put the whole 275mL bottle into your fuel tank. Then every time you put petrol in your car, add 25mL of Fuel Doctor before you put the fuel in your tank. The bottle has a measuring thing in it so that it's as easy as squeezing the bottle a little then pouring the measured dose into the tank. I was using that all the time on my Sportivo. To me, it felt like it was running like clockwork all the time every time. In addition to that, Fuel Doctor isn't only an injector cleaner but it also helps keep your fuel tank clean. Ah okay. How long should I be using it for? I understand now that the first ever petrol refill I should use the whole bottle, from then on, every refill, just use the measuring bit to use 25mls with every petrol refill. So how long should I use this stuff after my second bottle finishes? Oh yeah, how much is it? To stay on topic and not hijack. I think I'll buy the Toyota stuff for the cousins sportivo.
  11. Today just gets better and better! Here goes, I booked my car in for a few warranty jobs on Monday at Airport West Toyota, at the same time I enquired about my 60K service to which the guy said a whopping $350! I then said don't worry about it. Since I'm taking the car in tomorrow for a few warranty jobs, I decided I might as well get my 60K service done, but this time I did a bit of shopping around. I called up Anthony Smith Toyota and they said $270(Much better then $350), I then proceeded to call Melbourne City Toyota and they gave me a rip off deal that ****** me off of $380(What the hell are you doing? Pouring gold into the car?) So armed with the cheapest price given of $270 I called back my dealer at Airport west and told them if they can match or beat $270 lady said okay hold on, let me speak with the manager, she comes back and says we will honour your Toyota Service Advantage even though its 22 days expired. So I'm getting my 60K service for only $120. I'm so **** wrapped its not funny! I was so upset I had to pay $270! So a HUGE thanks to Airport west Toyota! Even Steven-SX6 got an awesome deal from Airport west for warranty. So tomorrow I'll be going in for my warranty job and my service of $120. Oil, oil filter, brake fluid and wheel balance. Love it!
  12. Wow, that stuff looks pretty good. Reading few reviews before it looks like it does work and also watched the video. As I said it seriously won't kill to try this stuff. It's a very once off thing to do so it can't really hurt in the hip pocket. But I'm still not quite sure how much to use and when it use? Reading here: http://www.fueldoctors.com/products/automotive/more/21/ It is saying I fill up petrol, and since I have never used this product in the car before, I should shock treat the car with the FULL 275mls then after that I never need to use it again for another 100,000KM?
  13. I don't think it can be changed. But then I could be wrong. I should do some more reading on how this forum works. I just like before how it would only list one entry per thread last time you searched. Now it lists every post in a thread that has the word/s you are looking for. Just so much clutter. I think that's what you're referring to as well right? Exactly right, in the old layout. You had a choice to use the google search option or the forums on "advanced" search option where you could members, posts, thread titles etc.
  14. Wow, what a long read that was! We had our fair share of problem with a Ford dealer in the past where it got "verbal" because they charged us for something that we never agreed to or was told about. In the end, call another dealer, get booked in and try them out. Forget these idiots at Doncaster, they sound like a bunch of monkeys.
  15. Well, while the car is running, you put the injector cleaner into the aircon vents. It's a two in one product! Clean your engine and aircon!! just kidding... You missed this part mate:
  16. Sounds tempting mate but I just don't see how this can work? I've had this car for about 3 months now and since day one its seen nothing but premium(I first used Shell V-power but recently converted to BP Ultimate). I thought these fuels already had the cleaning chemicals in it and nothing else was needed. Toyota are also contradicting themselves, if you read the owners manual, it says you don't have to use this stuff. But your post is very tempting! $24 every two years is nothing and won't kill to try :)
  17. Search is your friend! A little bit off-topic, but the last time I used that search button, it fukin ****** me off. It listed every single thread with the word 'Aurion' in it, LOL. Now it works just as normal.. Well things always get improved.. B) When I hit the search buttom on the top next to members, it uses google search and it searches for keywords in topics and in threads. How do I make it so it searches just topics or INSIDE threads? (sorry for asking here, couldn't be stuffed starting a new thread)
  18. You think that's bad. Wait till you enquire about your 90,000km service. My first quote was $700. I then proceeded to do it myself for a grand total of $250. $700 is a lot. May I know what needs to be changed on 90,000km coz mine is already 8,3000km thanks Look at the 90K service in your logbook. It shows it all there.
  19. Always buy extended warranty...The extended warranty we're talking in this post is provided by Toyota and we can go any Toyota dealer to fix our car for free except consuming parts such like brake discs, tyres.... Dealer's warranty maybe just something provided by a single dealer, if it's so, don't expect much on it. Reason is that for extended warranty, every T dealer is happy to serve you because Toyota will pay the bill. However, for dealer's warranty, every single cost for repairing is from their own pocket so that they don't really want to repair anyting for you. With Toyota's extended warranty - do we need to service at Toyota dealer only? Also, is there a limit on the repair cost ... I know dealer's warranty has a max repair cost of $1000 only. Cheers What Toyota told me is that I need to do service at authorized ***** which I'm not sure if it only means Toyota Dealers. No limit on the repair cost for genuine toyota extended warranty.....lots ppl told me that dealer's warranty is s**t When I went to get this warranty, I asked the guy so many questions I think I ****** him off with all the questions, lol. You can get the car serviced ANYWHERE BUT it must be a licensed dealer, like ultratune, lubemobile etc so they can stamp the logbook and give you the required paperwork for proof. Extended warranty is NO different then the factory warranty you get from a new car, it is simply an extension from the warranty. THOUGH, there is a limit on how much you can get fixed, and its the price of the car. So for example, if your car is worth $20,000 on the market, thats how much money they will spend fixing the car. But I read that myself in the brochure that was given that outlines the policy etc(The guy never told me this, sneaky!) And according to what I was told, even if the engine blows up and you are found not at fault, they will throw in a brand new $12,000 engine in for you from warranty. Which is why servicing by standards of Toyota and according to their policy is crucial. For something like an engine blow up, they would look at your books and car under a microscope.
  20. Some bad boys here: http://djcoregon.com/files/2010/04/nov09_leaf003__mid.jpg http://www.revaglobal.com/Homevideos.aspx http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/jay-leno/vintage/4215940 http://www.teslamotors.com/
  21. Don't know how big your backyard is but I drive my car into the backyard (onto a big cement and ceiling covered area) from our garage. Can wash it with ease like there aint any water restrictions existent
  22. Actually, without your information I wouldn't get this low price. I didn't know I can bargain so much before you told me your price. Thanks again. Maybe we should begin another topic, how much does each service cost for every 15KMs? Because I just bought my 07 model Aurion 1 month ago and haven't done any service yet. The previous owner told me it cost him $220. BTW, are you Chinese? Yeah, 220 sounds about right for just your average 15K oil change and oil filter change over. BUT, when you come to a service that requires more then an oil change it can cost as much as $350. Like my 60K service is $350 because it also includes brake fluid. Nah I'm not Chinese/Asian. What makes you think that
  23. If you're so keen on skipping the brake fluid change, you should ask Toyota just how much you would save by removing it from your next service. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't save you much money. Respond to you PM as well, but still, you should ask for future reference. Cheers mate ;) Today I did not have time to call and ask dealers around for best price on service due to work commitment. Hopefully will have time tomorrow.
  24. That is true. Very valid point. But as well, not only are you paying for parts, but for the service. Without warranty, its a lot of running around, getting prices, parts, etc. At least with warranty, its go to the dealer. "Such and such broked, fix it" and off you go without any worry, and even if that thing they fixed decided to stuff up again, its easy to complain and say you didn't fix it probably etc, well you get my point. For someone like you DJK were you are good at pulling things apart and putting it back together. For you it might turn out cheaper. But for noobs like me, its for that peace of mind etc.
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