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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. ive been thinking, since the dvd drive can be changed or upgraded to another dvd drive on the xbox 360, would you think its possible to replace it with a blueray dvd drive? i know based on past experience when it comes to PC's, installing/replacing a cd/dvd drive is pretty much a plug n play kinda deal. Might a blueray dvd drive be as easy if installed to an xbox 360?
  2. i just recieved an email from another repairer saying theyd replace the motherboard and dvd drive, change the cooling fan for $150... If youve got the money, great!
  3. UGH.. someone already said that if you bothered to read the other comments anyways, ive gone through the registration process on the xbox website and ordered a repair through the site. it asked me specifically what the issue was, and whether it had the 3 red rings in a dropdown menu. I wrote in less than 500 letters what the problem was and that I havent attempted to open the console and Ive selected "YES, I see 3 red lights lalala.."). The next page gave a recipt of the service order including a price for the repair which ive cut n pasted just below. | | | V Product Quantity Price (AUD) Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xbox 360 Console Service - 3 Flashing Lights ( Exchange ) Part # 268 1 $0.00 $0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product prices shown do not include VAT. VAT is charged based on the VAT Rate of the country to which the product ships. Shipping and handling charges are included in the price. Subtotal $0.00 Shipping $0.00 VAT @ 10.00% $0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Total $0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correct me if Im wrong, but it appears that theyre going to send me an empty box to pack my console in and send it back to them and have the console exchanged for $0. FREE. Takes at least 3 weeks but its getting repaired for nothing which is awesome. All I got to make sure of is that all the cables, cds and hard drive are separated from the console before packing it in the box. I was close to calling the local xbox repairer/chip guy but after reading Paradigm's useful advice, it looks as though I may get my box fixed for nothing, which is how it should be since this error is inherently the manufacturers fault!
  4. I'd try to pm yu but this new forum layout... Ugh.. Anyways are you flexable on the price of the sideskirts? And what exactly is an air breather filter? If that's the air conditioner cabin filter that fits in behind the glovebox, I bagZ that!
  5. Nice 4wd, great pics! I remember long ago I had those rancho suspensions on my wishlist lol! Can you adjust them from the drivers seat? If petrol wasn't so damn expensive (and if I wasn't married with kids) I'd still be trying to modify my old landcruiser bundera. Out of curiosity where bouts did you head offroad?
  6. quite easy to fix get a ps3 :P ok fine I expected smartass comments like that, but let's just keep it on topic! For myself and for other members with x360's who may one day get this same problem, any diy solution or any contacts to reach a reliable console repairer would be an awesome help. Thanks
  7. gday, need help fixing my xbox 360!!! on startup, screen remains black, all i get is the 3 red rings flashing away and the green power light. no warranty on it.. this is the 2nd xbox360 ive owned.. both were bonus's when i bought my mobile phone from strathfield, which made it difficult to deal with the tech support guys at microsoft when the red rings occured on my 1st x360 and had it fixed under warranty. its been like 3 years since ive had this 2nd x360 and this is the first time Ive had the red lights. any help would be appreciated if i could fix this myself at home, but if you know of someone in western sydney that can fix this please let me know asap!!! thanks, jase.
  8. Which sites offer jailbreak n free apps other than the iTunes store?
  9. thanks for the info. btw, my wife and I do use the same (mine) itunes account. just another thing, ive heard of jailbreak before but what does it do? why should i get it?
  10. Hey all, I've got a question I haven't actually been able to get a straight answer to.. We've got 2 iPhones in the family, and I was thinking about getting the most out of the iPhones gps capabilities by purchasing the tomtom app which is about $99 in the AppStore. If i buy an app once, can I also install it in my wifes iPhone without paying twice? I've only had experience downloading free apps so I've got no clue about purchasing. Any help would be appreciated!
  11. G'day, if you have an iPhone 8 gig basic model you aren't using anymore, my dad is after one.
  12. gday, just letting you know whats been going on - i havent had all that much time to sit at the desktop to try to resolve the problems Ive been having with the PC, however I have just completed installing SP3. I hadnt tried connecting my Iphone to the thing since itunes required installing, but after I did, the PC wouldnt recognise that Ive connected the iphone through my uSB! strange that... Im 99% sure my wifes iphone would work no probs but ive yet to try it out. ive restarted and retried every step and still the Pc doesnt acknowledge the iphone or attempts to sync.
  13. Spotted@ the street on the north side of Mt Druitt Station. tonight, around 9.40-10pm Greyish Corolla with bodykit, au.toyotaownersclub.com sticker plastered on the rear window. Parked on the side of the road... near the north mt druitt shops/24hr gym.
  14. gday... as far as i can see, you can only log in as OWNER.. I restarted the pc and since attempted to log out>switch user, but Owner was the only option. any advice?
  15. thanks for the link... the thing im worried bout is that im logged in as OWNER, and i dont recall ever creating a login/password for my pc as OWNER or ADMIN. .. any advice in case i try to login and it asks for a password? Edit- i did have an 80gig external hd, but its gone missing.. me thinks one of my students have been looking in my bag.
  16. just realised, microsoft office, photoshop, nero arent opening as expected. looks like I may have to reinstall all this stuff and I think Ive lost the disks... argh! no nero = cant copy files onto dvd+r's.. any way to do this through windows xp software? looks as though itll only let me copy to cdr's. as far as i know, ive never used or have had to use the admin/user/owner logins before.. atm im logged in as owner... not sure if i mentioned this earlier. any help guys would be appreciated in this matter.
  17. hmm.. just realised ive got 83 updates to install for windows! just deleted PKR, which now has created a total of 8 gigs free space!
  18. Hello all, My HP Pavilion f480a has pooped itself. The 160gigs hard drive had less than 1gig of free space at the time it crashed and to fix it, I had to perform a restore which returned windows to the state it was in back when I first bought the pc, but thankfully it left all important work data, family photos intact. Now.. Ive been trying to clean the hard drive up a bit by deleting stuff I really dont need and hope to copy the priceless family photos/videos onto dvd+r's. However, since the restore, Ive had problems opening programs, deleting or even accessing some folders on my desktop which took up considerable diskspace. It appears as though although I am the "owner", i dont have authority to access the folder?! Im updating windows xp as we speak.. but is there anyway I could possibly regain access to these blocked folders so I can delete them for good? Any constructive info would be much appreciated.. Jase
  19. back in the day i layby'd mine and put every spare cent towards paying it. i was 15? handy how big w was walking distance otherwise i wouldnt have bothered.
  20. Thats EXActly WHAT i was doing when i was reading back on this thread on my iphone lol! thanks for all the feedback guys! BLACKDEVIL: my covers pretty good... it covers all sides so I dont need to mess round with screen protector stickers. The touch screen is less sensative but its something im willing to live with due to the overall convenience of not having to worry about scratching it. for 10 bucks at the local mobile aftermarket store its worth it instead of buying a $15 case that only covers the back + another $15-20 for a plastic protective sticker for the touchscreen.
  21. gday all.. Just wanted to ask a question to the iphone owners or anyone who may have the answer to this thing ive been wondering about. Ive noticed that when you tilt the iphone, you may notice two dark spots just to the left of the phone speaker. Now I wouldnt think much about these spots except for the fact that ive got a plastic iphone cover that includes holes for these two spots. Now im pretty sure these holes arent for a 2nd camera for video calls (which would have been pretty cool), so im clueless as to what these things may be for. What are they for? Ive pointed them out in the pic below. Ive checked the iphone site, googled it, yahoo questioned it but ive had no luck.. maybe im asking the wrong question? any info would be useful...
  22. Gday, as the title suggests, Im after a 2nd hand 1din cd/mp3/am/fm stereo for my dads car. Basically it has to be able to play cds which contain MP3s, not stereos that have the AUX input on the front. If you have one laying around, please PM me ASAP.
  23. And in a post about racism, too! Smooth. ;) i unless you grew up when the term was really a racial slur, younger people wouldnt consider it as such. Two examples... CHK CHK BOOM chick... or maybe you havent heard of the movie WOGBOY? if Nick Giannopoulos can make an Aussie comedy with WOG in the title then aint no way in hell id consider it to be a negative term. I'd hardly consider Wogboy as an example. Nick Giannopoulos is Greek. Theres nothing racist about poking fun at your own culture. It's when others are poking the fun that it becomes racist. I hardly think this was Nicks attitude to the term wog when he made that movie, which was a big success in Australia and Im pretty sure a large portion of people who watched the movie were not of Greek decent. Needless to say I never meant to cause any offence in my use of the term WOG. Ive had more than my fair share of racism against myself in Sydney and Adelaide while growing up and even in the last couple of years when a white kid called me a CHINESE C*NT and spat on the drivers side window (which ive also discussed on these forums just after the incident occured). I went to a high school where everyone openly made fun of eachother, had a sense of humor and pretty much meant no harm when we called eachother skip, wog, or nip... even the N word thinking back.. we had all sorts, yet we all got along?! Chk chk boom chick wasnt the smartest girl in the world, but she was speaking in a way I hear many other people speak when they arent on camera, or not trying to censor themselves fearing someone is going to get offended. Its not particularly politically correct, but for some people, the terms dont mean anything anymore if not used in an offensive manner to people you are comfortable speaking the language to. But yea, obviously you were offended, and for that I apologise. back to the original topic, i missed TT on monday but FINALLY theres an article on the today tonight website which can be found HERE. Make of it what you will.
  24. Because China is such a developed country themselves. They're just jealous that they can't sprout body/facial hair as well as we can! Asian facial hair is awesome. The charactor is of course fictional, but ill be hoping to let it grow like this as I get older :P BTW - ive seen racism out of my parents homeland (philippines) and I also felt somewhat offended, even though Im not white! one time I was in the grocery store at the checkout and there was this white guy in in line just in front of us. the entrance was right next to the checkout, and im pretty certain the white guy didnt understand that the native filipinas walking through were complaining about the smell of pig as they were walking through... and im sure there wasnt any lechon (roasted pig) getting cooked nearby. since i can understand enough of the language, but not enough to confidently speak the language myself since I was born and raised in sydney, when i go up there i feel very much like a white aussie hiding in an asian body. bit strange that... im sure most aussie bred filos would feel the same.
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