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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. It was MEEEEEEEEEEEE P.S Which person were you at the meet? would apreciate it if i got a picture in my head of which girl you were I'm very forgetful :( so please dont get angry this thread is kinda slack to the person that is the subject of this whole thread! poor guy... btw sounds like someone has trouble trying 2 remember which girl he was trying 2 pick up at the WA meetz lol!
  2. I dont recall this question being asked previously, but how do the new corolla engines rate against the previous generations 1zz's? im assuming they must have improved fuel economy some how, but the question im really wondering is... would it be easier said than done to swap a 2003 1zz engine and put in place the current corolla engine? (just 4 future reference when my car is a few years older.. little more worse for wear) or would this end up as complicated as swapping a 1zz for the sportivo 2zz... meaning you might as well just buy a sportivo instead of doing the engine swap.
  3. do they actually have a wide variety of pancakes? havent seen any resteraunt make chocolate pancakes like the waffle house in philippines.. OR DECENT WAFFLES for that matter.
  4. might come down if im free... i keep missing them by not reading the monthly meet sections til the day after the meets.
  5. dont know how much im being charged to call them back... might be like $5/min like them phone sex lines.
  6. i dont want a new number! why should i run n hide by changing my number?! something has to be done to stop this from happening.
  7. telstra website says i should contact my provider. on the my provider's (optus) website they say call the police if its "life threatening", if its not, or the police refer me back to optus, i call optus and change my phone number. I SHOULDNT HAVE TO DO THAT. I have had my number for years and its a bitch contacting everyone that my number has changed, and its the principal of the thing! i should NOT have to change numbers because some "charity" is giving me annoying calls!
  8. I keep getting this "charity" calling my mobile and INTENTIONALLY hanging up as soon as i pick up the phone which is usually during the first/second ring. when i call back, all i recieve is a recorded message saying "if you are calling investigating a missed call, this was from a charity which you may donate or you have donated to in the past. someone will call you at another time" something to that effect. i NEED 2 complain about this coz its wasting my money having to call these idiots back and all i get is a damn recording! where should i call in order to get these idiots to stop calling my number?!?!? btw there are a couple numbers which are doing the same thing, but mostly its coming from this number: 0730 154 066.
  9. thats funny! btw i always thought badgers were birds, not a 4 legged thing
  10. man she was commiting to the performance like she knew the words... wow.
  11. not bad dude, but was the mixing all guesswork? there wasnt any directions?
  12. you could retrim the seats.. by that i mean the car upholsterers refoam it and everything like new. depending on materials used and the place you go, could go 300 or more for both seats. where in Aus. are you?
  13. some happy hardcore for ya :P Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  14. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! heres those dancing filipino prisoners again with their interpretation of soulja boy, then straight into some old school... which i wish they really didnt get into.
  15. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! this one isnt japanese or funny, but the remix of canon in D is awesome! modern twist to one of my most fave songs.
  16. new version of tetris some reason the embedding thing doesnt work on this one... click here instead: youtube here it is again, but this version doesnt include subtitles Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  17. whoever made these is pure evil Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  18. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  19. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! the story (judging by the anime) looks not so dissimilar from urotsukidoji (legend of the overfiend?), but this japanese animation is still a bit hard for my asian-looking-but-not-asian-speaking brain to understand. whats with the japanese? ever since hiroshima theyve got these post apocolyptic giant machine killers destroying civilisation fascination going on in many different forms.
  20. 10/10. that really does look like dave lol
  21. they say it only fits the sportivo, but others here have fitted them on conquests, levins etc and its fine. if there is a decent price i would be interested
  22. btw i vote 4 gud spelling. EDIT: To elaborate on this statement (now im on a pc), If I am going to be faced with marking 18-25 high school level essays, all containing KEWL language then im going to spontaneously combust! My personal/professional opinion is that there is definately a time and a place for those methods of the english language. Our language and culture is constantly evolving and always has - you just have to look at the slight differences in accents and colloquialisms between Sydneys "westies" vs those who live in the Northern suburbs. That being said, if you are a youngin' that leans towards using KEWL language than choosing to use the proper spelling (EVEN IF YOU SAY YOU CAN PROPERLY SPELL), please consider that there are those in here who are anywhere upto 10 years or older than you, that come from a different generation of education and social standards, yet still have a common interest in all things Toyota related, just like you. Therefore, please do the right thing in the common interest of the forum and choose the most common mode of the English language which all members should understand. I would go further as to make new members tick a box for reading and accepting terms and conditions of joining the club to include proper, acceptable spelling in order to participate in the forums. I understand this is only an online forum and we are all free to express our opinions as we see fit and this isnt HSC english class, so the odd spelling mistake would and should be forgiven, but I do believe if we want to express our views on the forum it has to be understood by EVERYONE that reads it - that means as close to correct spelling as possible.
  23. im on my mobile on my lunchbreak so please excuse d spelling n grammar. I managed 2 watch most of a recent repeat of "insight" on sbs. The topic was manners & language in 2days society or somethin of that nature. Apparently txt & kewl language are slowly but surely being accepted by exam markers in the yr12 hsc cos so many students think it is acceptable, normal & isnt even regarded as rude/innapropriate! Some 30 odd yrs ago some dude tried getting language 2 basically "spell it the way you say it" and now its happening again!
  24. JJCRU23R


    LOL! Totally forgot about this thread...
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