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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. gran turismo 4 got it yea? besides that i got no clue.
  2. poor guy didnt even admit he got it from ebay... must admit i would probebly sound a lot like him if it were me installing a turbo... lol!
  3. i wouldnt personally put it on my rolla, but i wouldnt be suprised to see one of the new hiluxs with these on. maybe coz of the flame job that guy did on the hilux commercial last year...
  4. i typed up "1zz corolla" during a search on ebay and came up with this: custom turbo charger kit $999US. anyone with a bit of turbo experience able to confirm whether or not this is all you need to add a turbo to the 1zz?? my guess is it needs some work to fit the aussie 1zz since the US config would be slightly different. (since the steering wheel is on the opposite side, i guess things inside the engine bay would be different too. if you havent seen this yet and was interested in this, then hey there you go. id probebly wait until exchange rate was in better shape b4 i went and bought 1 though.
  5. i was considering these when i first spotted them on ebay last year... kinda suprised i havent seen anyone on the forum got these already.
  6. if only you could filter out the channels you never watch so that you only pay for the channels you want! foxtel like to act as though you have "choice" by choosing the different packages, but thats simply not good enough. for example: the kids only like watching nick jr and pretty much ignore every other channel in the kids package. so we are paying 16 a month for basically one channel. waste of money! right now we are considering select tv, but the discovery channels are an optional extra. sucks! plus if we were to get the filipino channel together with the select tv package (you can get spanish or other language packages too with select), then the monthly fee would be about the same price as what we pay for with foxtel. anyway... back to work. jase
  7. thanks for the reply. i was just asking because the logo on the stock conquest grille is one whole peice. the logo does not separate from the grille. so i guess it would be safe to say the sportivo/levin grilles are able to clip off the logo?
  8. theres only 1 way to find out... fit it in and fine tune all 3 to sort out the best configuration... but then again is it really necessary? if its for looks or some sort of comp then id probebly get a 3rd sub that matched the other 2. aesthetically it only makes sense to make em look like they match. i know there are no specific rules to as to what you should or shouldnt do with your sound system, but the idea you are proposing makes little sense (imho). itll only add weight to your car (which = more fuel consumption = spend more on petrol), run your battery down even quicker, burn another hole in your pocket (which could be better spent on maybe security system to protect what youve already got in your car or tune up) and itll further damage your eardrums. youve got 2subs already. makes no sense adding a 3rd. it shouldnt be bout the quantity, it should be about the quality!
  9. gday, recently, my interior light (the light that switches on automatically when you open your door) seemed to have busted a couple weeks ago. i didnt see anything visably wrong with the bulb, but bought another at autobarn and replaced it. now, only a week after i replaced it, the lights stopped working again. has anyone had this issue before? im assuming that if it was some sort of fuse issue, something else in the car must be malfunctioning too coz there cant possibly be a fuse just for that one light. any help would be much appreciated. jase
  10. im not sure if its the levin grille.. but its the standard grille similar to the stock sportivo grille, except its chrome? anyone know the one im on about? anyways, can you clip off the toyota logo and clip the runx logo on?
  11. im kinda enjoying the school that i am currently working right now. i was offered another contract for term 4 and there may be a chance of them keeping me on for next year.. im like 10 mins drive away from where i work. although admittedly i would probebly be paid MUCH more for working at your school, being able to get home quick smart without using great western, m7, m2 or m4 or any other major roadways and hardly any traffic to or from work is a massive positive. my time is spent better without having to deal with traffic jams. anyhoo.. considering the description of the stack of resumes your teacher has to look through, im sure id be at the bottom of that list when it comes to qualifications since im just starting out. thanks ashy, but no thanks. too bad ay, you could have picked me up so you can park in the staff car park ey? lol! but yea considering im like 1 hour out of the way from you and your school, that would not make sense... plus i dont think your school has a car park does it? only street parking yea? lol anyways, yea. back to the topic at hand - select tv... yea theres filo channels on that, for the filipinos out there, there is also TFC (the filipino channel) which my parents have. Same sized dish as the foxtel satillite which isnt huge, but then again, that costs roughly 30-40? and only 4 channels (+2 filo radio channels) so its not really value for my money since i do understand some of the language, but dont fully speak it.
  12. something ive been looking for for AGES but never able to find.. anyone found the VERY last segment of red faces anywhere on the net?
  13. in order to cut spending, we are considering cutting off the foxtel from our house, but instead of sticking to free to air or digital tv channels (which we do have btw - not the HD but its still digital), my wife and i have been looking for any decent alternatives to foxtel. i recieved a pamphlet in the mail about a sattilite dish with a set top box that connects to the computer and offers upto 3000 channels. this sounds too good 2 be true, sounds like it could possibly several channels repeated a couple times over or other channels possibly not working at all, but yea this deal looks kinda screwy coz its you end up having to watch the tv through your pc. 3000 channels without a monthly fee sounds good, but yea sounds dodge... besides select tv and the other stuff ive already listed, what else is there? any help/advice/reviews on other paytv formats would be appreciated. jase
  14. got pics of the car after it was damaged?
  15. yea i saw cruise control for $227 in the latest supercheap catalogue... its only useful if you are driving long distances yea?
  16. i had eyelids on my car since '05. wasnt satisfied with the amount of double sided tape so i added a bunch more of it to make sure no1 was able to take em off easily. ive had no issues with cops or anything like that ad its never fallen off. just make sure you position them right the 1st time!
  17. yo toyotafreak thanks for the info. im kinda hoping to burn the vids on dvd.. none of my programs can convert the flv's to dvd.. any good programs (free) that wont expire after 30days that can convert flv to mpeg or avi?
  18. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! vid gets more twisted at the end lol
  19. ive heard several people before talking bout this.. so yea im just curious - does anyone have a sure fire way of copying videos off youtube?
  20. people who may already be familiar with the korean movie"my sassy girl" would recognise the chick in these commercials. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!posting this for absolutely no other reason except that i love iced tea :P Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!and this vid.. just coz i like the music. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!and i like samsung printers Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!and i like kfc. that is all... WATCH MY SASSY GIRL!
  21. just watched this again after remembering it... good to watch 20x time around lol
  22. its a short film done by amateurs... probebly made on a home computer. i know my pc came with basic video editing software so anyone whos got a half decent pc should be able to stitch something similar together. ive only used it for family videos though. anyhoo.. of course the music is gonna be a little funny and the actors would amp it up a bit.. kinda adds to the humor of it though?! thought 'twas was put together pretty well too.
  23. after a couple of days, try washing the car and find out? id probebly be on the safe side and reapply the autosol after a few months or so... but if it stays clear then you wouldnt need to worry anymore :P glad you sorted it out man.
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