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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. being a western sydney high school teacher (yrs 7-10).. child protection legislation (i think thats what its called.. legislation - the law anyway..) forbids me from discussing this sort of info about students to anyone else except my principal, who hands over this sort of info onto DOCS. that being said.. this story does not suprise or shock me in the slightest.
  2. where did you get it? it looks like an almost perfect match. the autobarn greyish carpet looks a bit lighter than whats in my corolla. btw my interior carpet looks like it perfectly matches the colour of your old SB sportivo.
  3. yep i must agree.. i think the bondo/bog/bodyfiller on the face side only is the reason for the uneven weight distribution and its heaviness. the actual sub itself isnt particularly light either. kinda sucked that it ended up that way but there was no way i could predict the weight balance or the overall weight of the box. my main concern were space saving and a custom fit. come to think of it, i may revise the design of this box and peel back the carpet and attempt sanding back a lot more of the bog (hopefully to reduce weight) add some sort of weight at the bottom of the inside of the box and recarpet the front with material that more matches the interior. i used plain black fabric to cover the box while the boot interior is a more greyish/black colour.. it was only later that i saw a more appropriate match for my interior @ autobarn.
  4. saturday 7th feb 2009 - spotted a black facelift levin @ shopsmart mt druitt, parked directly in front of the entrance of cash converters. totally stock appearance outside except for the runx badge on the chrome grille. (possibly had facelift tail lights?) me thinks the owner was a tall white guy with some females... possibly family members...
  5. kinda hard to understand what you mean by performance. do you mean just the shape of the box? because it really doesnt matter what shape your box is, if its cubed or wierd custom moulded into the corner like mine, what matters is the amount of space youve provided the sub inside the box (thats what ive read). were you talking performance in terms of sound quality? coz i really cant speak on that since im not an expert on building sub boxes, im only sharing with you my experience. to be honest it was hard for me to calculate since the sub box is such an irregular shape, but after i built the back shell of the box, before i proceeded with the rest of the build, i carefully measured several litres of water in a bucket and poured it into the shell for 2 reasons: 1- to see if it was properly sealed 2- to roughly gauge how many litres of space it would contain. funny i dont think i talked bout that earlier.. but yea. luckily i did find some holes in a narrow corner which was hard to fibreglass.. so i made a thick mix of resin and poured it inside the shell, hoping the liquid would plug all those holes when it dried up. i read the requirements of my sub which is only 8inch btw and it had the minimum/maximum recommended litres of space needed to power the sub in a sealed box. by my calculations (or estimations.. half assed attempts at measuring.. whichever you wanna look at it), my box was pretty much well in the middle of the range?! ported boxes require more space, which is why i chose sealed.
  6. i believe this has been tried and it does not work. youll have to search for that in here for a while to find it lol! but yea im pretty sure its been tried and faild.
  7. yo armstrong, couple years back when i first saw sb's sub box, i liked it so much i went and built one of my own. heres a few pics of the build.. after several layers of masking tape and foil to ensure that the resin doesnt soak into my cars interior, i laid out several layers of fibreglass and resin to create the shell for the back. thinking back, it may have been smarter to mould the fibreglass with mdf on the base... which i had prepared but for some reason i didnt end up using it.. stupid me. after making a sub ring to suit my sub, i mounted it using some mdf offcuts used a smaller sub so i can save enoughspace to fully recline the rear seats as well as leave enough boot space for the pram. stretched some spare fabric (thin.. kinda like bedsheet material) and glued it into place, then layed a weight in the centre to keep it tight like a tiger while it dried. after that step i laid several layers of fibreglass over the fabric. (i did NOT FIBREGLAss the centre where i was going to cut the fabric to fit the sub. got a bit anxious so after i had finished this step so i test fitted the sub. layed bodyfiller over the top to ensure it was extra stiff.. added weight to the box but it was for the greatergood. i could have chosen to smooth it completely to paint it, but instead i chose to coat it with carpet. this was kind of an afterthought, but i fitted this in the back for convenience fin. this is definately something you can do yourself. you can go to autobarn and check out the commodore custom moulded sub boxes and find that they laid a bit of mdf in the base of the box to help distribute weight. my sub box doesnt stand freely on its own so if i didnt secure it properly, it would simply fall over. so its important to think about weight distribution or securing the sub using screws or some other method.. whichever works best for you. my guess is you save 50-100 by doing it yourself (provided you dont make a mistake and redo everything from scratch)
  8. hey its not that im trying to be too serious about it- i wouldnt know you from a can of paint but at the same time, would be a shame to hear you missed out on an opportunity that was handed too you cos you thought you were too good for the uni.
  9. how bout explore this option if you dont get in the insearch thing, since you might have already missed the boat with your offer from UWS - get a job, wait til your 21 and enter UTS as a mature age student. 7000+ per semester is really steep and i cant help but think that youre only trying this insearch thing because youre being too picky and/or a bit selfish. making your parents pay that kind of money for insearch when you had the opportunity to enter UWS, which would most probebly wouldnt have cost your parents a cent since id assume youd qualify for HECS (or is it called HELP now?), so you could pay your fees back later when you earn enough after your degree. from what ive read on the posts in here.. looks like most dont agree with your choice. furthermore you havent really justified your decision for refusing the UWS offer other than to say that youd just rather be at UTS. for heavens sake, if its not too late to get into the UWS course, ACCEPT THE OFFER ALREADY! and if youre still not happy, take the time to figure out how to properly transfer. it may take more time but youve got a lot more time than money, and your parents shouldnt have to put up that kind of money when they dont have to. sometimes you gotta be thankful for whatever life gives you. please use common sense and listen to the advice others have given you here - go to UWS, then find out how to transfer.
  10. lol not you A.J... i meant to ask ash..
  11. so... are you in uni yet? whats the deal?
  12. ive heard this general rule of thumb ever since i started driving, regardless of whichever car you drive (ive driven ford laser, 98 and 03 corolla, 98 celica, 75 and 100 series landcruisers) that you are "close enough" to the car in front of you when the lowest you can see is the bottom of the bumperbar. so even if you can only see the dash and not the hood, you keep a safe distance from whatever is in front of you. (sorry couldnt condense my post into shorter explanation.. i tried).
  13. Setting off the airbag? thats kinda like believing that if you switch tv channels too fast the tv will explode.. isnt it? dont quote me on that though lol! separating the tail lights from the car shouldnt be that difficult. no, i dont have a camry, but ive taken off and swapped my tail lights more than a couple times (thats the part you are talking about right? the rear lenses are the same as tail lights yea?) from my 03 corolla and its only got 3 screws holding it in place in each tail light. now, once you have taken it off, the real challenge begins- are the existing holes which accomodate your indicator and brake lights enough for you to clean the inside of your tail lights, or are you wanting to separate the red/white plastic lenses from the actual housing? if the construction of the tail lights is anything like the headlights , there should be some really tough gluey substance keeping the lense and the back plastics together and would require heating via heatgun or in your kitchen oven to soften the glue and separate the 2 parts.
  14. gotta admire the girl for her DIY efforts here... not afraid to get her hands dirty..its more than im game to attempt on my car if i ended up having to do it.
  15. since the car is written off.. would you still be able to take parts you had in your car (ie- aftermarket stereo, speakers, other mods that can easily be removed)? or does the insurance company own EVERYTHING and must take the car as is? just asking in a hypothetical situation... are you able to take the mods youve installed off the car?
  16. hmm.. its been a long time since knob threads.. are there any specs available on this particular part? unless the product description tells you the weight as a specific feature just as it would probebly describe it as "made of black leather with black stitching" etc.., my guess is it wouldnt be any heavier than stock. youd be paying for the black leather and the TRD label and the feeling of a softer knob in your hand.
  17. i read that too until i went clicked to find out more. "upto a year credit" suggests (to me) that there may be an option to do less than a full time load of study. surely Ash has done her research and knows exactly what shes hoping to get into... right Ash? you researched this particular option thoroughly... right?
  18. ozzy tyres did springs for $350 any height you want! lol!not sure ifthat price still applies but i remember them advertising that.
  19. well said KT. come to think of it... if you didnt work hard enough in yr12 to get into the course you really wanted, imagine how much higher expectations will be by going through something like insearch in order to get into UTS. anyhoo.. although i admit i gotta read more into it, im assuming insearch does not automatically = 1st yr of uni. edit: i just checked. "Straight to second year Since our Diploma courses are the academic equivalent to first year at UTS you can go straight into second year studies or be awarded up to one year credit. These courses are designed by UTS to seamlessly lead on to UTS courses, making it easier for you to cope with your second year studies. It’s almost as if you had gone straight to UTS in the first place. " its a bit funny.. youll probebly be in there with a bunch of foreign students with rich parents who are still trying to learn English! but yea by the looks of you, youll fit right in then lol thats actually pretty cool that the uni has offered this in the first place. UNISTART at UWS was basically 4 subjects in a year.. which = 1 semester of fulltime study @ UWS. geez how much is this INSEARCH going to cost? and are your parents willing to pay for that?
  20. whats important is you get your foot in the door. some people do it though tafe, UWS had UNISTART which was basically a part time load for 1-2 semesters before they consider accepting you fulltime, which overall add up to only 1 extra semester of uni. good luck with the 2nd round though! 2nd round is pretty much foreign territory for me as ive never met anyone in my uni life that refused their first offer in hope of being accepted somewhere else in the 2nd round... but i hope your plan works out but i really wish you just accepted the UWS offer.
  21. ive graduated BA Arts (Fine Arts) and postgraduate Teaching- Secondary (Visual Arts) @ UWS. What exactly is it that you dont like about UWS? think about it - youd be driving opposite to the flow of traffic by going to UWS! Campus's with wide open spaces! not concrete jungle like UTS... rush rush rush. if you are really picky... maybe you should look into Australian Catholic Uni. long time ago i remember accounting graduates from ACU had a higher % of finding a job than UTS graduates. hmm.. ive got a Godsister who did 1 semester of environmental studies (i think? - she walked through a sewer/swamp for one of her subjects lol) at UWS, then transferred to UTS and graduated from Interior Design and is currently working with the DET. it only cost her like 1 extra year of study at the most. in any case, if you can get where you want to go (career wise) with the course you were accepted in@ UWS, just take the UWS offer and be happy with what you got.
  22. cant seem to find "insert" battery terminals @ jaycar.com.au. you got pics of this?
  23. heya.. has anything new happened to this car lately? azz do you still have it?
  24. yea i remember with AAMI they listed down my grille, stereo as well as the aftermarket tail lights in my policy. simple enough.. just let em know.
  25. the trolley handle spoiler actually looked pretty good in the flesh! this was a former member of the club.. the car was sold long ago ( i think?) definately wouldnt say that it makes the car look uglier.
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