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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. sounds fancy, but more like laziness than anything else. and dangerous after what sillycar said.
  2. yea the house alarm is programmed to call my mobile whenever the alarm goes off. So id get my house number appearing in my mobile's caller id and if i pick it up and all i hear is alarm bells, then my house is broken into or my wife left the dog inside with the alarm on (which means 1 stressed out dog). so its illegal to do myself? stupid sonofa... bull$hit hassle i have to pay someone to do it :( oh wells. ill take a look up in the roof coz i wana make sure i HAVE to call a pro to do it. if its something i can figure out myself, ima get myself a 2nd hand central filter from ebay and do it. thanks for the info djkor. if theres anyone else with something to add, please do so?! jase
  3. anyone had success ordering stuff from these guys? or is there a supplier in australia that stocks their parts? www.boostertuning.net i heard they dont respond to non german speaking emails, so i translated a short message to them just now. hoping to hear from them sometime soon.
  4. geez wanna get more specific? lol! dude you shoulda pm'd that man! anyhoos, that address is heaps familar.. i only live a few mins from there as well
  5. tried all that. after calling optus several times, a guy came up to my house and checked the phone connection and the exchange. everything was apparently normal, but still - i have to reset the damn modem! the only thing i havent tried is putting in a central filter. its not that difficult is it? im assuming the phone wire is up in the roof somewhere and i gotta put the filter in that.
  6. j j what bar do u have cm5 or cm6? im ordering the cm5 soon ill be doing it my self, hows the quelity of the bar many pinholes, hows the finish and fittment? dude, check out the pics of the frontbar i trial fitted on my thread in the members rides. title is "jjcru23rs conquest" or something like that. that was my old nick.
  7. i said they looked to be carmate because the side skirts and rear lips are the same types that you can find on the carmate website. besides that, the originals are usually heaps expensive and not as accessable to buy as opposed to carmates stuff. im not knocking the fact that theyre carmate parts if thats what youre getting at? ive got a carmate frontbar... still searching for the right place (besides carmate) to fit it right cos it just doesnt fit straight as it is now. look these up on carmate: Toyota Corolla 2002-2004 Hatch "GI Style" Side Skirts Toyota Corolla 2002-2004 Hatch "CW Style" Rear Lip
  8. no wonder i see a chick driving it now. if i waved to her she wouldnt know wat the hell was goin on lol anyhoo i spotted another silver corolla with bodykit, black rims with red pinstripe @6pm in the westfield mtdruitt carpark, JAE50N numberplate . anyone on here? plus all up and down the great western i saw several corollas with what looks to be carmate kits on em.. couldnt get number plates but some had stickers on their rearwindows...
  9. just wondering, cos my internet's been retarded ever since i moved into my house. i suspect theres no central filter installed so where should i go in the house to install one? ive got probebly 4 splitters throughout the house to deal with the cordless phones, foxtel cable, house alarm and the modem. im assuming wiht a central filter i can get rid of all the splitters and my net would run uninterupted. i usually have to reset my modem, dc/reconnect all the cables that connect to the modem an almost nightly basis in order to get the modem to "wake up" and go online. if anyone has first hand experience and can tellme if theres anything else id need besidesthe central filter to sort out my connection issues, your help would be greatly appreciated. jase
  10. done it! thanks to help with dad who can solder heaps better than i can, we got through it pretty quick. we just drilled holes into the plastic and tilted the drill so the holes would join up and make a bigger hole. a vaccuum is really handy to get the scraps out of the lense and dont move the tail light around too much otherwise you end up with littleblack bits stuck in the lense.
  11. not sure if a similar thread has been started before.. but yea.. if you are willing to share - what does your pc desktop look like right now? (just the wallpaper)- but if you wanna alt+prtsc your full desktop that would be pretty interesting to see lol! this reminded me of a thread (on this forum i am unsure) where a guy posted up a pic of his actual desktop and everyone noticed a folder titled "shemales" or something of that nature on the guys desktop, then the guy spent ages trying to convince everyone it was a joke... but yea. im not at home at the moment so i cant start it off.. but yea ichanged this pc's desktop to the obama combo breaker pic posted on the obama thread.
  12. no idea why i am happy he won.. to be honest im pretty ignorant when it comes to knowing about how this would effect our lives here in suburban australia.. half a world away from an election in which none of us would be able to vote in since we are aussies.. but i feel a lot better than i did during the last 2 elections when george W won. i was arguing with some americans while playing texas hold em on facebook 2night... bunch of racists not happy with the election. just because hes black or his dad is kenyan or he wasnt born in the US so he shouldnt be president (someone said he refuses to show his birth certificate for public viewing - cos he was born kenyan, therefore people born outside US cant run for president) or that he WILL be assassinated... crazy talk.
  13. not sure if ive posted these pics already.. dont think i have. this 1 was spotted at westpoint blacktown. it had queensland plates i think? picture was dated 19/7/08. kit was slightly damaged when i saw it. no apparent window tint so you can see all the mods that were done inside pretty much. nice seat covers, i think it had aftermarket head unit and gearknob. and this one.. which ive spotted numerous times up and down plumpton/rooty hill this pic was taken 28th october 2008 was going up on hyatts rd plumpton, near the marketplace. note the altezzas with the fog lights connected to the breaks. also has a hoodscoop... i think?! body kit etc. looks to be an asian female driver. pujo is this you?
  14. JJCRU23R


    this 1 is what i like to tell my students.. that is if i can ever remember how it went correctly off the top of my head - "If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving." Martin Luther King
  15. awesome! lol! combo breaker?!!? geez make me wanna crack open my nintendo 64 again hahaha
  16. yea this is a good question. ive previously just played around with the settings until i found what i though was suitable for my music, etc. is there a set of rules you need to go by to ensure you get the most out of your subs without blowing it up?
  17. i ordered the narva bulbs and bulb holders from repco (near bunnings) on the great western @ mt druitt. roughly it was 2.50 each for the bulb holders and 2 bucks something for a pair of bulbs. all up 8.50 for everything? they didnt have any bulb holders in stock, so they had them ordered in. i know for a fact they have at least 2 more of them bulb holders! pretty hard to come by at repco so get em while you still can or else youd have to get them to order it from narva.
  18. man... asian parents or not.. every family has their own disfunctionalisms man! i do agree to a point that my asian parents came here with 400 in their pockets and knew absolutely nobody when they landed in sydney. they worked their butts off for our family and it only makes sense that they expect us kids to work our asses off too. i personally went through failure in uni too. i failed several subjects in what was supposed to be my final semester for my undergrad.. TWICE. a 3 year course turned into 5 year stretch at uni. then i did my teaching degree.. which should have taken 3 semesters (many completed it in 2), but i ended up taking 2 whole years coz i repeated a couple subjects in there as well. how many times did i fail stuff but still you cant stop man! good on you for deferring. take the time off, discuss your assessments and compare notes with your classmates or even discuss your issues with your lecturers/ uni councellor so you can be better prepared when you repeat those subjects next year. prepare for those subjects man! thats the only way you can get through the subjects second time around if you really dont enjoy the topics but you HAVE to pass them. on a final note (this is in my teacher voice) - DRUGS R BAD HMMKAY?
  19. gday! congrats on purchasing a corolla :P with regards to all the stuff you were asking about.. you dont necessarily need to go overboard with the parts. there is a thread called "previously covered topics" that should help you out with most of this stuff. but yea... regular sparkplugs should do the trick. you can get them at any decent car parts store for less than or around 20 bucks for 4... if you wanna go the iridium type ones which cost more, then go ahead, but if youre only driving the car to work or whatever then i doubt itll make much of a difference. engine oil sounds about right. but yea that depends on your local climate - how cold/warm it is around your area? is cold mornings the norm in your area or what? if so, if you get the wrong type of oil, then youd have a harder time starting your car up in the morning. best to change it round 5000-10000km (thats the advice i was given - correct me if thats not right anybody!) coolant... theres heaps of different types... just follow the directions on the bottle and make sure you drain out the old stuff before you put in the new coolant. but just to be sure with any of this stuff, go direct to toyota parts for advice... dont necessarily need to buy from them but yea ask em! transmission.. not sure bout that. tyres... i think the original stock tyres on my car were dunlops. lasted heaps long too. but yea im no expert on which brands are best. anyhoo, hope whatever issues youve inherited from the previous owner dont continue for too long.
  20. last logged in june 08... anyone know if hes ok?
  21. sheesh man... sounds a lot like my personal experiences. nice guys always come last lol! anyhoo... yea very much like personal experience. been there done that. if it takez you 3 years to make a move, you are at least 2 years too late. youll either be a "best friend for life" *bullsh!t* or a plan b like "if neither of us are married by the time we are 30, we gonna get married ok?" *morebullsh!t*. dude if its gonna be like best buds or youre gonna be plan b, then its really not worth waiting for. establish a relationship with someone thats not too comfortable that youve gone past that line of being a potential partner and gone into the "YOURMYBESTESTBUDDYICANTELLYOUANYTHINGBUTYOUCANTTOUCHTHISHMMKAY" zone. find someone thatll want you as plan A.
  22. he was referring to the original fj40 series landcruisers. much like the monaros or the pt cruisers and vw beetles being brought back from the dead... toyota US wanted something similar with the old 40 series. was a few years back though... apparently its much bigger than the old 3 door. love my old landcruisers but im not liking this new reincarnation much. looks too pretty to be taken offroad. 40s are nice.. apparently easier to install aftermarket seats.. my personal fave was the bundera 70 series landcruiser my old bundy next to my current corolla.
  23. its funny i see all my students shuffling and it never looks as good as the youtube vids... anyhoo im not sure if it was your moves or the slightly dodgy video quality that made the moves look better lol! geez whats good in trance music nowadays? i got no idea whats good or where to look coz its not on anything commercial in my area. all they play is pop, rock n rap.. never hear any trance!
  24. hey dude, im pretty sure autobarn do installs. or there is that car place in merrylands near the kfc. they look like they do that stuff. anywayz, how would you like it built? just regular box style or moulded into one side of your boot?
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