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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. How many litres of petrol have I got left the moment my fuel light turns on?
  2. Exactly correct. I was thinking this exact thing today in my mind when watching Sky news where people are crying how Toyota F'd up. It pisses me off people are so stupid. I think they need to be driving Great Walls of ***** and then complain.
  3. Now you can truly agree that it is not caused by: :P I knew I would be eating my own words after saying that. All I can say the Aurion is one tough car. You drove it that hard yet the problems you are having aren't related to driving style but manufacturing faults. :P
  4. That's the beauty.. LoL. The harder it is to move and in violation of the road-clearance, the more beautiful the car is. That's why all car during photoshoots have them touching / almost touching the ground, given most of the car in the pics are air-sus-ed. Yeah I know, everyone to there own I guess :) And hey, thats thailand, good luck doing that here, the safety nazis will be on your tail before you can even get out of your driveway
  5. You really should avoid driving your car if possible until it gets replaced. Dun risk it. I really have been, but sometimes you need to drive like stores, work etc and those are unavoidable. I'm literally in fear when I hear that noise because its such a distinct clunk. It feels like the damn steering is going to break on me because when it clunks I can feel it through the steering which is a very very light clunk like a tiny vibration going into the steering. I'm going to give them another call tomorrow, if they still don't have it I'm going to tell them I feel really unsafe driving the car (because I really do.)
  6. The clucking on mine has gone BAD. I'm actually scared to drive the car. I can actually feel it in the steering wheel when slow manoeuvring. My dad does not have good hearing but even when I told him if you can hear it he certainly did even in the passenger seat. When like parking or turning full locks as I'm turning its just going... Clunk Clunk Clunk.. Very annoying and scary. I called Toyota on Thursday and the part still has not arrived. So ****** off.
  7. These ones are nearly kissing the ground. The lowered Aurions I've seen here with other uses is more my taste.
  8. They are hot, but sorry. I got to say that low just looks ugly.
  9. 2st, good to hear it got changed. 3rd, thats lucky of you to get the computer changed. 4th, the clunk noise would be your shaft, have a read of: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=23623 I'm getting mine replaced soon, I just called them up yesterday and the part has not arrived, this is a warranty job: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...st&p=372393 I'm guessing this is the noise your experiencing? If not disregard what I said. Also check that you don't have an oil leak here: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=25724 Another user has one there same as mine, just a precautionary check for yourself to do everything before warranty finishes :)
  10. Hey, this is what did you do to your car today, not what did someone else do to your car :P But seriously that sucks. It's happened to me once, its a **** feeling.
  11. What is it? Is it red sticky tape?
  12. Hidden Taco (HT). someone that lives near me has the same colour as your car(Aurion ATX). Its nice to see your one clean. You should see theres! It looks like they've been bush bangn with it. <_< Feel sorry for the car, such a nice car with a really nice colour. So much potential they are wasting :P
  13. That is true, when I got my car heaps of people asked why I got it and they still do. I'm pretty sure if I bought anything else they would have asked again no matter what car I get! It's really comes down to because its not their preference and they are trying to push what they like onto you. <_<
  14. No wonder why you have such a deep gloss in your car I sometimes just wonder if its all worth it, the car just gets dirty again under 24 hours (rain, dust bugs etc). But once these products finish I'll go for the ones you recommended. I was happy with Turtle products, I guess I'll fall in love with meguiars :P One more question, where did you buy them from? The polisher and pads?
  15. Thanks for the reply man :) So from what I understand its Wash Clay (if needed or every 2 - 6 -12 months) meguiars swirlX NXT techwax 2.0 In that order? Where can I find meguiars swirlX and NXT techwax 2.0? My local supercheap has very few meguiars products :(. From what I recall, I did not see those two products on the shelf last time I was there which was 3 days ago. edit: Would these be it? http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-st...=104049#details http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-st...=214311#details Also what buffer do you use? I really need to buy one, doing it by hand is a pain in the *****!!
  16. Here is one, why is the Aurion engine so loud when its warming up? I ask because our family friends have a Nissan Maxima, I test drove it, its a powerful car, very very nice to drive and smooth and the engine on this thing is dead silent! Even on a cold start its quiet and gets even better once warm, it makes driving pleasurable because of the quiet engine and also cold startups. The Aurion sounds like a lawn mower starting up(I know I'm exaggerating, Aurion owners would know) Which comes the question/s. What makes an engine quiet and why is the Aurion so loud on a cold start while other engines can be very quiet? Why couldn't Toyota do that out of all car makers?!
  17. Okay, well, yesterday was my 21st birthday and I had about 30 people over, family and friends. All of a sudden from a sweltering hot day it turned into heavy rain and cold. Typical Melbourne weather. We had the BBQ outside in the backyard but when it starting pouring down we had to take it undercover and the only place was in the garage were my car was parked :( The BBQ was halfway in the garage and the other half outside. I thought nothing would happen but after everyone left, I went to look at the car and it had sut alllllll over it like it was near a building demolition site! Worst of all my mates had written all over the windows "wash me", "clean me". I had just gave it a 3 hour detail 2 days ago :( So anyway, it was an excuse for me to clean it today, this time it took me 4 and a half hours, everything was done by hand. No machine buffing. And so here are the pictures, I'm very happy with the outcome. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...st&p=374019
  18. UPDATED: NEW PICS BELOW. ENJOY :D :D :D http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2677.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ar/DSCN2662.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2658.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2671.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2664.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2663.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2656.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2673.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2683.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2684.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zo...ue/DSCN2682.jpg edit: comments, feedback welcome :)
  19. Thanks :) Plans would be to rip out the current CD stacker and replace it with the screen, amp, sub etc. I like my music. This time I won't be going el-cheapo like I did with the camry, I'll be going with expensive equipment once I've got the money and if I can really be stuffed, rip out the current tint and put in a darker one, about 30% midnight express. The camry, I had them put in 30% midnight express and thought it was just right. Also I've gotten heaps of inspiration from this forum for new rims too. Only "mod" I've done is put in the slimlines. One (slow) step at a time.. :P. nice :) have a look at mb quart speakers, im running their reference speakers and alpine amps and could not be happier with the sq im getting from them :) lookin fwd to seeing more :) I was thinking more along the lines of what DJKOR has done and kept the stock speakers and put in an amp and sub. Will have to see how it goes really. With my Camry, I left the stocks on and didn't like it and bought new speakers which did not fit, so me and the bro in law had to make a custom parcel shelf out of wood. You could not tell it was not the original parcel shelf, still got the old one in my garage
  20. Thanks :) Plans would be to rip out the current CD stacker and replace it with the screen, amp, sub etc. I like my music. This time I won't be going el-cheapo like I did with the camry, I'll be going with expensive equipment once I've got the money and if I can really be stuffed, rip out the current tint and put in a darker one, about 30% midnight express. The camry, I had them put in 30% midnight express and thought it was just right. Also I've gotten heaps of inspiration from this forum for new rims too. Only "mod" I've done is put in the slimlines. One (slow) step at a time.. :P.
  21. post some pics of your efforts! well done :) Check the members ride section. :D
  22. Refer to: http://pressroom.toyota.com.au/press_relea...;navSectionID=2
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