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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. anyone know where to order a couple? im sure ive read someone on the forums saying they bought one... ive found corolla altiz gas struts on ebay, not 100 sure they would suit our aussie/jdm spec hoods coz altiz is american yea? the ebay link here. any help is appreciated. jase.
  2. since when did william become the bully? not all that long ago he was the forum punching bag, now hes doing it to girls? bloody hell im +1 just waiting for pics of the car. get back to the topic already! sketra bring on the pics please
  3. hmm... street fighter 2 days... reminds me of collecting upperdeck nba basketball cards and wishing for a supernintendo for xmas..
  4. is it cool coz its different or cool coz the front bumber looks like the face of that giant stay puft marshmallow man from ghostbusters...?
  5. mr2s are fun to drive! i drove my mates 1zz Mr2 today with the tiptronic type manual transmission. heaps fun! wouldnt mind putting that kinda transmission in my 1zz if it were possible lol
  6. plumpton marketplace... made famous for the failed robbery attempt on the commonwealth bank several months ago.. by no means am i knocking the car.. i mean geez had nice rims and tint and looks well taken care of.. except the badge totally didnt look right.
  7. look ive spent the last 10 minutes looking for the appropriate thread about cars with the wrong badges on them.. and i cant find it! but yea, anyways... check out what i spotted at my local shops the other day lol!
  8. thats very useful info... lol good xracing is represented here so i can ask some q's directly lol
  9. many of you may be aware about the fibreglass carmate frontbar that i have had in my posession for quite some time. the original c-one and the actual bar i have (being installed by the frontbars previous owner - never really completed the install) and this is the frontbar as i attempted to see how far off the fitment was on my corolla. as you can see its far from a perfect fit. it schit.s.. bothers me that the top half of the frontbar is such an awful fit and id like to see it one day installed as smooth as stock. ive been toying with the idea of somehow chopping off the bottom section of the stock frontbar and somehow attaching the the lower half of the fibreglass bar in its place. sounds like a big job but just wondering, since were dealing with 2 entirely different materials (plastic and fibreglass), and that we are talking about the entire front end of the car... just wondering - 1 -would this kinda job be at all possible? 2 -has this been done before? i know you can install fibreglass hoodscoops to the stock metal hood but im assuming this is an entirely different ballgame.. any advice from others you know or from personal experience would be much appreciated. jase
  10. yo, my good mate just bought a mr2 and is on the lookout for a removable hardtop. im taking a wild guess in thinking toyota dont stock em anymore.. so where would be the best places (NSW hopefully) to source MR2 parts? also on the lookout for tail lights.. also.. WHAT TYPE OF MR2 SPOILER IS THAT ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THIS WEBSITE?
  11. what i meant was that the ram in this pc didnt have much ram at all... but it did have space for an extra stick of ram so we bought 1 gig online (mind you this must have been well over a year ago) and added it to the existing ram in his laptop. seriously... my brother and i dont use this laptop for much else except facebook, email, webchat and tocau. thats it! occasionally youtube.. but that pretty much sums it up. used to be able to play PKR but that wont even run for some reason.
  12. gday, ive added 1gig of RAM to my brothers toshiba satellite laptop. according to the manual it said you can add upto 2gig in the extra space it has, but all we could afford is 1gig. as far as i can see, the PC is still pretty slow going, so i am guessing i gotta change some sort of setting in order to get the most of the extra ram. anyone know what i should do, where ishould look to adjust the settings? the laptop is a pentium 4 with winxp, ati mobility radeon 9000... toshiba satellite a30 4 cpu 2.80ghz 912mhz 192mb ram. just throwing in any and all information i can find on this laptop. any advice would be greatly appreciated. jase
  13. i used to keep the club lock close by. of course ive never had to use it for anything else except to lock my steering wheel.
  14. me thinks that if she were going 90km/h in the left lane, and turned left towards the kerb/emergancy lane to get out of traffic instead of driving 110, moving right (which i could only imagine to be the fast lane?), with other cars and trucks going 120 around her... she may have avoided a lot of what happened. but then again.. a lot of this is just guessing.. since she hasnt said which lane she was in, traffic/weather conditions, how fast she hit the brakes or which freeway. is there an emergancy lane on the right side of any freeway?
  15. not sure how dobbing in troublesome drivers actually works. sounds like anyone can claim they saw someone driving wrecklessly, even if they werent. has anyone here actually dobbed in a wreckless driver? i admit i have dobbed in a high school student (still in uniform) on his Ps driving a van in a muddy side street doing donuts and roostertails to his school. reason being i was parked in that side street and was bout to drive home from work.. and the guy nearly hit my parked car. beyond that, i havent tried calling the cops on any wreckless driver.
  16. in my area western sydney we have a LOT of inexperienced P platers that choose not to follow basic road rules. overtaking on the left lane while im going 50/60 (depending on the road limit) in the right lane.. not giving way at roundabouts, driving up too close behind me as if its going to intimidate. i guess everyones experiences are different. ive had older guys cut me off etc and a lot of near misses with elderly or women drivers , but incidences with P platers (male and female) seem much more frequent than any other in my experience.
  17. would be nice to have tiptronic in the 1/2zzs.. wife can drive it like an auto, i can shift like a manual minus the clutch... you think its possible to source an import tiptronic transmission into australia?
  18. just want to get a clearer understanding of what happened... what kinda doesnt make much sense is that you "steered to the right to park".. logic and experience tells me you would normally go to the left.. where the slow/emergancy lane is located if you intended to eventually stop... freeway is at least 2-3 lanes yea? so which lane were you in at the time? sounds like you were trying to drive on an island in the middle of the road or something if you were trying to merge right. in that case, you must have been trying to slow down into the fast lane? fast lane going at upto and around 120km/h?
  19. it just occured to me.. youre still on your P's yea? what were you doing going 110?
  20. as the title states, just wondering how others on the forum have dealt with this issue. i do have 2 inputs already on my new widescreen monitor, 1= vga, the other is DVI. i bought a vga cable for the xbox and a vga-dvi adaptor to connect it through the dvi, but after a bit of researching, i realised there are 2 types of dvi. 1 type accepts analogue (vga) signals, the other type uses only true digital signals. i found out the hard way that the dvi input wont recieve any analogue signal.. so im left with 2 machines, 1 vga input. sucks xbox360 hasnt come out with a dvi cable, but then again, its not really needed for HD gaming right? im assuming microsoft pretty much covered themselves in that area already without having to develop a digital cable... sucks. so yea.. my monitor is 1440x900 and ive seen some vga switches on ebay that apparently only work at certain resolutions which do not include 1440x900?! are those kinds of specs really on the nose or does it not matter what resolution you use? although i only spent 3-4 bucks on the dvi adaptor, i still consider it a waste of money.. so i wanna make sure i get what i need without wasting a cent. any constructive help would be much appreciated. jase.
  21. this may be a stupid question but are you cutting into the grille of the stock speaker in the door panel?
  22. sincerely glad you and your mates are all ok after all that. havent been online in a few days so i didnt notice earlier. geez theres so much grief going on and its only february! im only on 3rd party as well so yea.. can only imagine the feelings going through your head since the accident. will be preying that everything will work out for you with the car and that you and your mates will be ok. jase
  23. hope you are continuing to take pics of your pod build as you are doing it?! im keeping an eye out for em. keep up the good work.
  24. anyone know any adsl installers? ive read in some places it costs 150-200 to install... just wanted to confirm these prices with anyone on the forum? or if you can recommend someone who would better that price in the Western SYdney area, that would be grand! thanks in advance, jase.
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