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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. yea i know dude, thanks but that would be the place to go if i was after just one... im looking for maybe 5 or more cameras that are exactly the same model... it would be good if i could just buy 5 different types of cameras but for a classroom setting, its kinda best that everyone has the same standard equipment. otherwise kids would be like "oh i want the good camera". my budget is roughly $500 at the most. sharing cameras amongst 25 + kids.. if i can get like 7-8 cameras id be happy. edit there are several good students who do bring their cameras from home, but they are easily only 3 kids that bother to bring them out of the whole class. so far ive searched tandy, dse, oo, jaycar and so far.. oo.com.au seems to sell refurbished digital cameras so ima keep a close eye on them... if anyone else knows any sites or stores worth checking out in the sydney area, please help a fellow member out! thanks !
  2. Gday all, Im currently on the lookout for a store or website that sells used/reconditioned digital cameras for work. They are needed as classroom equipment for my photography class. The cameras that we currently have are 7megapixel things that have since broken or been damaged. In my opinion, basic class photo taking doesnt require 7 megapixels.. 4 would be PLENTY.. back in 2003-4, 4 megapixel cameras were pretty damn expensive, but of course now the norm is around 10megapixels or more? My needs are much simpler, the pictures we print arent going to be huge.. If i could find a place that still sells 2 or 3 megapixel cameras id be happy! if you guys know where I can source some ASAP, Id be very grateful! Jase.
  3. just a couple of suggestions... while folding the fabric into thirds, you might as well iron them so that you have proper creases. instead of cutting fabric into strips, things just may be easier if you buy a roll of decent ribbon from a craft store or spotlight.. comes in all types of widths. this mod is a bit strange, not something id do, but not bad.. reminds me of wedding gifts or something.. no wait- im starting to have flashbacks of that commercial where this teenager gets a giftwrapped corolla for her birthday.. (except the parents didnt mention it was a rental..) classic ad that. it may need adjusting or reknotting after a while since the strips arent sewn in.
  4. ive seen a car back around y2k going home from work with ''smoked'' tail lights.. i think it was a ford of some kind... the genius who owned the car used black stockings... wish i took a pic..
  5. for some unknown reason they are not accepting new members, or they have stopped letting people join their forums.. anyone in here from the hachiroku owners and admirers members happen to be TOCAU members too? www.ae86drivingclub.com.au would be interested in joining.. ive been looking at the cars for sale section... just window shopping is all... but since that late night the other week watching initial d on sbs got me fascinated with the ae86!! bit stupid i know.. but still would like to join this club. Jase.
  6. white 1zz with the TRD sticker on the windscreen, white rims.. M_Ms old corolla before they bought the sportivo... thats Miikey.. or mikeys mum? i forgot to mention i spotted that car near my place.. Carroll crescent in (plumpton) some time earlier this week.. must have been afternoon around 2-3pm.. this is my car
  7. you wanna no whats weirder to ppl at george st arcade playing tekken in pikachu costumes Lol I was actually referring to two tocau members.. Mark aka M_M and the dude who drives the manual camry who used to deliverEd pizza for dominos
  8. this is gonna sound strange, but i spotted what looked like Peter Griffen and Yogi Bear walking out of the centre entrance of Plumpton shops.. between gloria jeans and subway tonight maybe before 8pm tonight.
  9. I was channel surfing in bed just b4 going to sleep and landed on what looked to be a jap movie on sbs. Some funny chubby teen arguing with what appeared to be his dad at their family owned gas station. tWas an amusing few seconds, enough for me to keep watching... Not long after it turned into some awkward teen love story and then this beautiful ae86 beats a black gtr down some windy roads in the middle of the night??! Didn't realize until I saw the car that I must have been watching initial d!?! It was past midnight and I fell asleep after the big race with the repaired ae86 and a couple other cars, one of which crashes in the 5 twisty turns during the race... The rest is a blur... We fell asleep after that... Did anyone catch it last night? Gotta love sbs!!! Best movies shown anywhere are non English speaking!
  10. what happened on 17/07/09.. i did attempt to do MJ in his thriller phase, but decent quality full body still shots of the video clip are very hard to come by.. i went as far as blading out the stencil... but it didnt work out. the rest of my time was spent rearranging the classroom and working out which pic to put up next. since ive already done the king of pop, i had a go at doing the king of rock n roll... as you can see i havent bladed the stencil out... just stuck it up to see if the thing would actually fit in that spot. im pretty sure i put the original pic up in an earlier post. this is situated on the wall directly opposite to michael jackson. i like this image since you have to look up at elvis and he looks like hes looking down from heaven at everyone who walks through the door. very hard to make out what i put on that pic.. but heres what ive drawn on there: ive got preliminary sketches of a couple other walls i want to do based on the themes i mentioned earlier... <1>"GUITAR HEROS" (kinda corny but its for high school students)and <2> "PIANO something somethings".. (still working on that particular title..) if anyone here has really classic images of guitarists or pianists doing their thing, please post those pics up here!! thanks!
  11. That was actually a really good idea. I was thinking what if the painting gets vandalized how would i repair it? i can still fish it out of the bin.. in fact im 100% the bin hasnt moved since taking the photo. I still have the beatles stencil in another room too.. will find a decent post roll and do exactly that. thanks jaderd!
  12. The Beatles + logo and missing nostrils DONE. Michael Jackson (part1) DONE. Im roughly 5foot5/6 if that gives you any indication of how tall this thing is.. i sooo wanted him taller than this. Kinda sad but what else was I gonnna do with the stencil? Thank you Michael! Thank you Michael! Thank you Michael! This is all im able to do today... photocopy room and my staff room are both shut down so no electricity to print or prepare anything else for my classes next term so ima pick up the wife and kids.. did i mention its SOOO nice being in school to do this stuff without having to teach or go on duty or anything else to distract me from what Im working on...
  13. The MJ mural has begun... Did this today,.. oops i mean yesterday (tuesday). 10.30/11am thru to 1.55pm. gotta love the timer feature on cameras... i wanted to be in the pic too?! quite literally half done painting. after this michael, im planning on doing maybe 3 more + a portrait of young afro michael in that same space.
  14. i been thinking of ways to somehow link all the different musicians together and i just realised i can split them up according to which instrument thèy use.. Microphone,guitar or piano. All i gotta do is draw the appropriate instrument in the centre and place the portraits around it..
  15. cuppas id SO do that angus pic if only the whole guitar was in the pic.. i can handle the bottom end of the guitar being cut off, but the tuning end of the guitar is cut off on the right side... i dont want to depict a guitar if its not like.. anatomically correct. if you can find the same pic complete with the knob end id totally include it! SIMO! looks good! im trying to decide whether to dedicate a wall to ONLY aussie performers, or whether to go with the original plan and group them together based on their musical style - rap/pop/disco/country/rock. but since we have a fair population of islanders whove come through NZ to move to Australia, would be nice to include NZ acts with the Aussie groups.. im thinking of the Finn boys and other certain NZ acts easily mistaken for Aussie bands. any thoughts?
  16. why didnt anyone mention bee gees? i think ill put them next to ABBA... damn how could i have forgotten disco?!
  17. I do agree that the number of Australian acts are outnumbered by the US acts, but ive asked almost every one of my classes and discussed the rock and roll acts and the majority of acts they could think of in terms of rock came from overseas. CKY, NIN, metallica, queen, Van Halen, marilyn manson, Alice cooper...outnumbered aussie acts such as jet, wolfmother. I am not trying to exclude aussie acts, its just fact that the kids i teach, regardless of whether they listen to rock, pop or hip hop.. their favourite acts are from overseas. Im trying to reach a balance of male and female,new and old, rap + r+b hip hop, rock and pop music. The Aussie acts have to somehow fit within those categories. its interesting that in my subject (visual arts), while im required to teach aboriginal/ aussie art, it only counts for a very small part of the stuff i teach. regardless of which subject you may teach, you gotta include aussie or aboriginal material in your work... but its impossable to make ALL of my subject about aussie stuff. basically what im saying is i while i think its important to include aussie acts, im not going to shove it down their throats and paint it on the walls if that is now what they are asking me to put up. Aussie acts I hope to put up include: JET Wolfmother ACDC COLD CHISEL/Jimmy Barnes Diesel Kylie Kate Cebrano demi hines marcia hines (are there any relevant indigenous acts i should include? acts that are already considered mainstream or common knowledge?) yothu hindi, and blind aboriginal singer who had is portrait included in the archibald prize this year is all i can think of at this point of time... or a random aboriginal elder sitting on the floor on a didgeridoo.. Anyway.. my personal hope is that students are inspired by whoever is up on those walls and what they have achieved.. or they could be motivated to try to create great artwork based on what they see painted on the corridors... in hopes that they too would also think big and achieve bigger. i hope that made sense. Did i mention im not being paid any extra to do any of this.. but a large number of kids i teach seem to be lacking in enthusiasm for any of their subjects, let alone music and visual arts which is what is why im bothering to do it. i just hope some good comes of it.
  18. with that being said, should also be glad i dont drive a cement truck.
  19. garbage girl would be good... her last name is manson isnt it? i am trying to find a close to even ratio of males to females on the walls... so far it looks like its gonna turn out to be a sausage fest on the walls.. gotta respect the females. im thinking christina aguelera, diana ross, whitney, mariah, cindy lauper, alanis, kylie... anyone got pics of any of these females that would be considered SFW, especially since im teaching years 7-10. if ive left anyone out please let me know!
  20. just wondering if there are any artists worth putting up that i havent mentioned already? ive got pics of the following.. KING of rock n roll GODFATHER of soul KING OF POP.. anyone with a label like this that i have left out? a much simplified version of these possibly:
  21. i know this would be a bit of a challenge, but is there any suitable pics of michael jacksons face that i could possibly fade in the background behind the full body portrait of mj? kram.. ? is that the guy who sang black betty the other year? supergrass..supertramp or something.. aussie band yea? to be honest i was kinda suprised at the lack of feedback i was getting when i first posted this thread... like i said before your input is much appreciated! here are other pics im considering, all in random order mind you.
  22. the first one is nice.. the 2nd one might be hard for most to make sense of if I left out the background. will try to find a larger version of the first! thanks!
  23. saads, ive tried to view them but apparently i dont have "permission" to? freddie was on my list i think? would be great if i could somehow view them.
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