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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. thanks.. ive been recieving mounting pressure from the students to get michael jackson up on the wall ASAP. ive been searching long and hard for a decent pic to blow up 3 metres tall at least. any help guys?
  2. damn ICQ.. had so many random friends in there that I met in IRC :P
  3. cant really hate on this.. its the first of its type ive seen on a facelift... from tazzie of all places?! for some reason the front end reminds me of something about the current model corolla. cant really put my finger on it. I was going to ask if it was a sportivo, then I noticed the black door handles and the strips down the sides.
  4. mIRC.. blast from the past.. people still use IRC? would have thought MSN, Ymsnger, Myspace, Bebo n Facebook would have killed that off.
  5. First band pretty much done: I put the image on overhead projector. Needed the Beatles to stretch 86-88 inches from left to right so the projector was about 6 metres from the whiteboard. I traced the pattern onto long rolls of paper which i taped together to match the size.. then I bladed the pattern out and stuck it up on the wall so I can trace it directly onto the wall from there. I initially tried using the overhead directly onto the wall in the corridor, but all 4 faces stretched out to maybe 1/3 of the way across the wall. I started on Friday during lunch and my free period.. I only had Ringo and John painted by the end of Friday. The first pic was taken just after I got started on Paul and George this afternoon. All done except for Johns and Pauls missing right nostrils.
  6. Madonna tribute to MJ @ her concert
  7. most i hit was 3 numbers on 1 game.
  8. gday, Im currently in the process of collecting images of artists/musicians to enlarge and paint on the walls of the corridor outside of my classrooms. Since I share this pathway with Music and my subject area is Visual Arts, I thought Id have a go at creating a mural in the very uninspiring white walls which currently inhabit the coridors. Although I dont want to go into too much detail into each image, I do however aim to put LOTS of artists up on the walls. Once enlarged and painted each portrait/head would be upto around my height which is rougly 160-170cm in height. Full body portraits would be lifesize or close to it. Although the selection criteria is pretty subjective.. I am only considering singers/musicians who are considered ICONS because of their overall image, style of music and recognition as the best at whatever they do. NO ONE HIT WONDERS. The artists I have found so far are considered popular amongst the students I teach. To give you guys an idea of the types of images I am trying to find, here are the pics I have found thus far.. the following few I am 99% sure I will include: deciding whether to use this: or this: (just the silhouettes, and possibly the zebra crossing that went with it) looking to find a possibly better image of: As you can see, these pics would be pretty simple to do on large scale. (simple as in I can trace the lines and not too much shading). Overall, Im trying to get this similar to SinCity colours in that the images are only black/white with splashes of red or any other colour which would seem appropriate. NOW.. what Im asking of you good folk... I need to find artworthy images of the following artists: **Rock N Roll** *Elvis *eyes closed, mouth open as if he was singing *Angus of AC/DC + guitar doing that fancy kick/walk he does(if possible) *Freddie Mercury of Queen *1 fist in the air, the other preferebly on a mic *Tenacious D *Mick Jaggar *in full screaming mode.. *Jimmy Barnes *full screaming mode *Steve Tyler from Aerosmith *full screaming mode *Lenny Kravitz *guitar in hand **FEMALES/pop** please no naked/sexually suggestive pics.. SFW images yea? *Britney *Christina Aguelera *Alicia Keys + piano *Beyonce + 2 back up dancers IE single ladies video clip *Mariah *Pink *CHICK FROM GARBAGE *CINDY LAUPER *MICHAEL JACKSON zombie walking with accompanying zombies ala THRILLER. - this particular pic would look great when viewed from far down the end of the corridor. Obviously I cant get all of these done within the space of a few weeks but if I at least get a decent collection of images together, it would put me much further than I am now. Any other suggestions for artists please post pics up here ASAP. If you can photoshop your images into something similar to what you see above with my images, please do so! it would save me much time! ALL HELP AND CONTRIBUTIONS MUCH APPRECIATED! JASE!
  9. fave clip of all time was "in the closet"... if you dont remember it featured naomi campbell dancing a lil too much for my 12 year old eyes to handle the first time i saw it. fave song - "you are not alone". saw the clip for the first time in a LONG time this morning and for some stupid reason i started getting teary. didnt think id react to this news but yea... what else can i say - i grew up watching, listening, enjoying his music! he will be missed!
  10. Im sure most people would here would be able to say they grew up watching and listening to Michael Jackson.. i refer you back to the youtube vid i posted up on youtube last year. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  11. im pretty sure its a case of me filling up the overflow and not the actual radiator. It has been several days since I have filled up the radiator proper and I have not had any issues since. The day after I filled up the radiator, my car would bubble or "gargle" briefly.. must be simply air bubbles in the coolant. I have not had any problems and the temperature has not gone even half way up since monday. will be topping up oil and coolant on the weekend. there was never any sign of any possible coolant leaks. it was just me filling up the radiator wrong. its soooo good having the heat back in the cabin during the cold drives to work!
  12. thanks man i havent been thinking straight. i knew the little indicator window was only for the overflow, but in all my confusion i had mistaken it for the actual amount of fluid in the radiator. in my previous car, the engine looked mighty different... the plastic radiator overflow was white/translucent and was very obviously separate to the actual radiator. since the overflow and the actual radiator cap on the corolla are so close together, and apart from the different caps the tubes appear to be all black plastic, ive gotten things confused. cant believe i made such a stupid mistake. id have never made this mistake in my previous car.. everything seems pretty obvious in my bundera since it was an 1985... moving up to a 2003 everything seems plastic in the engine bay. anyways my dad checked out the car and i ran the engine, opened up the correct radiator cap and poured as much radiator fluid as possible. i cant believe ive been just filling the overflow all this time! within the space of only 15 mins, the engine temp had stabilised and the heat has returned to my airvents. ive taken the car out for petrol and the car runs fine. thanks everyone for your help!
  13. just checked - no moisture to speak of BKS... this is no longer just a heater problem.. the car itself is overheating up to the red. i still suspect its the thermostat... hopefully i can drive home without the engine blowing up.
  14. UPDATE. right now i am at work. this morning I filled up my radiator with more coolant. looks as though the coolant level was much lower than first thought. anyways, on my way to work my car begins to OVERHEAT. I had to stop twice, hoping that the temperature would go down, but for the majority of the drive the temp was upto/close to the RED! now tell me in your experience what this might be? i had a smiliar problem with my bundera and it was the thermostat that needed to be replaced. any other hypothesis's guys? Im lucky i only live 10-15 mins from work. jase.
  15. the reinforcement bar looks good, but is that engineer approved as you were suggesting earlier? looks as though you have only 2 bolts holding the bar in place... does the original only use 2 as well? if the engineer and insurance companies have no problem with this then ill definately look into getting one made for my car. looks better and possibly stronger than stock?? sorry to say but the first pic of the frontbar unpainted looks cooler than after its been painted?! stands out more if it was flat black.. almost carbon fibre looking lol! but yea im sure the car with the newly painted front bar looks better if you took a pic during the day. well done overall!
  16. when i checked the coolant level, the car was cold. in any case, ill fill up the coolant in the morning, then check those hoses after i get home from work. might also be a good idea to check the fuse box.. heater fuse? tempted to check it now but im still doing work on some year 9 reports.
  17. 2 car pros just checked the website above, first thing it mentions as reasons for heater failure is that the coolant may be low, which in my case could be true... since the coolant last time i checked is around 3/4 or half way full. Ill give that a go and see what happens before i go to work..
  18. damn i forgot bout that djkor i think your right on that point... the thermostat is sorta linked to the temperature dial in the console yea? i havent had any temperature issues, so im thinking now it may be a blockage. there was one time the other week we drove down the m7, then the m5 to go to sutherland shire, which is 40-50 minute drive from my place. the heater was set all the way up and there was SOME heat coming out but it was erratic.. not steady, continuous or strong as it has been in the past. im hoping its only a blockage of the pipes... instructions for that is also in my manual... i saw all the work that goes into removing the heater core (in pictures).. the manual said its not reccommended to fix at home since youre dealing with areas around the airbags. damn this doesnt look good. anyone know how much it would cost to fix if it was the worst case scenario ? from memory the thermostat would have been like 100 to replace by a mechanic.. but with all the work involved with replacing the heater core.. damn.. im not too sure i want to hear the quote...
  19. yea i just read the corolla manual i bought way back when i did my first oil/filter change. it said it could be any number of things, including: A. stuck thermostat B. blocked pipes C. stuffed heater core. - this involves removing steering column and the whole dash! im betting its the thermostat! thats an easy fix, right?! my 03 1zz has only done 63xxx kms so far?! surely it cant be the core! damn it if its the core ima make sure they relocate that to the glove box or something this is rediclous.
  20. GDAY, dont know why i didnt ask about this earlier... its been cold in sydney in recent weeks and in the last 5-6 weeks Ive had problems getting warm air out of the fan. It simply doesnt warm up. Before any problems occured, i had the opposite problem, meaning that if i had the air turned even half way between cold and hot, the air would be more than warm enough to keep everyone in the car toasty. all that works now is the fan and airconditioner.. but no warm air which has become a real issue lately. it was my understanding that the warm air comes from the warmth of the engine so actual heater involved... please correct me if im wrong on this. anyway, if you can help me out, tell me where I should be looking for problems, my wife n kids would greatly appreciate it. Jase.
  21. every other time ive searched for a price on these, it was always around the 400 mark. i can remember as far back as when that car shop near broadway was still open and i asked for the price there.. that was a few months after i got my car.. musta been 2005/6. convenient that its a local seller, instead of dealing with postage from japan on this one. edit: damn it this guy is selling the JDM headlights too! 420 + 20 delivery!
  22. It was my understanding that the Filipino Govt's argument is that the flag should only be displayed completely, as it originally appears, whether its on clothes, cars, or flying on a flag pole. any variations of this (IE - using ONLY the stars and sun, or modifying the original flag in some way) would be considered illegal. as for the anthem, the Filipino anthem supposedly has a specific rhythm similar to a military march. If you watch the Pacquiao vs Hatton fight the other month, you would have seen Filipino singer Martin Nievera singing his own version of the anthem which started out slow and ended on a big long note. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!interestingly enough hes also wearing a shirt with the sun + stars... broke the law twice at the same time?! lol compare that to the original below: Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  23. found a similar usb player with bluetooth on ebay. look up this store: here!
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