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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. if you take a closer look at that thread mate, it is closed.
  2. DUUUUUUDE!!! That is pretty much what I'm after. The only downside to that model is the lack of physical CD support. But thats spot on. I wonder how the interface is, though... Oh, and it turns out the new Lancer/Evo X is sporting a 30gb audio player - integrated with what Clarkson himself describes as "the most effective" touch screen SatNav he's ever used... my head unit has usb which means i can hook up my flash drive... its got dvd/cd but honestly, i only use that for barney and hi-5 to keep the kids happy. all my mp3s/vid.clips are in the flash. that means my music would never skip.. and most of my music is in the form of mp3. i dont see any sense in burning in the head unit... its like twice the work if you ever burn on your pc in the first place.
  3. im wondering bout the car in this thread- http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...=14881&st=0 forget the crap that went on in that thread, is there any news? was the car recovered?
  4. spotted a white Kluger @ plumpton shops last night - xYO81x i think? lol yea i know who you are :P
  5. i keep forgetting to fry the egg to go with it. theres egg on the package! stupid me shoulda at least made it look like the picture for once! personally i dont mind my migoreng with some hot n fresh toast. *just plain - no butter, its especially good for just wiping off the saucy bits off the plate with the bread when theres no noodles left (i got that from my grandfather)* anyhoo, personally I like to cook em for less than the 2 minutes because i hate really soft noodles. like a bit of firmness you know? and yea i cant stand eating it if the water is totally drained... the noodles stick together real quick and its like eating strings made of rubber bands, so i intentionally let a bit of the boiling water onto the bowl.. kinda kills your cravings for migoreng when you buy a whole box... i get through almost half within a week before i say to myself i cant eat anymore.. least until theres nothing fresh in the fridge.. its always good in an emergency!
  6. cant go wrong with 2 migoreng packs and your pretty much full! QUESTION: What do you eat with your migoreng? What food best accompanies such a delicious dish??
  7. gday all, how much does it cost you at you accountants to get a tax return? my accountant charges around $70-72? is that standard? my dad said it was smarter to do it through the accountant than using the tax pack (diy), coz if you get audited you will have to show all your paperwork from the last 7 years, and if you have an accountant, theyd be able to do all that for you.
  8. mi goreng.. the only 2 minute noodles that tastes like a meal! maggi can learn a thing or 2 from these noodlez! all you fools who buy em at woolies are getting ripped off too! go the asian groceriez! why buy 1 or 2 packs for 2 bucks or whatever when a whole box is 7-8 bucks??? man dont get me started on migoreng, that stuff is like corn flakes... you can go without eating it for ages but when you get to eat it again, you get hooked.. b/fast lunch dinner snacks any excuse to drown yourself in them noodlez... sucks my stomach cant handle too much of that red sauce no more.
  9. wb, keep out of trouble from now on eh?
  10. gday, ive got the chrome ones on my corolla. i did ask the autoelectrician who was installing the tail lights if it was possible to wire up the fog lights with the brakes, but i discussed it with the autoelectrician and we decided against it since the lense in the foggies would have probebly blind any car that came up behind me! the lense in the foggies wouldnt spread the light out, it looks as though the lights would shine straight into the car behind me and cause other drivers to get annoyed at me. anyone else notice this when they wired the foggies up? how do the foglights look when lit? might wire them in depending on what is said on this thread... interesting topic - always wondered this, but never bothered to post it.
  11. gday, im actually looking to eventually buy one of these.. i saw an 03 automatic avensis in the trading post website for under $15000! looks perfect for a growing family.. how well does it drive? any good/bad points about drivability? steering? breaking?
  12. preparing assessments for year 10 is more important for me atm. :P anyhoo, back on topic?! geez how good is that c-one stuff now ay? too damn expensive for me at the moment. who do you contact to get sum anyway?
  13. yea sorry i meant the owf forums. as for my sig... ill change it when time permits. im too busy preparing stuff for work.
  14. ofw would have all the contacts would it not? can anyone confirm this? i dont have the link on me atm.
  15. although it is toyota, i would really have to question whether that would be considered legal in NSW coz i havent seen a trailer hitch that looked like that... maybe if it were chrome you wouldnt have thought that saj... why of all colours did they paint it black with the plastic knob cover on top...?
  16. permanent ban next time? bit harsh.. i propose the mods have a bit of lenience in this case? yea shes off for 14 days so whats done is done, but she was letting off steam after all the crap she just dealt with, it seemed obvious to see she hadnt even calmed down yet from the incident. i used to work in fairfield a few years back and im not suprised that this kinda thing happened in that area. despite her spelling or cheeky attitude towards others in here, i dont think shes offended a significant number of our club members? but on the other hand she ****** off the mods again..
  17. late last week i had a confrontation with a woman who bumped my drivers side door with her door when she parked next to me at the shops. i was in the front passenger side of my car with my kids in the back while my wife went in woolies for some stuff. there was an empty carspace next to my car and i was paying full attention to the car that was moving in to the space next to me. i watched her reverse into the space, stop the car and open the door which OBVIOUSLY hit my car coz the whole car moved! confronted the chick who was driving and she had this dumb look on her face, saying it was her keys that touched my car - not the end of her car door. i should have had my bloody camera phone recording.. lord knows i had plenty of time to take it out. edit - holy crap what happened while i was typing this post? she got booted off again?!
  18. couple questions 4 u - did you have a camera phone? did you shoot a pic of him?
  19. it wouldnt be the first time something like that happened because of something you downloaded - whether it was intentionally or unintentionally downloaded into your pc. anywayz, i have been reading through the "overview" of sp3... it seems that its useful to people who dont regularly download the individual updates that come up at random times... id have to put my hand up for that since i usually ignore those updates.
  20. it wouldnt be the first time something like that happened because of something you downloaded - whether it was intentionally or unintentionally downloaded into your pc. anywayz, i have been reading through the "overview" of sp3... it seems that its useful to people who dont regularly download the individual updates that come up at random times... id have to put my hand up for that since i usually ignore those updates.
  21. peep this - go to ebay and search this: 190220634630 a couple years back i was considering a HDD head unit for my corolla but i somehow forgot about it after i began researching options for carputers. theyve been around for a while now, this head unit is an ok example of what you could possibly get. hope this helps!
  22. yall can keep talkin bout vista, ill just go ahead and dl the sp3 when i get home... lol apparently some people have said their xp is faster now with the sp3.. not that im complaining about the speed of my pc but if it improves performance then im all for it. anyone know anything about the xp media centre thingo? i want to hook up my xbox360 with the pc but i need the media centre thingo in my pc.
  23. add qualified highschool teacher to my list :)
  24. yea what the topic description says... is it worth the download? id like first hand experience from people whove already done it
  25. ebay item number 330233398828 what im particularly curious about is the stainless steel flexible tube at the bottom. what do you guys make of it?
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