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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. first of all, me and my family dont go spying on the neighbours. we like to respect their privacy coz they normally respect ours, and on occasions we do greet and talk to eachother - that is, the neighbours directly next to our place. but when it comes to this guys car, i personally cant help but notice them because i only have to check outside my front door to check that my car is still parked there to see the guys car - their car is in my line of sight. i couldnt care less if theyre engaged or friends with "benefits". doing that in the car isnt anything new either. but doing it in a residential street in broad day light??? cmon now!? kissing in public is somewhat normal and it doesnt bother me if i see that out at the shops or whatever.. but they look like theyre doing a whole lot more than just kissing?! if they arent doing it then theyre as close as two people can possibly get without doing it. let me further explain how this all started. my wife first noticed the car (coz she hadnt seen the car around before and noticed that its slightly modded) outside my neighbours place sometime around midday. she saw 2 people in the front seats just talking. nothing out of the ordinary there, nothing to complain about. several hours later after a short nap and after doing stuff around the house, my wife goes to check the mail and couldnt help but notice that the 2 people were still in the car... this time the girl who was previously on the passenger seat was now sitting the wrong way around on the drivers seat, which noticed was somewhat reclined. and the car was rockin. normally i get home 3.30-4.30. EDIT: for the record - no, they were not naked, and no, im not going to post a video of it either.. sorry guys :P
  2. yep - exactly why my wife gets a bit ******... we got kids at home and its something my wife doesnt want my son to check out when hes running round the front yard.
  3. kinda not a good idea, unless i tape it from a position that is not from the window of my house, otherwise they would know for sure who sent the letter. if i wanted to be more anonymous about it i would probebly have to tape it from another location. too much work involved. once again, i wouldnt hesitate to confront em if they parked in front of my place.
  4. yea poor bugger dont have any tint. lol! youd think that if you are goign to do it in the car, at least find somewhere secluded, not outside your neighbours yard?! cmon now.. its people like that that shouldnt be breeding in the first place my problem is that its out in the street! tonight it was already dark, but my relos spotted the same behaviour around 2pm in the afternoon on a schoolday?! fact of the matter is that they are doing it basically in public. if i walked round naked out in front of my house i could be arrested for indecent exposure in public or something like that. personally i wouldnt care what they did as long as it was inside their own property.
  5. ok heres the deal... I have a teenage/20something year old neighbour that lives a couple houses down, who has a boyfriend who parks in front of the house next door to mine. on at least 3 occasions my wife and/or myself have witnessed my neighbour on top of the bf getting intimate on the drivers seat. got nothing personal against the neighbours but bloody hell they should just get a room?!! the girls parents must know what they are doing out in front of the house, and i dont think my next door neighbour is the type to complain... although I wouldnt hesitate to go knocking up on the dudes window if they tried that in front of my house. my wife wants me to make a complaint.. call the cops or something. im looking for a second opinion, since my experience with the local cop shop hasnt been too friendly to talk to when it comes to complaints about the neighbours in the past. do i have a legitimate complaint or is this just an annoyance i should have to live with?
  6. hehe nice one... forgot to mention earlier I got in on this too. hope they still send mine.. pretty quick to pull it down after i completed it?
  7. i believe the wingtips are actually part of the stock spoiler. you can get em off ebay but delivery from the UK aint cheap... last i checked you pay just about the same price for shipping as you would the price for the spoiler alone. unless you got a mate up in the UK..
  8. here you go i like it, but then again its kinda wierd how the shapes and angles they used inside the tail light doesnt match the more squarish looking outline of the tail light... if that makes sense. in any case, its nice to see another alternative to getting the stock preface/facelift, JDM and altezza type tail lights.
  9. today, sunday 2-3pm spotted blue 2zz heading north on sunnyholt rd past the McDonalds... silver sportivo grille. xoom? whoever it was wouldnt have spotted me... my cars sporting a stockier look nowadays.. although it always did look pretty stock
  10. JOHN MAYER- CHOCOLATE RAIN Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  11. wish sunrise was a bit more like this in the morning! DANCE PARTY FRIDAY!!!! EVERYBODY DANCE NOW Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!GROOVE IS IN THE HEART Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!NKOTB!!!!! OLD SCHOOL BOYBAND FLAVOUR IN YOUR EAR! Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!RAIN MEDLEY Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! SOME other channel must have copied the idea, but damn this has something more interesting bout it that i cant put my finger on Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  12. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! FREESTYLE HORSE BASKETBALL SHOTS - THIS 1'S FOR THE GIRLS!! GIRL POWER!\ Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! and then this 1... gosh... sorry for posting this 1 girls
  13. you are a photographer.. so you musta taken pics??? lol sharing is caring
  14. just curious, since ive seen a few stock tail lights tinted, and also 1 or 2 of the black altezza tail lights be spray tinted (ie badboyz corolla), and it looks pretty nice... just wondering if anyone has spray tinted their chrome tail lights? im curious, but not game enough to find out in the offchance it might not look right.
  15. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! same dude, different song. btw ive had that clip at the top of this thread in my hard drive for a few years now.. only a few days ago i checked to see if it was up in youtube so yea..
  16. the pics i was meant to put in here are now in facebook.. but yea with the privacy settings in place youd have to be a "friend" to see em.. no random peoplez
  17. Itll make you smile.. even if you have nothing to smile about Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  18. what in the world happened???
  19. spotted a white rolla, grey/black rims heading west on the great western highway somewhere between parramatta and westmead? around 4pm.. black numberplates, body kit, cant remember the number plate but it had 2 letters, then 3 numbers... reminded me of sunnys but dont think it was, cos it was all white? looked very clean though.
  20. yo... tax time! ive just recieved some payg papers... (still waiting on a couple more from a couple of other employers), instead of starting up a new thread i thought id bring this 1 back up from the dead- now the time has come a lot closer, whats the smartest thing we can do with the extra 100's/1000's we get in tax return?
  21. JJCRU23R


    According to that quote, the law is pretty clear cut. "Legally", you cant really use them in any public place?! Just like a lot of things like CAI's that arent boxed and some sports seats arent street legal, but you can still definately buy them. With the scooter though... it may be illegal to use, but its another question as to whether a police officer is actually going to enforce that law if you were to scoot past one walking on foot? (if you were scooting responsibly, wearing helmet, aware of pedestrians etc... I dont think you would be noticed)... could be wrong. do you see a lot of motorised scooters around your workplace?
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